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Posts posted by gabisikfan

  1. ardently said: Thank you, Gabi.  Michael King is one of my favorite characters of SIK, as my profile picture suggests.  First is Yeum Moon, Jumong, then Michael King.  I'm now at episode 29 of Emperor of the Sea.  It's nice to watch the drama again in the big screen at the comfort of my home.  Gosh, how I miss him.

  2. jojoanna said: Currently watching SIK in Fermentation Family. Indeed a good series to watch. Enjoy the occasional bickering among the "family-members"   Been a long time since I watch any of SIG series after watching all of his period drama. This is first time watching him in modern drama. Enjoying it.

  3. 1520643_609697915792901_4628807309167013




    Fan Club Song Il Kook Romania joined a charity NGO for helping 140 poor souls with clothes, shoes, toys, cakes and so on for Easter celebration - with special thanks to Mariana, the heart of this action. SIK was our model and his person is now well known in that NGO's members!
    Love you all, SIKers! 

  4. http://www.korea.net/NewsFocus/Travel/view?articleId=118786
    1. In this article SIK says he recently started shooting on another film. He's speaking about Tattooist? It doesn't seem like this! Is he filming another movie these days?? (I cross my fingers, yayyy!! :D )
    2. Ok, dear SIKers, is our Man playing a role in Top Hat or he is training the actors - as a responsible sunbae he is?

    Dear Celia, remember this scene? Maybe makgeolli isn't so slack as we believe! (6.5-7% alcohol, like a strong beer; a natural grapes wine has more than 8.5 % alcohol). Anyway, cheers!


    Big waves for all SIKers! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Love you!

  5. Hi again, dear SIKers!
    Romanian Fan Club Song Il Kook is sponsoring a project with some important actions helping homeless children, people with autism, cancer and first aid in emergencies, as you can see in these posters:



    We continue the actions from Christmas till now, making our beloved Prince's name better known in schools and universities. To be very honest, if there wasn't Mr. Song's charity actions, our own actions wouldn't be materialized so quickly and focused. SIK was our guide and model.
    Thank you, dear SIKers! Love you all!

  6. Dear Metal, Kona and Celia, thank you a lot for translation! Our Prince's message is so nice - and nothing about musical, indeed! :(
    Daciana told us about triplets' gift: one set each of Little train Thomas & friends - thank you, dear Erynnis, for this significant detail! (who has little boys at home knows better than us! :D )

    Love you all, SIKers!

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