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Posts posted by Beavercleaver

  1. finally, the fateful meeting between james and anna, and they had to make it a snowy scene. what a trip it was...

    DH and BY..so kawaii :) she was like here a birthday present and **kiss**

    SH and DJ..so boring yet they deserve each other. she could have had such a loving relationship too if she just owned up from the get go.

    DH though BY's dad was james. that is why he effed up BY's dad bae chu truck. DH and Anna moved in after DH confessed to ruining it. James/kim joon is SH father in law.

    Can someone please tell me what episode James and Anna see each other. I'm watching KBS world, I'm on episode 40. Been waiting for a long time for their reunion.

































































    NFC West: 49ers

    NFC West: 49ers
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Even if Alex Smith is the QB. I hope you guys are right :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Like her singing. nice voice.

































































































































    So my wish is Jea Eunjung and Sulli . If these 3 come to the sho it's gonna be a bomb.

    This is just my opinion and my wish, other may think different.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    my wish is Jea and Jiyeon. I really hope jea because she has funny personality like Narsha :lol:

    i think after school's gahee has a high potential to replace yuri's position too because her popularity is on the rise and she has enough fan base too beside she's in a lot of variety show lately....i'm not sure if they will let more than one member of each band to be in the same program except for yuri and sunny beside jiyeon and eunjung are busy with their new film and drama...so let's cross our fingers that they will choose someone that can be both funny and get along with the group...
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think gahee is kind of serious. I don't think it will work.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I hope Narsha, Sunny and Hara stays, it will be sad if they don't. really depressing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm on episode 20, I really like this drama. I agree with everyone the boss mother is the true bad one.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ Looks like Crystal Liu fei fei.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Does anyone know who is this girl. please help.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I love S.E.S I hope I can see it.

































































  10. i have flat feet...but not because of the shoes i wear..ive always had flat feet

    and mine are pretty bad ]:

    Yeah me to I was born with flat feet. When I walk my ankles roll inward making it look funny. And my knees hurt too. <_<

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