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Posts posted by bawkchoi

  1. Hi all,

    Hoping some old-school soompiers/1st gen kpop fans will see this.


    It's been over a decade since I last visited these forums, and almost 20 years since I first joined in 2005 (yes I'm 32 now!). I wanted to visit some threads of my favorite bands/singers back in the day, but they had all been archived =(...so, I'm starting a new thread for an old school/1st gen soompiers & kpop fans to chat and share pics/memories of old artists from the 90's to early 2000's. I'll start...my favorite back in the day was Danny/Taebin of 1tym 😃


    For 1tym fans - here's the old archived threads:

    1TYM thread:  https://forums.soompi.com/topic/153-the-official-1tym-원타임-thread

    Taebin thread: https://forums.soompi.com/topic/2681-official-taebin-thread/








    Anyone remember Tae7en couple?!

















    I have more pics if people want 🙂

    • Like 1
    • Awesome 1
  2. Saw this thread randomly since it's an artist I recognize from early 2000s and I just want to say OP you are an amazing fan keeping this thread alive for nearly 20 years (I wanted to post in the old threads of my favorite singers but they are all archived now because nobody posted in it for years:☹️) It's so great to see Chae yeon doing well, she still looks beautiful 🙂

  3. On 5/2/2024 at 2:05 AM, MandooBun said:

    I think I haven't been on here for over a decade... I'm sad that I don't see as much traffic on Soompi as before. 😭 


    Does anyone see this message and agree? 😞

    I agree with you... After all, it was pride that made Lucifer into a fallen angel and the Devil now. Pride can lead to destruction and downfall. 


    Whatever it is, hang in there. 🩵 You can't help people who don't want to be helped. 



    It's so nice to see an old soompier, I joined back in 2005 and just came back here randomly because I was watching old music videos. It's changed so much =(

  4. I used to visit this forum all the time in early 2000s when I was 12-16. I am now 32 and I miss those days so much. Life is hard right now. I miss 1TYM and Taebin so much...I wish they would appear more anywhere...I have been watching old videos to relive the memories but even those are so hard to find now and are getting harder and harder to find as time passes. I miss my youth and the artists I grew up with.

  5. wrote:
    I guess I'm one of the very few people who uses pencil eyeliners. But I like it, it gets the job done, no need for a brush to apply it, and given the way I apply my eyeliner it's the best option. I actually like the smudged look on the upper eyelid, it gives it a natural look to your eyes as if you have dark eyelashes when applied close to it. I don't like the look of liquids or gels, it's too blunt for me even if it's a thin line.

    Only downside is, you do get smudges under your eye if you wing your eyeliner.

    My eyeliner is cheap, I don't even remember what brand it is, got it at a drug store for under 10 bucks. I don't like spending too much on makeup. I just feel the tip and if it's semi soft and semi hard, it's good enough for me.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    agh omg I finally got around to watching this series and I have to say this is probably one of the best dramas I have ever seen T^T. Also I love the Mokomichi and Saki pairing! I hope they do more dramas in the future, this drama will make you laugh & cry so hard ...definitely reccomend it! Even if you're turned off by the idea that it's about a robot, watch it! You're gonna love it ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ooh awesome!  thanks guys i'm gonna try to save up enough money to buy the J3 now ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I've had my refurbed samsung p2 for over 3 years now...finally the headphone jack is giving out lol T___T. I'm thinking about purchasing the cowon J3. Battery life and features seem awesome. Does anybody have it/care to do a review on it?
























































    haha I am really similar to you too...thankfully my mom and dad are ok with it and don't mind. They dont think of me as a loser or anything and respect my choices which I really appreciate...but it's probably b/c I usually figure out what I need to do on my own. It is nice staying home sometimes, getting away from stress/drama, but after you do it for so long you start wanting to go out more, meet with your friends to hang and get away from your house. That's how I feel right now lol. So I think a happy balance is the best haha xD.









    anyone know any legit websites to get new eras beside ecapcity?



































































































































    ^they also sell a lot of streetwear brands like 10deep, G-SHOCK, DQM etc. at hella discounted prices


















































    try ebay too lol.




























    oh another thing..I agree with the people above, I barely ever go into the kceleb photo section anymore because it's all these "official and couple threads" -___- , I used to love visiting the k-celeb photo section for news/event photos but now it's dominated by official singer threads..so I just go to allkpop instead..lol.
























    I'm kind of interested in buying the fujifilm mini 25 or 7s....but still waiting/hoping that new 600 film will come out from Polaroid...I went to ebay/the impossible project website but gaddd one pack is like over 20$!...T___T *wheeps*...anybody have extra film they want to give me??? lol








    Damn Pau Gasol putin' it in at the last second!! lol...man that was an intense game tonight, i'm sad that the Thunder lost, but they're a great team w/so many young/talented guys...I can't wait to see what they'll bring next season. Guess ima be rootin for the lakers now..haha









































    am I the only one that sees the good in downloading music? ..when the government is censoring so many issues/human rights violations, it's music from these more underground artists that raise awareness and help get the word out there about the truth/make people realize issues that they've probably never even bothered to think about before...
























    ...I think it's both good and bad. Good for us listeners to be able to experiment with different artists/music without spending a lot of money, bad for the artist/company who suffer from lack of CD sales. That said, I am also a big CD collector myself because those artists/their music mean a lot to me. So if I really like an album/artist I will gladly save up the money to buy it.
















































    wow oklahoma city was pretty awesome tonight haha...i'm from seattle so when the sonics got moved to oklahoma city I was pretty pissed but I think i'm their new biggest fan now haha ...mm i feel like im in the minority though lol *runs from lakers fans*









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