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Posts posted by Ayuchi_5

  1. 1 hour ago, jujumon said:

     I am so lost...please help me. What is this move to FB and really....what is the name of the FB page? Delightful not posting anything here anymore? 

    delightful subs

    5 hours ago, littlecoffeeaddict said:

    Guys, arthit i mean krist seem to be on a holiday. Do someone know where did he go and with who?

    with his girfriend i think

    • Like 3
  2. 4 hours ago, OTAKU-KUN said:

    @delightful thanks for letting me join fb group! Im relieved that the group is "closed" lol i really dont wan my friend to know wht i hav been doing with my life xD (mainly and sadly because being gay is taboo here and im a "closeted fujoshi") THANKS AGAIN FOR EVERYTHING xoxo♥♥♥

    oh sorry what fb group?

    EDIT: found it ^^

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, pixiie07 said:

    The kiss normally at the very end you mean? or the bridge one?
    I thought there will be only one kiss in this series (the one in the last episode: that we saw in the trailer) 

     we will have two kiss for sure. Singto and krist said it on a tv show. The one on the bridge and the one in the trailer :) they said the one on the bridge is mooore beautiful than the last one...hope so!

    • Like 5
  4. I'm a bit disappointed by this episode. Disappointed by those who made it.
    I am not referring to the other storylines. But we have two main characters and a novel to follow with all their well-described thoughts and actions, they could at least do THOSE scenes faithfully without cutting them and ruin them.
    I expected much more from the "pink milk" scene, and apart from the happiness of seeing them, I did not feel the same as the novel ._________________.


    I mean I really like the episode but I expected more for that ONE scene with them together XD

    • Like 6
  5. 10 hours ago, delightful said:

    YOU GUYS and GALS!!!! I was editing my own translations and I HAD to share this!!!!!!!!! Sorry that it's been so LONG since I've posted a translation! This long special chapter is over 0062 pages long!!!!!!!!!! :P


         The harder you try the more stress you carry. And when the result isn’t what you were hoping for, it was only normal to be upset. P’Arthit was able to see it, even if he had hidden them. He was even helping to console him.

         … P’Arthit is always nice, he never changes.

       And before he knew it, Kongpope’s hands grabbed Arthit’s body and pulled him into an embrace. It was so tight that it made Arthit a bit startled, even if he was shocked with the sudden warmth around his body, but once he saw how tired Kongpope was he couldn’t help but to bring his own hands up to pat his back gently.



    awww!! and you already post it all?? I missed it?? Or is just a tiny bit for us? :)

    • Like 1
  6. I don't understand WHY they have to cut scene... if you put it in "the next week" you need to let us watch it!!! It was a good one when Kong cried...don't understand really for 3 second plus-_-

    5 minutes ago, fragglerock said:

    What is the bridge scene in episode 13?

    throught page 470 to 500 I think there're spoilers of the novel if you want really to know :)

    or maybe someone can be more accurate than me

  7. 1 hour ago, rituwaaa said:

    would anyone care to like... order together?? like one person orders for all the others to here in Europe and sends them to the rest? ^^;;; I'm sure there's a lot of us from Europe who would like to get it but I'm reeeeeally scared of the postage fee xd 

    .....but then again, would it really make any difference since there would also be an postage fee when sending it to the others ? i'm probably just being stupid here lmao

     Mmmh... I think it's not convenient... I mean I'm from Italy...If I have to send in other country the photobook you need to pay ALSO the postage of my country to yours I think? It's better if you can order it with other people of your same country :)

  8. 36 minutes ago, cadburygirl said:


    Because he's the best thing that happened (to me anyway) since Pink Milk. LOL. Not a Pink Milk Monster @delightful. :P

    @delightful Is there any mention of either Singsto's Father or Arthit's parents in the book? Whether they're still alive or not? Thanks.

     about Singto I think is father is alive because in singto's instagram there're lots of mini-video and photo whit his father :)

    • Like 5
  9. 34 minutes ago, originalnickname said:

    I love how no one talked about the very personal things I said about myself --' I wish I could delete it....

    I think we should stop being so off-topic, there was an admin once who came here to say that we shouldn't do that......

    2 DAYS BEFORE NEW EPISODE ( 11/16 ) HOLY :o 

     nope why, you can share if you want!
    I'm sorry for what happen to you, I must say I did it once (say those things to a guy) and I don't know why I said it... I was really embarassed...so maybe that was the case of "your guy" too :( but I felt terrible
    I think one should confess and try, even if the person is gay not gay, married, with child etc... ONLY if you're sure you can make him/her happy...truly
    Indeed we space a lot ahaha XD
    omg I just want to jump to the happy 12 episode**

    • Like 4
  10. 3 minutes ago, delightful said:

    Okay, so I went back and looked at the chapter for this episode in the book and I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING MISSING! At first I was just thinking I was crazy, but after someone mentioned them going to see a movie.. sorry, I forgot who it was on here, but now it's clear! After eating they were supposed to go see a movie! This is where Kongpope goes to buy the movie tickets and Arthit is standing there waiting and thinking that it felt like he was on a date! I can't believe I got it mixed up with their other date from the special chapter! So.. I wonder if they just cut the movie part out or if they mixed up the order and did the haircut first? PLEASE don't get cut! I need it all!!!!!!!!!!!

    *Update: It's currently encoding at 2%** Sorry, guys. -_-


    I found the last scene of the haircut a bit...silly? I mean in the novel arthit has long air and he DID change with the aircut.... but...in the drama...he's still the same so there's no a change (even if kong and arthit istself say yes XD)

    • Like 7
  11. 4 hours ago, Jay BudLight said:

    @Timothy Teo @Ayuchi_5 December has the highest numbers of the holidays among all 12 months. Could be that some Saturday might not be able to air with the regular schedule, for example the Dec 31 is the New Year Eve. They might use a special schedule instead.

    yes indeed maybe the 31 ... I don't know if in thailand is a day of holidays...I mean they have another official eve in april I think?

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