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Posts posted by papaya.yang

  1. ^^Double post. Here are my fancams that I took on 11/09 in NJ.
    id="watch-headline-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 1.8333em; background-color: rgb(235, 235, 235); height: 1.1363em; max-height: 1.1363em; line-height: 1.1363em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); overflow: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"Big Bang NJ Concert Soundcheck party 11/09 GD & TOP - Knock Out

    id="watch-headline-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 1.8333em; background-color: rgb(235, 235, 235); height: 1.1363em; max-height: 1.1363em; line-height: 1.1363em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); overflow: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"Big Bang NJ Concert Soundcheck party 11/09 GD CrayOn

    id="watch-headline-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 1.8333em; background-color: rgb(235, 235, 235); height: 1.1363em; max-height: 1.1363em; line-height: 1.1363em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); overflow: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"NJ Concert Big Bang - Bad Boy (TOP fancam)

    id="watch-headline-title" class="" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 1.8333em; background-color: rgb(235, 235, 235); height: 1.1363em; max-height: 1.1363em; line-height: 1.1363em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); overflow: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"Big Bang TOP dancing NJ Concert 11/09

  2. Hey you guys, I just bought my V.I.P ticket for the Alive Galaxy Tour for Newark, NJ! I wanted to see if there are any people from MN or anywhere other than NJ that will be traveling there. I would like to partner up with someone/a group when I get there. If you are going to the NJ one and would like to meet up before the concert, please private message me. But anyways, I'm SUPER EXCITED!! My dream has finally come true! :-)
































































































































































    Congratulations on reaching the 5th year, Big Bang! Much love
















































































































































































































    Hello to the judges from YG Entertainment and Soompi. And hello to Big Bang if you guys are really reading this! (: I am sorry that I won't have anything fancy, or eye catching pictures to post. It won't be a long post either, but I hope you all enjoy reading it.














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Out of all of the singers that I support, Big Bang will always have a special place in my heart. 2009 was the worst year of my life; I lost both of my parents due to illness. While everything was in chaos, I constantly listened to Big Bang songs. I know it sounds cliché, but their songs helped me a great deal. The one song that helped me the most, is their song titled "Foolish Love." At that time, the only line I knew was, "Everything's gonna be alright, right." Even though I knew the song had no relation to what I was going through at the time, that line comforted me. And for that, I want to say thank you. I never really understood the power that music can bring until I cried tears while listening to that song.
































































































































































































































































































































    Pa Yang
















































































































































































































































































































































































    I should be studying. lol.
































































































































































































    Yes I do. I usually listen to slow songs.. The latest I've been listening to is Justin Timberlake's "Never Again".
































































































































































































    I think that, personally, just because Nick Khun didn't say much during the conference does not mean he doesn't agree with the rest of the members. Some people in tough situations just don't want to say anything, even though sometimes they themselves have the most to say.
















































































































































    I am the very few that still supports 2PM as 2PM. I refuse to call them "6pm, 1:59pm.. etc" I think it's rude to call them that because they have worked so hard and have dealt with so much things after Jaebum left in September and the official exit of Park Jaebum, 2PM's leader.
















































































































































    Jaebum was the first member to draw me into 2PM. So, as with everyone, my heart sank so low when he left in September. I was devastated, heart broken; you name it, I felt it.
















































































































































    So, when the news finally came during the conference that he has officially been expelled.. All of the hope from these past few months went down the drain. Our Leader is never coming back.
















































































































































    My love for him will remain the same, as the love with the members that are left. Even after the conference, I have not changed my love for members that are still there. Just because someone got mad, or mentioned that he "hated" Jaebum, it does not necessarily mean he has betrayed Jaebum, or out to get Jaebum.
















































































































































    Families fight from time to time. There are days when sometimes you say that you "hate" that certain family member. But that doesn't mean you actually do, right? We humans say it out of frustration, anger, and disappointment. So, I don't think it's fair to call the boys "backstabbers" just because they felt that.
















































































































































    You know, everyone has been running in circles and repeating everything a lot. I'm tired of it too. I just wish this was all a bad dream and that Park Jaebum will show up in South Korea and give us all a big smile and say that he is there to stay.
















































































































































    But, as life is showing us, we have to face reality. Our leader is really gone. Even though he is gone, it does not mean I should turn my back on the rest that are left behind. They are our Beasts, our boys. We can't abandon them when they need us the most.
















































































































































    It's not like they wanted all of this to happen, either. I'm sure if they had it their way, Jaebum would be right there with them. But, life just doesn't go the way we want it to.
















































































































































    I will forever miss our Leader, but I will move on with 2PM. That doesn't mean I will forget the memories that these boys have shared. They will always be remembered in our hearts. My love for 2PM is as strong as ever. If I was in South Korea right now, I would be in front of the JYP building and picking up the ripped CD's and taping them back together.
















































































































































    Wasn't it mentioned during the conference that a fan asked if Jaebum could speak up about this if he wanted to, and the JYPE rep said he can?
































































































































































































    Based on a few fan accounts, you guys are already pushing the 6 members down to the ground? Isn't this what happened to Jaebum? Things got mistranslated and that's how people started to hate him? I'm not trying to doubt these fan accounts, but, please don't be so quick to judge on the 6 members!
















































































































































    If they showed any type of anger, frustration or whatever, aren't they entitled to feel however they feel? Do you guys really think the members are mere puppets that play by JYPE's wishes? Are they just robots that do what the master says?
















































































































































    They've been stomped on by some of their fans, looked down upon in terms of singing and dancing wise.. Who wouldn't be mad and frustrated? If they did show their anger, then I say that's quite alright with me. I'd rather they show their true feelings than shield it and try to comfort those fans that are against them in the first place.
















































































































































    And I was never a fan of this conference in the first place since they didn't allow any video recording or anything. Because ---- I just knew that without any evidence of what they talked about, their words said CAN be mistranslated and twisted by some fans who are just angry with the boys.
















































































































































    Whatever that was spoken during the conference would of course not be about candy and theme parks and whatnot. I just, I want the best for all 7 of them as individuals.
















































































































































    Also, in my opinion. I don't think Jaebum left to save the 6 members. He left to save himself and the embarrassment of facing the nation with what he said. He even said so himself that he couldn't face anyone and stand on stage knowing what he said. I don't remember him ever mentioning that he left to save 2PM.. ? Unless if someone could prove me wrong?
































































































































































































    It's fascinating to see some fans of 2PM, who, at the height of the chaos last year, were astonished to see antis, netizens, fans, strangers alike pointing fingers at Jaebum and degrading him are here doing the SAME THING to the 6 members of 2PM.
















































































































































    I'm in utter shock to hear these words from fans, fans that speak as though they are antis. I'm freakin heart broken that Jaebum's been expelled, cut out, victimized, but what people are doing to 2PM is not right.
















































































































































    I know that everyone is beyond hurt, confused, and frustrated.. But please, please think about the members that are left. I do not want MORE 2PM members to leave because people decided they want to start hating on them and ripping up their CD's and throwing things at the building.
















































































































































    I don't want to be sitting here without any 2PM at all because fans decided to throw a hatred party and ruin their lives and their careers. I as anyone else wanted Jaebum back, but what's done has been done. The hate to the 6 members has to stop. It's sickening to see their names tossed around and trampled on as though they are the evil people behind all of this.
















































































































































    I don't want 2PM to fall and crash by their OWN fans. It's so devastating to see this unravel and see so much hatred. I love all 7 the same, but 6 is all we have left. For those of us who will support 2PM as 2PM, let's pray that the fans who are rallying against 2PM do not destroy them.
















































































































































    People get divorced, people die, people move. Things change, everyone. Everything can not stay the same, even if we all want it so bad. I miss Jaebum so much, but I can not turn a blind eye to the 6 members who have also WORKED HARD, WHO HAVE TO STAY BEHIND AND STAY STRONG FOR US FANS.
















































































































































    It's so insulting to read that the 6 members can not reach the level that Jaebum is at. I'm sure if Jaebum knew of this he would be very disappointed with those who have said that. At least, that's my opinion and take on it.
















































































































































    I will really miss Jaebum, though. Our leader will never come back, ever... T.T So long, goodbye, Park Jaebum.
















































































































































    & I agree with (Kiettana and sunmikiwangjang.
































































































































































































    I'm really shocked right now. I'm just, ugh. I can't believe Jaebum is really not coming back, ever. It's all so confusing and... It's just mind blowing. What in the world did Jaebum do that he can't come back?
















































































































































    But, you know, I think JYPE released that small information just because, fans will pester them for more info if they were vague about it. So, of course, they will throw the "he did something worse" for a "better" reason as to why JYPE is letting him go.
















































































































































    I mean, honestly people, if JYPE said they are letting him go without much reason, then we as fans would be even more in a uproar and definitely kick butt.
















































































































































    I'm not saying we should always believe in what JYPE says, but... We can't always think more than it is all the time. I think for now we all need to cool down and think more thoroughly before doing anything.
















































































































































    I saw the picture of the fan(s) that ripped and cut the 1:59 album. I personally think that is disgusting and immature. In my opinion, I feel that that is worse than an anti. I'm so ashamed by those fans who would do that to the 6 members that worked so hard. I know they bought it and it's their money, but to do that to an album and show it online is so degrading and tasteless.
















































































































































    I'm sorry if I offend anyone. Please direct it to PM if you have something to say.
















































































































































    V Just because some of us who don't have 2PM pictures on our icons and signatures does not mean we are not 2PM fans. That's such a wrong stereotype of us 2PM fans who don't have them in our signatures & icons,.
















































































































































































    ^Yeah, he's the same guy they met during their MTV show. He's the one who watched the Tell Me MV and said that Yubin said Biggie's trade mark "Baby, Baby," hehe!
































































































































    The Wonder Girls at New York Fashion Week - Teen Vogue
































































































































    credit: teenvoguemag@youtube.com
































































































































    They all look so gorgeous~ *sigh* I'm really going to miss Sunmi... Anyway, I really hope they release their album in April! I've been waiting for it for a long time now.. heh
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Credit: www.wondergirlsworld.com
















































































































































































    The Star Show June 9th, 2008
































































































































    Q: Has there been times when you wanted to give up the singer life? Sunmi, have you ever?















































































































































































































































































    Sunmi: Truthfully, I never thought I wanted to stop or it was too hard. But I don’t have any memories with my friends. Not really. Because I started at such a young age, I think I really miss the memories of experiences like swimming. But even so, I’m with the Wonder Girls, and making other memories. So I’m not sad.














































































































































































































































































































































































































    [Credit: www.wgjjang.wordpress.com]














































































































































































































































































































































































































    You can go HERE if you want to watch the videos, download it, or re-watch it!
































































































































































































































































    18th Seoul Music Awards 2009
































































































































    Just reliving it since the upcoming one is just around the corner!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The JYP Family LOVE!

































































































































































    I can't say it enough TOP is hot and cute at the same time. I don't think anybody can do cute and bad richard simmons at the same time without looking a bit bipolar. With TOP, it just somehow fits. I need that vid in HQ. !
































































































































    I agree completely with what you said here! hehe! I was spazzing the whole time when I was watching it for the first time too! LOL! Too bad we all can't gather and squeal together..
































































































































































































































































    So yes I watched TOP's new solo MV. I actually forgot the Big Show was coming up, so to my surprise I came in and there were fan cams and pictures already! Ahhh! Anyway, back to TOP's song. What more can I say? Everyone has said exactly what I wanted to say, so I won't focus too much on it. hehe.
































































































































    I wasn't really a big fan of the girls in the MV, but putting aside my jealous feelings it had a nice feel to it and matched the song. And of course, TOP was sexy richard simmons heck in the MV, no doubt about it! I love the part when he shows two sides of him. The "music" side and the "acting" side. Also, when he did that little dance after, AHH!!! LOL! It's kinda like a feather dance, but not really?
































































































































    Well, listening to the song.. The first thought was, "Oh isn't this song for their movie 19?" It sounded similar to it, because I remember the making of his MV for the movie and it had a similar feel to this song, maybe because of the autotune thingie, IDK? But anyway, love the song and I can't wait for it to come out HQ! I also can't wait until they release this into DVD.. =)
































































































































    I would comment on the other things that happened but I haven't gotten around to all of the fan cams yet, so. hehe. Just came in here right away to blab about TOP.. Anyway, thanks everyone for the updates!! Truly appreciate it!! <3
















































































































































































    I know that a lot of people were saying, that JYPE and Sunmi must of been talking about this for a while.. That finding a replacement was decided awhile back before announcing.. But people need to understand that it is sudden to us fans. We just got wind of it, and it practically knocked us down. I wish some people would stop telling others to stop expressing their grievances; Example: You wouldn't want to go up to someone at their family's funeral and slap them in the face, telling them to get over it. It's just not that simple to forget and move on. I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm jabbing at others, but that's just how I feel right now.
































































































































    I've had a night of sleep and after waking up, I still feel the same. Honestly, for me... I don't know how to deal with this new member. I wasn't there in beginning when Yoobin replaced Hyunah, so there's no ill feelings or anything. It's just, I have no room in my head right now to think about a new member. All of my thoughts are on the departing Sunmi and the 4 girls left to continue the journey.
































































































































    I can't even imagine how the rest feel. I'm sure they would of had to accept Sunmi's decision no matter what, but I know they all must be hurting so much right now. I feel so sad for them.. I know that they ALL want to go back to Korea, but they have gotten far and they can't just turn around and run back to Korea.
































































































































    It's just so depressing knowing that there's possibly no chance of Sunmi returning as a Wonder Girl. I've always thought that the Wonder Girls were entering the market so soon, but I guess it's better to do it now than later?
































































































































    *sigh* The best of luck to Sunmi, and the rest of the Wonder Girls. This will definitely be marked as 1 of the worst things to happen to the Wonder Girls in Wonder Girls history.
















































































































































































    I'm just in utter shock and disbelief that Sunmi decided she is leaving the Wonder Girls. I'm not against her going back to study and finish up her schooling and go to college, but what's worse is that JYPE didn't say if and when she comes back to the entertainment world that her place in Wonder Girls would be left open for her or not.
































































































































    I won't comment much on the new member, since I know nothing much about her.. It's just, so devastating that there's a high chance that Sunmi won't come back. It's... It's just mind blowing news in the start of a new year. I mean, last year they won the highest daesang.. You wouldn't think the following year a member would be leaving. :tears:
































































































































    JYPE and it's artists have brought so much pain to us fans.. I don't know how to take this. At this moment, I'm not sure how to really respond to these type of news anymore. I'm now even more scared of the future for our fellow singers. Maybe JYP is working too much like a family, and not like a business. I love the family love, but sometimes you have to be tough and set things straight.
































































































































    *sigh* I don't know how the other girls are dealing with this, but I hope they are okay. Because at the end of the day, they have to pick up the pieces and continue on. Sunmi will get to go back, be with her family, study, and possibly have fun meeting her friends and etc while the Wonder Girls will continue to work hard and be away from family.
































































































































    I'm not saying that Sunmi is greedy or whatever, but that's just how I see it and I'm just very sad. I will miss Sunmi so much. Who will bother Sohee now? Who will.. Who will.. =S Sunmi, our 4D Alien. I'm even more depressed that she might not come back as a Wonder Girl.......................... *tears*
































































































































































    [NEWS] 100114 Behind story of 'Kim Bo Peep' incident revealed
































































































































    Last December on the 12th, 2PM's Junsu did not know that his mic was left on and sang along to T-ara's Bo Peep Bo Peep.
















































































































































    The sound engineer wrote "Junsu is not even at 1% fault for this. It was actually Junsu that was over near the stage in order to get his mic checked. We actually need to compliment him."
















































































































































    He also went on to say "I was actually worried in case he said something bad instead of singing Bo Peep."
















































































































































    May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.















































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OH MY GOODY, so that was the reason?! Did anyone laugh? HEHE! Oh man, Junsu must of been like.. :o When he saw the broadcast, LOL! And here we all thought he did a special feature.. rofl! That's so cute though~ But yeah, like the sound engineer said.. Luckily Junsu didn't say anything that was inappropriate or whatever. hehe, so cute though! I'm gonna go back and rewatch it, hahaha.
















































































































































    A bit late but Happy Birthday, Kim Junsu of 2PM! <3
































































    Well, I received my Big Bang "Big Show" 2009 sweater as a gift from my secret santa just last year and been wanting to share.. lol.
































    I love it, it fits snugly and it just looks soo cool! I love the silver beads that make up the word "Big Show," but I'm afraid to wash it since it might come off.. =o I hope not, since the sweater was so expensive! LOL! I also really like the "B" that's on the left arm! (placed at.. uh.. near the left hand.. lol... not sure how to explain, sorry) Anyway, I'm sure everyone has already seen it but.. I was really excited to get it! Now I can watch the Big Show while wearing my sweater! TEEHEE!
















    Anywhooo I have a request.. Does anyone have any pictures of any Big Bang members wearing this sweater? HAS any member actually worn one? I don't remember if any of them ever did.. I kind of remember, but not really. Unless if they never did, then you can ignore this!
















    & just another picture, because I want to and I can! =D
































    I need to get more Big Bang posters.. But I don't have enough room (since I share with my sister).. The only other Big Bang poster I have that's not shown here is the Big Show poster that comes along with the Big Show DVD!
































    Thanks everyone for all of the pictures, updates, articles, etc! <3
































































    I want to share my post card too, even though it's the same as everyone else!
































    Before it came I was afraid they sent it like the normal post cards and someone might steal it from me since it's from the Wonder Girls.. But so glad they stuffed it into an envelope! Even though it was copied, I still love it! The picture is so beautiful~ After gawking at it I placed it inside the poster frame with my other Wonder Girls prized possessions! =D So HAPPY! <3
































































    Congratulations to Wonder girls for getting #1 on the Billboard! I hope someone informed them of this great news! They must be floating on cloud 9 right about now! =D All of their sweat, tears, everything.. 2009 was a great year for the Wonder Girls! Whoo~
































































    Hey! I wanted to spazz a bit since I just received my copy of his album Manifold today! I'm currently on track 11 and loving this English track! <3 I always love his English tracks~ His voice is soo smooth and sexy, lol! His pictures in the album is soo nice too! So sexy and manly.. In one picture when he slightly turned away, he reminded me of Jaebum, hehe.. Well just wanted to spazz a bit! So glad that his album did so well! =)

































    I didn't knew it was for the US fans only :P i don't live in the US but i participated
    ^ I was so excited for it until I found out it's only available for US fans.. T.T
    Oops, is it wrong that I stole a spot and living in Canada? ):

    I NEVERRRRR KNEWWWWWW, but I still think I deserve that card ):































    It was stated on the website:
















    *한국&다른 나라에도 메일이 갑니다!































    Dont’ worry! The postcard will be mailed internationally.
















    Here's the website in case you forgot!
































    So everyone! Go and get your holiday cards! hehe! I already did mine's. I wish it would of told me how much is left... Now I'm curious as to how many people have done it already. And yes, there should be a pop up so write it there! But omg.. Wonder Girls are sure spoiling us Fans.. :blush:

















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