Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by Ayuchi_5

  1. 31 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:


    ahhhhh what are you guys doing to me!!

    Shall I spam? >>


    *warning* opening this will induce nosebleeds >>

      Reveal hidden contents



    credit to Oajun, Krist, Singto, supericez IGs and where ever else these came from (I have over 1500 sotus related pics so it's a little hard to keep track of where everything came from :sweatingbullets: ...I made the yummy photogrid myself though LOL)

    but... actually... I'M NOT OKAY RN >>


    bringing this back up once again >>


    Ahhh wait! So many new people have joined since I last posted this video! I shall repost it :smirk:



      Reveal hidden contents


    So.... sorry for this ridiculously long post... and sorry for destroying everyone... Still nosebleeding over here 5555

    OMG ahgdshgfksdgfk *_____*

    • Like 7
  2. 2 hours ago, originalnickname said:

    Guys! I went through all the eps, and I think the playlist must have all the music from the show so far! ( I will continue to update it;)) Please, enjoy!

    EDIT: There are two musics that weren't on Spotify that you can actually download here and here (dunno if it's legal though.....) 

    uff can't use spotify at the moment :( it's not possible something like youtube etc ? I really like sotus's ost ^w^

    • Like 2
  3. 11 minutes ago, delightful said:

    I just got done washing up and was about to crawl into bed and saw that the Challenge show was also done encoding. For those of you who wanted my version, here it is. I didn't watch Krist FC's version so I don't know if there is a difference, but anywho.. ENJOY !!! The GMM LIVE CHAT should be done tomorrow. ^_^


    My eyes are shutting as I type, so sorry if there are mistakes... GOODNIGHT! It's 2AM here. LOL!



    Thank you, you really work hard for us <3 

    Rest well and eat properly XD and wait together for episode 8 *__* awww!!!

    • Like 4
  4. 22 minutes ago, shythefy said:

    About SOTUS,

    is in your school has SOTUS system? i was just wondering if SOTUS only exist in Asian (or maybe only ASEAN)?

    in my highschool we have SOTUS system, and the seniors scenario is similar with this drama's SOTUS, where the 2nd year is"nice senior" and 3rd year is "bad senior". When i watch this drama I was feeling nostalgic, since some of the scenes are really happened when i was starting my 1st year in highschool, especially when the 2nd got punished by 3rd year. That's why when i watched it i kinda understand Kong and friends feeling, i was also thinks that those seniors are so bad, annoying and the system was useless. But in the end of SOTUS apparently all seniors are really nice and some of them are cute. :grimace:


    it's really interesting! I'd love to hear all your experiences!!
    I'm from Italy and there isn't a system like that! :| 

    • Like 3
  5. 5 hours ago, delightful said:

    I wake up after 7 hours to find almost 4 pages to read! What a good ... morning for me. You guys/gals... I don't want to release Part 2 right away. Maybe I'll wait until Tomorrow night? Just take in that cuteness of Part 1 for now. Plus, I'm like super hyper from all these feelings that it's so hard to concentrate on translating it.... ya'know? Like I can't help getting all mushy feelings and go crazy when they do something sweet or say something sweet. I think we appreciate these special chapters so much because we all know what Kongpope and P'Arthit are like.

    P'Arthit seriously acts like he's annoyed and pissed off all the time, but really he is the biggest and sweetest thing there is. He's a very nice person overall. Kongpope is the scarier one, when he wants something he gets it. You know how scary Kongpope is? HE TOOK THE HEAD OF THE HAZING TEAM AS HIS WIFE! If that's not the scariest thing, I don't know what is! And poor P'Arthit, imagine after that first time of doing it. IMAGINE how addicted Kongpope became! Kongpope tends to focus and obsess on one thing at a time, P'Arthit became that obsession when they first met. At first it was just wanting to tease him all the time, then it became him wanting to be closer, then the kiss! I'm sure he tried to kiss P'Arthit all the time. So just imagine what sex did to Kongpope! I'm sure he'd try get on top of P'Arthit every chance he got. Poor P'Arthit, but.. with all of that said! I believe in karma, P'Arthit has to pay for what he did at the beginning of the story. He's the one that said, he'll wait and see if Kongpope can do as he said! And he taught Kongpope to never give up. So yes, it's all P'Arthit's fault. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA *gotta go now.. I hear the psych ward is looking for me.*


    Indeed I agree with you, P'Arthit Is the big NICE wolf and Kongpope the evil one :P But in the story you translate i notice a new side of Kongpope...he worry so much about the gap between them ever after they're in love for many years! :'( Kongpope fight! P'Arthit LOVES YOU!!!!

    I'm SOOO glad to be in this forum, is so nice to read all of your comment  X°°D

    • Like 2
  6. 5 hours ago, delightful said:


    Does anyone else think that Saturday seems like it's never going to come? I can't believe GMM would only release 1 episode a week! Are you crazy?!?!??!?!!! And it's only 30-40minutes long. Usually a drama episode in Thailand is an hour long and airs at least twice a week. I guess SOTUS isn't a normal drama though, it's all sorts of special.



    Yes I understand you :((( Oh didn't know about the "usual drama" in thailand! sigh why only sotuuuus!!!

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, fani308 said:

    actually if someone want to translate the novel,they must ask the writer first. and someone here already asked her and she said she must ask the publisher so now waiting the answer from the publisher. hope after that someone can translate it. just hope for the best :)

    oh just understand how to quote... THANKS :)

    17 minutes ago, delightful said:

    Guess what?......................................................... It's done! Current Status: FINAL EDITS!  and of course I'm doing a final viewing again... ^_^

    I have to take my words back about Prem and Wad... It looks like there is hope... but it's a secret! :vicx:

    Going to hardsub in about 35mins, sorry, I hope you guys understand why I want to hardsub instead of just doing softsubs.

    ooh so you're the one who translate it?? really? Great work and thanks :) hope to understand it soon :P

    so you're doing softsub and hardsub or only hardsub? thanks again :)

    • Like 4






































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    they have worked so hard, I'm happy to be a VIP! 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