Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by Beavercleaver
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    anitalok said: I have flat feet as well! I used to wear converses and they fit great for me but I would start getting minor foot pains after walking in them for a long time. With sneakers, I've used arch padding as well, and when it came to high heels, it did take me a LONG time to get used to them...and even when I was used to them, I always carried a pair of flats with me just in cast my feet start 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    Me too I can't wait. I'm so happy Park ha Sun is the lead actress :-bd
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't know if its just me but Soyeon looks so much like the 70's Hong Kong actress Susanna Au Yeung
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Photo Credits to Vicky's Pui-Shan

































































































































































































































































  5. Thank you everyone for your discussion. I've watched the first 40 or so ep and got sick of watching the evil doers have their hands on everything and coming out on top. So I stopped watching and just reading your posts on Soompi. But next week, I'll have to watch it to see justice handed down to SW, DJ, HS. Hopefully it'll be good. Thank you all ((:

    Yeah I was sick of the evil doers too but you should watch the whole thing. It would be sweeter for you when the evil people get theirs in the end. :lol:

  6. *quoted image*

    Who is this please? I think she's an ulzzang but I'm nore sure from where. And no, this is NOT my picture!


    Seriously. I'm not posting my picture. Just type "Korean ulzzang" on google image and her picture will show up.


    Kimberley Chanpongco

  7. Hey guys, can any of you help me with a question regarding a scene? Sorry, I'm so far behind but they are barely showing the episodes where Anna discovers James in the hospital after his traffic accident here on my local KBS-W affiliate.

    Anyway, I DVR'd a few episodes to watch at my own leisure when I noticed the beginning of ep 75 was missing. I was curious as to what happened to Bongi, who was supposed to deliver some home cooked meal prepared by Donghae, to Ms. Kim at the hospital? Donghae said he would've delivered it himself but felt awkward after the scene with Saewa outside Kim Jun's room & requested that Bongi deliver it in his place. The previous ep left off with her on the way to the hospital but I didn't see any follow up in the subsequent ep...so I'm wondering if that was the part that failed to record? What happened when she arrived at the hospital & did she manage to deliver the food?

    btw, I had no idea that MC/gag man Shin Dong Yup & actor/singer, Yoon Jong Shin had cameos on this drama as chef assistants in the Camelia hotel kitchen. I just found out when they mentioned it on Entertainment Weekly. Do you guys know which episode it was that they appeared as kitchen assistants?

    no subs sorry


  8. The scene where Donghae is doing volunteer work for the hotel out in the boonies & Dojin shows up to harass him was too much. After Dojin shoves him down to the ground & Donghae gets soaked should've been the final straw. At that moment, he needed to grow a pair & make Dojin look like a raccoon and dot both his eyes instead of turning the other cheek. At times, Bongi is more of a man than he is. :lol:

    lol Bongi has more of a pair then Donghae has. Bongi would of slammed Dojin's butt. Donghae turning the other cheek is getting old. tongue2.gif

    I agree with you that Piljae is really creepy instead of funny.

  9. They aired the episode today in LA where Saewa shows the photograph of Anna and James to Anna. I can't believe the way she went inside Anna's room and basically pushes her around, shows her the photograph and leaves Anna like that. She really treated Anna badly. I mean, she doesn't even care about Anna running to her car and fainting on the street.

    I really have no sympathy for Saewa at all and her actions show exactly how bad of a person she really is. I really hope she pays for all her actions and I hope she doesn't have a happy ending at all. I really think she needs to suffer because there is no justification in treating a person who is handicapped like that. It just made me sick. I can't believe how selfish she really is.

    I'm so sick and tired of Saewa tormenting and bullying Anna. I hope Anna just goes off on her and punch her lights out. Saewa is a sociopath. I'm also sick of Anna the way she cries out James and crying hysterically. Someone should just slap some sense into her.

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..