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    Waaaaah Ji Sung's gotten more handsomeeee (if that's possible) lol.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And I thought I saw Dongho in the teaser at the end of My Princess, but I wasn't sure since he had a lot of hair! LOL!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks of all the picture updatesss! Can't wait for it to start airing! ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Man, I was so pissed off this morning cuz I had work so I couldn't buy tickets online so I kept calling consistently for THREE HOURS! I always got the stupid busy tone and then when I finally got a ringtone, they never answered and I got a machine. -.- I tried again at 4ish/5pm and I STILL got the stupid busy tone or the machine.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    In the end I came home and bought the tickets online and got terrace. Not what I wanted but better than nothing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Lol. I've been planning since I came home from 2010's KMF. ;D
































































































































































































    Can't wait for the info to be out~














































































    Hi, I'm planning on getting the HTC Incredible (Soooo late ><). This is going to be my first smartphone and I wondering what exactly is rooting and what does it do to the phone? Like what are the advantages to rooting vs. not rooting it.



  12. Sky looks like he's enjoying his birthday gifts! Kekekeke.

    Peter and Sky looks adorable at the salon! Hahahaha. I love it.

    Btw, they've only just debuted about a month ago so yeah, can't really call them underrated yet. :)

  13. I saw the tweet in class and I almost exploded with fangirl happiness. XD Hahaha, I wanted to spazz so badly. BEAST!! OMG! I love them so much! I can't believe they're coming!! I'm soooooooooo happy!! Looks like this year seems like an awesome one! ^^

    Gosh, and the last batch is supposedly the best one? *Really hoping for BB*

    But I'm sad. No SM artists confirmed yet. I really hope the last batch includes an SM artist.

  14. teebeehee: you're not supposed to quote images. please remove the img tag. ^^


    Yeah, they do have fb and twitters. ^^ Check the first post for them. ^^ It's really nice to get replies from them via twitter. XD

  15. ^


    Kekeke, we're not unnamed! The guys have decided to call their fanclub 'One Love'. ^^

    @tazanya: Thanks for the tutorial. It really helps. Though I think I'm gonna wait for the hard copy to be on yesasia. ^^

  16. Thank you Cindy for the profiles. ^^ I seriously love these guys. Haha. Despite their debut stage being short it was still amazing. ^^ They did a great job! They're so talented and I love their music! Magic is definitely addicting. XD I like their choreo too. They all sounded great, despite Chance and Peter being a little bit under the weather. ^^

    Thanks for sharing all those pictures! If you guys need any help with the international board for One Way count me in! ^^

    (Side note: I think Peter has some huge chompers. XD) ♥

  17. ^

    Psh, I'm still going and I'm still gonna boycott if they're Jay-less. As an international fan, I will make my voice heard! ^^ Honestly, there are more positive ways to boycott. :)

    So the next batch is gonna be released on Friday? Wow, that's quick. Haha, I really do they release more than the "unconfirmed" artists mentioned. I knew 2AM was gonna go if their PM counterparts and WG was going. I mean, if you're gonna bring PM and WG you might as well bring AM to complete the fambam. :) I'm really essited to see which other idol groups that will be coming~~~

  18. Rofl. I was so hyped up last night when the artist list was released. I seriously couldn't believe 2PM was going! I had a gut feeling they were going to be coming this year and I really can't believe they are! Lol. I'm still hyped up about it. I'm gonna be so hyped and happy until concert day. ^^

    Seriously, you'd have to KILL me to get me to not go.

    Lol. People's been pm-ing me and calling me for my tickets. XD

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