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Posts posted by me0z

  1. GUYS, HAS ANYONE watched the entire interview of comic con because if you did then you would have saw this:

    Q: What are you looking forward to the most in the up coming movies?

    Taylor and Ashley answers then....

    Kris: I can't wait to actually get pregnant (CROWD GOES CRAZY)

    Host: Robert it's just you.....do you have something to look forward too?


    Robert:(he says something about being around for the cesarean), I just can't wait!!!!

    If you click onto part 5

    Kris: ..OH YEAH! (looks are rob)

    Rob: *looks at her then turns away and laughs

    Best bit ever

    and I also realised that in 2008 at comic con, the director mentioned that during their kiss scene Rob was too passionate and he fell off the bed! lol.

  2. lol as a girl i read through that article and laughed because anyone could make that up.......of course you think you're preggers when you're period is late and so teenage typical..........'' didn't people knowing so she asked friend to buy her one'''

    this is funny, the writer could have made it more saucy. i could have wrote better.

  3. that has to be the best read ever and loved hearing this and that about them getting closer but you know what sucks.........most of this says '' this source and another source'' they can't really name who said it or actually they are making it up and want to sound credible but if they did start kissing then I'm all for it ahhaha. :w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t:

  4. i think most guys focus on the face more than the body. frankly, if you are dating someone or in a relationship, you already know her body type and know what you're getting into. I don't know what you mean by having a nice body most of the time. Do you mean gaining like +10 lbs? I think it's acceptable. or saggy boobs and bums? that's after you're 40! I believe that the body doesn't change so much within a 5-10 year period. However, I do have a friend who went from skinny to full blown fat after 3 years. (genetics, low metabolism, kept eating as much as he did when he was a teen even though he doesn't use that energy)

    If i could, i would also look into her parents because that's a high indication of what she will turn into in the future.

    if she goes from skinny to obese, then it's obvious a dissapointment and one should GTFO immediately.

    thanks for the reply, so funny to read. when i said, nice bodies all the time i meant that you know how you see really good looking people on T.V, is there some sort of expectation in terms of bodies because that's what you can't see underneath all that clothes.

  5. quickquestion, you know when guys are seeing someone or just dating someone do they expect the girl to have really nice bodies most of time? as in do guys think every girl has a nice body and if she turns out not be so attractive physically then it's like a bombshell.

    hey i know guys aren't shallow but physical attraction plays a part in every relationship, both ways too.

  6. I just started this happen a few months ago but everytime i drink something that requires a straw i get 2 or more. Reaons? I have a life long habit of bitting straws.

    Stupid thing is....sometimes i bite and try and suck up the juice at the same time. doens't work people. ahhaha

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