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Posts posted by -Eva-

  1. 19 hours ago, originalnickname said:

    I do think Arthit is getting more comfortable with Kong and more affectionate, I guess it's just "suggested" (as we know Bittersweet doesn't like to describe skinship/bed scenes etc...) 

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    AAAh that's what I thought! Thanks for the explanation :) I know it was a throwback, I just thought that they could at least hug, I dunno xD

    I hope Korea moves forward on LGBT issues, there's no censors (and I hope there won't be), so I hope they make more movies to help the cause

    Yeah, I haven't seen the show he was in, but I do know he received a lot of bad comments -especially coming from Korea- , people saying he was gay (as it's a bad thing...), he also had a lot of people discouraging him from playing this character but he insisted on playing him (gg Hoya!) Although there's this, maybe it was mistranslated but he said he was "traumatized" that people thought he was gay...  It's so painful to hear that he was traumatized, the word is so strong! I was so happy when I saw him defending his role then I saw this :tears: 


    Hmm now I'm curious how Bittersweet would write skinship/bed scenes


    I was curious if "traumatized" was a mistranslation so I looked up the interview and Hoya literally uses the word "trauma", in English. But more than being "traumatized" that people thought he was gay, it was a trauma for him when people kept asking him about his sexuality for a while (I think the trauma here is that whenever he talked to someone, he was afraid that the person would definitely ask him about his sexuality). And here I was thinking that the drama's gay parts were a help to LGBT society in Korea :'( By the way the guy that Hoya was in love with in that drama, Seo In Guk, acts in a music video, K.Will's "Please Dont". I'd recommend that you watch that ;) (though I have a feeling you already might have watched it..)


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  2. 4 hours ago, originalnickname said:

    I had error 500 for 2 minutes and couldn't log to the forum I was so scared I was about to send an email to Soompi support :sweatingbullets:

    Haha I understand I also have a love-hate relationship with this episode :) Arthit is indeed not affectionate to begin with...

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    You're right about the lover... I'm really glad they got a happy ending but it's kinda weird how it happens : Joon Jae hears Takuya's conversation were he says "I also..like him", then Takuya comes back for a little while, then he goes away again, then I didn't understand what happened... Did Joon Jae go to Japan to find Takuya ? If that's the case, then that's the best they could have done about their reunion ? Touch hands accidentally ? --'

    But as you say, we should be glad we had a gay couple in a kdrama... So far, this one and I think another drama called Happy Together were the only ones and since then nothing... As I said, it pisses me off how the only way they treat homosexuality in Kdramas, is by having accidental comical kisses --' No gay couples, and when we have a real couple they don't even hug, kiss, touch each other or hold hands .... Even Arthit and Kong had more skinship than Takuya and Joon Jae hahahahaha xD

    There aren't a lot of idols who play gay characters, there was a guy called Hoya, and he received so much backlash, no other idol played a gay character (except Takuya, but he's japanese, I guess it's a little bit different...)


    I also had the error so I'm guessing everyone else also did...

    The most affection we saw from Arthit was when he gave Kong and Aim those oranges lol (except the "I miss you" scene in the last episode)


    Through hearing Takuya's "I like him" Joonjae could at least confirm that indeed Takuya also felt for him. But then they were both scared of the responsibilities and complications of being in a gay relationship, and Takuya was gonna go back home to Japan anyway. Then Takuya came to the house to check up on Joonjae before going back to Japan. If I remember right, it was a week after their parting, and Joonjae had drowned himself in alcohol without washing, eating or getting out of his room. That's probably why Takuya even came back. The "touch hands accidentally" scene was a throwback to episode 1 when they met and the same thing happened back then too :D We can only assume the steamy moments they had after going in to the apartment lol (I'm imagining a very hot first kiss :sweatingbullets:). But I like how Joonjae went to Japan for Takuya, that was a happy ending that I was satisfied with.

    Yeah I also hate it when gay moments are seen only as comical and Korea does that a lot because they are too scared to admit that there are lots of homosexual people in the country :/ Oh I didn't think Hoya received many backlash..? Or maybe I have only seen the positive comments...


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  3. 2 hours ago, originalnickname said:

    Please tell me what changes you noticed because I couldn't see any differences except that they were maybe more comfortable with each other (?)


    I've also noticed some differences with their relationship. And I need to emphasise SOME because they were very small changes :P We know that Arthit warms up very hardly to people and keeps his emotions inside. While reading Kong's diary he was showing a bit of aegyo, he was going high-pitched with his voice which was quite adorable. And I think aegyo should be hard to display for Arthit. But I don't know it really was a small change. Oh and I think getting shy and awkward around your lover is normal even after 2 years cause you love them and get nervous around them..? Or maybe I'm just too romantic :P (then again I was disappointed with the episode and the lack of enthusiasm between the couple too so I don't even know why I'm defending)

    And about The Lover drama


    I guess we should be thankful to be even able to see a gay couple in Korean television including a popular idol, Takuya, without it getting banned. But I'm also devastated that the most skinship we got from them was the back rubbing scene when they had so much potential and looked adorable together :'(


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  4. @dustinmyeye Don't hide because of your criticism! I think you're absolutely right in everything that you've said. The scenes with P'Tum's hazing just made me cringe. He didn't seem like he was trying to teach anything, he looked like he was just trying to pick a fight. I did like the "it's my mosquito why are you killing it?" line, but in reality it's just an excuse to annoy the kids. The only enjoyment I got from those scenes was that our hazing team looked very handsome with their buttoned-up white shirts.

    I understand why everyone was disappointed with Kong and Arthit's still awkward relationship, I was too frustrated at their long pauses and lack of enthusiasm. But, I think that they didn't really have the time to act like a couple. The fact is that they are not a "normal" couple accepted by the society. You never know who is against homosexuality. They might have gotten bad reactions from people around them if they acted like a couple, maybe from the taxi driver, maybe from anyone else that was there at the campus. Therefore, I don't think they would feel comfortable doing skinship anywhere public. Then in Kong's room they were alone and they were completely different. They weren't stiff and at the end they did show signs of incoming skinship. Especially Arthit was a lot more flirty than he was two years ago. He did some really cute things with his voice while reading Kong's diary.

    I was a bit disappointed with this episode but it's probably because it was the last episode and I had too many expectations. If this was say, the 7th episode, I would have liked it equally as the other episodes. I'm sure I will like it a lot more when I re-watch the series ;)

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  5. I couldn't go through every post because I didn't want to get any spoilers but THANK YOU EVERYONE for being so awesome, energetic, and enthusiastic about the series. Although I was more of a lurker than a poster, the family-like dynamics of this thread was truly beautiful and unforgettable. I hope we can come back to the thread sometimes to maybe look back at some moments of the series. I know I will, I'll immediately start re-watching the series cause I can't deal with being without SOTUS right now.

    And congratulations on making the cast and crew of SOTUS notice the #ThankYouSOTUS hashtag. I'm 100% sure that they know the amount of international fans is huge. The enthusiasm of this fandom cannot be ignored.

    and @OTAKU-KUN you just killed me with those fanarts...

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  6. Oh my god this thread increased by 31 pages in 12 hours :sweatingbullets: I've read some of the pages to get spoilers and...


    I hope the Eunuch can "die" a tragic "death" by the hands of our awesome Goblin :phew: Or actually I'm curious if they will develop an interesting storyline to the Eunuch so that we don't hate him that much and actually start to emphasise with him? They do this a lot with the evil characters in k-dramas, I'd prefer him to stay evil..



    1 hour ago, cristapark said:

    I still find ET class president/classmate strange.,,I think she has some stories too..why sudden become friendly with her.,

    I absolutely agree with you! Every detail later gets connected to something in the drama, so I'm pretty sure she has something too..

    • Like 14
  7. 1 hour ago, originalnickname said:

    I'm trying to learn japanese too but I'm stuck... I'm pretty good with hiragana and katakana rn, but I don't know what I should do next... I still can't "make" sentences or understand anything except a few words and expressions...

    I think you can watch some Japanese dramas, or anime, while fully concentrating on what they are saying and matching it with the subtitles. Just pay attention too all their words, especially to the words that are frequently repeated. Or you can listen to some Japanese songs while looking at the Japanese lyrics and the translations together. It was an effective way for me to learn to make sentences instead of just memorising stuff.

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  8. 12 hours ago, myonlysun0206 said:

     I even read most of the threads in Soompi (because I was THAT addicted), hundreds of pages of them, page by page, only to find out at page 648 that you guys have moved on to pinkmilk forum. I was so depressed and I wanted to register to the forum but it was already closed.

    Yay, another person that have read most of the pages, like me! I thought I was the only one that got addicted to the point of reading 600+ pages :P

    And, @delightful I would also really appreciate it if I could register to pinkmilk forums :'( (the new head banner looks really cute by the way)

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  9. 1 hour ago, Yves George Sanchez said:

    Hey guys! I'm sorry to ask this from you but can anyone send me a link to ep.14 with delightful's sub? I can't find it anywhere here and I wasn't able to join the pinkmilk forum because it has a limit. That would greatly make my day!

    On dailymotion, search "Sotuss ep14". A bit down the page there's the episode uploaded by Thai4u Channel. If you still can't find it, I'll PM you ;) 

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  10. 4 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

    I had a thought: When Krist said 15 episodes from the book then 1 special episode... Maybe that meant eps 1-15 are the book and special chapters inside the novel THEN ep 16 could be missing you parts 1 and 2!!  and the bike chapter...so basically all the online ones.....or maybe not... or maybe just one of the missing you chapters... 


    If Krist specifically used the words "from the book" while talking about the episode count, you could be right! :D 

    I've already mentally prepared myself for 16 episodes, I can't deal with it if it's suddenly down to 15 episodes :'( I'm also looking forward to some bts footage but that's just something extra, it shouldn't be inside the 16 episodes ;) 

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  11. Hello everyone :)

    I don't normally watch series before they come to an end because the weekly wait is simply torture. But I started to watch SOTUS without realising that it was still airing (and I sure am glad that I did, I'm in love with everything about it). When I finally caught up, I went through a SOTUS withdrawal and I've just read all the pages of this thread (yes I've read all 660 pages - though of course I skimmed through half). It took me a bit more than a week to finish reading everything. Now I'm really sad that I wasn't here when the thread was most active :tears: I seriously adored how everyone was so excited talking about the series, the dynamics in the thread were just awesome! It's sad it has become lot less active :( And yeah I'm sad that I'm too late to join the pinkmilk forum, I feel like I'll miss out on a lot..

    Anyway... It's almost SOTUSDAY :wub:

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