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    I think i"m going to faint or something when the fancams come out! O_O
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I'm been a lurker for MONTHS here and I've been refraining myself to post here coz I can never share as amazing stuff as compared to anyone here but....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But after seeing that pic of Yonghwa and Seohyun hold hands and all the other pics... AHHHH I WAS NOT WRONG IN ROOTING THEM WHEN I STARTED WATCHING THEM ON WGM!!! AND I THINK I NEED TO VOICE OUT MY OPINION NOW! *goes crazy* I LOVE THESE TWO T_T <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can not possibly wait for the fancams now!! I'm so happy that they are so comfortable with each other! The WGM epi lagging are seriously not projecting how their relationship is at now! IM HAPPY SO DAMN HAPPY!!! T_T
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I see theres a twitter list going on? What's going on with that? I just know everyone is trending #yongseo. But anyway my twitter is - @tartsmile :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    well anyone know why the nul saranghae subs video is very bad quality

    just like streaming one ?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    you have to wait for like an hour or so for the quality to became better i.e. 480p
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    its probably at 360p now. the first part is now 480p so it should be better quality.

































































  10. OMG This Thread is love <3

    Micky is VERY popular here haha. But I agree with most ppl here, DBSK's Purple Line has some ridiculous lyrics, despite the fact the melody of that song is totally awesome! <3

    And Yunho's rap in SKY. LOLZ

    "It's your eyes, it's your hand, it's your heart. It's your love" - 2gether 4ever SHinhwa

    Ok there's nothing wrong about this one in terms of the English, but then their pronounciation was hilarious.

    I heard them go: "Eat your eyes, eat your hand, eat your heart. Eat your love" LOLZ. I died so many time listening to this. XD

    DBSK'S Rising Sun..."Never lies, to be your mind. Got to be a true"...LOL

    Dangerous Mind..."Uh, uh. Come on, let me talking about that, Funky town. It's the funky town

    made a Tricky tricky world" ... it doesnt make much sense to me at all XD

    (Don't get me wrong, I love DBSK's and Shinhwa's music, just that they've got some really funny engrish lyrics + pronunciation.)

  11. Hi, this my first time posting on this thread. :) I've been a silent reader for a very long time now. lol

    I was just wondering, is the new album out today 010808? Or has it been postponed. I haven't been keeping up with the thread much so I hope somebody can help.

    Thanks :D

    p.s. i noticed that alot of users are getting suspended on YT coz alot of my favourited Big Bang videos have mysteriously disappeared :(

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