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Posts posted by gabisikfan

  1. SIK looks fabulous! Love him!

    (He looks fabulous even when he's wearing rags!! Fighting, dear Prince!! )



    Big waves for Chell, Kona, HWJ, Adeline, Willenette, Celia, Adeline, Winterfan and all!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Love you all, SIKers!


    • Like 7

    Hi klent, ye, I heard nothing has decided yet but I hope they won't be stepping-down just because he's running for the member of the National Assembly election. In case his reason is because of his upcoming drama,  his drama is coming in January while the election I read before if my memory serves me right is in April. So, I don't think there's any conflict of schedule in case he will really run for election. :P

    The list where SIK appears to run for elections isn't real, Saenuri Party said the lists for elections are not ready yet. And he told a lot of times he want to be an actor, not a politician, he likes to be an actor. After all he is now deeply involved in filming JYS and he expects more scripts as long as he has  now a contract with C-Jes Ent. So, I suppose SIK will play the next 4 years in dramas and movies, not in Korean political scene - which is a good news for us, his fans :D

    Love you all, SIKers!

    • Like 7
  3. JYS is most anticipated drama for 2016... B)

    Pray hard JYS will get high ratings because Koreans still not get use to the pre-produced drama...the 1st drama with this method, D-Day ( JTBC )...even though its a big budget and blockbuster drama but the ratings so far can't live up the expectations... :tears:


    JTBC is a cable television, KBS is national - is was a discussion in 2011 around Fermentation Family's rating and all agreed that a cable tv channel will never have a good national rating, even if a JTBC's drama is much better than a KBS' drama, for instance. I'm not very sure about all these technical details, but this was my general impression about the problem. Maybe meanwhile JTBC and other cable channels became more visible in nation and their ratings were improved in this hard competition?

    Anyway, is a fact that JYS is anticipated by a lot of people - and  me! ;)  :D I cross my fingers for this drama because it has huge actors and a very promising historical story behind. Does somebody know who are the Director, screenwriter and camera-crew?

    • Like 2



    BTW folks, we have a thread for Jang Yeong Sil.

    Visit http://forums.soompi.com/en/topic/377255-upcoming-drama-2016-jang-yeong-sil


    Ayyyii, dear @KonaBeans, thank you for sharing this thread and video! I am (we are :D ) once again in a period of emotions, stress and finger-crossing as fans, searching for any bit of info about our Man and his new drama. Emotions, ratings, crew, screenplay, directing, costumes... OST... oh, I can't wait! I missed all these! 

    Love you all, SIKers!

    BTW, I tried to restore my old signature here, on soompi, but couldn't do it. Can somebody help me? Please!

    • Like 4
  5. Hi, dear SIKers!

    Remember this image? After "Jumong" 's over 50% audience, somebody mixed this: Jumong riding the [Korean] tiger:


    And here, feeding the tigers: who knows, maybe Jang Young Sil will be another Jumong for our Prince? (keep my fingers crossed! :D )


    Big waves for all SIKers! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Love you!


    • Like 6

    Just a rough translation:

    "Daehan, Minguk and Manse are here to see the Grandpa ship (?) on National Liberation Day. (Unfortunately Submarine Kim Jwa-jin is on training now.) "


    Thank you, dear Adeline - I was not sure about the meaning, ggogle translate can be very complicated. Thanks again!

    Love you all, SIKers!

    • Like 6
  7. KBS' official position "Song Il-gook will be Jang Yeong-sil"...What about Superman?


    KBS official announced the casting of Song Il-gook in their historical epic "Jang Yeong-sil".


    "Jang Yeong-sil" starring Song Il-gook is KBS' first attempt as a science drama telling the story of Jang Yeong-sil. In the age when only Confucianism was the order of the world, he was born into slavery but entered the palace and became a world class genius scientist in the 15th century.


    Source: http://tr.im/VFDXW



    What? No riding, no archery, no battlefields in a sageuk with the main character played by The King of Sageuk??? Pleeeaaaaseeee, Mr. screenwriter of "Jang Young Sil", do something!! We want & need some scenes like these:






    Nice to see you again, Mr. Hummer! Great news for SIKers!

    Thank you, dear SIKers, for sharing photos, articles and news about our beloved Prince!

    Big waves for all! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Love you!





    • Like 8
  8. AHA, a observant viewer has noticed holes in appa's stocking...:lol:

    Source: DC

    SIK is such a low profile, a very simple man.

    He looked after the kids first and forgot himself.. (need extra nanny, i'm available! LOL

    Love this man for having a humble yet big heart for the needy. :wub:


    Photo from GeNtLe.

    :D:D:D  Me too!  Let's work together, dear Chell!!

    Man se, SIK!! Great news with Jang Young Sil!! Fighting!!

    Love you all, SIkers!

    • Like 10
  9. Watching Jumong. yup, i confess to discovering Song Il Kook only through TROS. but i am glad i did. The man is a gem. I am on ep 15 and I can't stop. 

    and yes, i love the triplets too. I love them all equally. i hope at least one of them follows SIK's footsteps as an actor. 

    @klent - enjoy Jumong! You'll never stop until 81st episode and you'll be sorry it's over - and so you'll watch it again and again! (I heard the all-time record is 17 visions, but who knows... maybe this record is outdated! Lol! )


    And of course, after watching Jumong, Kingdom of the Wind/Land of Wind is a must see :)


    And a real and rare diamond is Haeshin / Emperor of the Sea, where SIK is the villain character Yeom Moon 



    Have a great week, dear SIKers!

    Love you!


    • Like 8
  10. All this reminiscing about Song Appa and the triplets is getting me all teary. It's been 1 year. We've actually watched them grow up for one year. And that year has been of many ups and downs, trials and blessings. Song Appa is truly a Superman and the triplets are indeed angels. And Song Eomma who supports them even though she's behind the camera.

    For 8 months Daehan supported his brothers and even now, he still takes care of them while appa is away. We sometimes forget that they are all the same age. That older by 4-minutes is such a difference. For a year Minguk battled with atopy disease. It's only natural that he doesn't like to get dirty or anything on his skin. But, he's one of the brightest 3.5 year olds we know. It's so scary to think that the doctors suggested to abort the tiniest one at first. And I'm glad the family decided not to. Look at Manse now. Carefree and such a mood-maker. 

    Thank you Song family for letting KBS and us into your lives. Cheers to many more years of learning and growing with you.

    So true, dear @lina26435! I'm often asking myself what are Song family& friends thinking when they laugh with Manse. I suppose SIK blesses every day and every hour of the day the existence of Manse and the decision they took after doctor's warning. Mrs. Jung is a very brave woman!   

    Love you all, SIKers! Have a great weekend!

    • Like 6
  11. “Superman Returns” Denies Rumors That Song Il Gook and Song Triplets Are Leaving the Show



    “Superman Returns” Denies Rumors That Song Il Gook and Song Triplets Are Leaving the Show

    Another source states that as

    both “Jang Young Sil” and “Superman Returns” are produced by KBS, the network would try to coordinate the filming schedule of both shows so that Song Il Gook would be able to appear in both if he decides to join the cast of the upcoming drama.

    “Superman Returns” airs every Sunday on KBS, and has maintained the top spot in its time slot for over fifty weeks.

    What a splendid news, thank you, dear Celia!!

    Love you all, SIKers!

    P.S. Remembering SIK in a sageuk - oh, oh, oh, I'm already thrilled!!


    • Like 6
  12. Saw some photos of SIK attending 14th annual liquidation of the cold history Trek (hope my translation is correct) held yesterday.






    Source: https://www.facebook.com/kimjwajin

    Hello, Adeline and SIKers! These is probably the Cheongsanri March organized by General Kim Jwa Jin Organization, see https://www.facebook.com/kimjwajin

    Now, I don't know if SIK participate this year or he stays in Seoul for Superman filming? Does anybody knows?

    Have a great weekend! Love you all!

    • Like 5

    Is that drama on KBS World YT channel btw? Or is it just on the cable channel?

    Hi, dear SIkers!

    KBS will take care (at least I hope :) ) to air the new drama for as large audience as he can. Remember Fermentation Family: jTBC, a new cable channel, couldn't have a large audience and FF is still unknown by many reporters and public. It's unfair for FF and many other good dramas aired by cable channels. 


    And this picture, together with one of the actors in Crime Squad



    Funny face :D


    ... and nothing new in Tattooist, SIK has a tattoo in FF


    Big waves for HWJ, Kona, Metal, Celia, Oph, Adeline, Crarmy and all SIKers! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Love you!

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