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Posts posted by mariazzang

  1. i just watched the final episode.. woah it's time to say goodbye to Junpyo. I think it is going to be awhile for me to get rid of this feeling of emptiness. I think this coming monday and tuesday will be the hardest since every week I always jumping with excitement every time sunday comes. Now No more happy monday and tuesday for me.

    this drama has been a rollercoaster ride for all fans. I am glad that they are able to end it well, in my opinion. Though the drama has a lot of flaws and negative criticisims, I still enjoyed watching Boys Before Flowers.

    I had a very good start of the year because of Boys Before Flowers, what a great way to kick off 2009!! I'll surely miss BBF and all that goes with it (the insanely crazy 3 months!).

    Boys Before Flowers, till I see you again on DVD!!! I'll surely buy the boxset once it is released!

  2. currently with S.H.E. esp with ELLA..totally love her.. she's so cool.. her looks, her image, the way she talks, her voice is so nice when she sings!!! S.H.E.'s new album play is really good, totally different from their previous albums. ELLA raps wtih this album and she is so good!!! i'm so amazed how cool her rapping is!! even better than jay chou (no offense to jay chou fans)!!! i also love her as an actress, made me cry with her dramas, made my stomach ache also from laughing so hard!!!

  3. right now i'm listening to S.H.E.'s songs from their new album PLAY..

    i love almost all the songs from their new album, esp ZHONG GUO HUA, WU YUE TIAN, SHOU NI AI WO, BOOM, JIE KOU, haha so many.. they tried composing for this album and thay tried rap/hip/hop kind of style too, which is very different from their previous 9 albums..

    but i think it works for them!!!! it was so refreshing to see them improve, esp Ella whoi did most of the rap parts. she is amazing!!!!

    i love their songs. S.H.E. is a girl band from taiwan, they are very popular in chinese speaking countries and other asian countries like china (mainland), hong kong, singapore, malaysia, and japan.. i hope they will have another concert here in US.

    check out their songs thay are good, not a typical girl band. btw, fyi, i'm not chinese, can't speak/read/write mandarin, but in some weird way, i love their songs!!! may be i am chinese in my previous life?

  4. CURRENTLY OBSESSED WITH S.H.E.!!!!!!!!!!! love their songs.. they are not just an ordinary girl band...

    after 10 albums.. they are still on the top!!!! they have done all kinds of music.. ballad, pop, RnB, hiphop, rock, rap, but still they pulled everything up to thr highest level!!!!

    i got hooked with their music after watvhing ELLA in Hana KImi... and then the rest is history...

    S.H.E. ROCKS!!!!!!














    can someone tell me if dvdasian.com is an OK site to buy dvd's?? are those on their site original DVD's?










    just curious because it's the only site that i found that has Hana Yori Dango with English subs with Region ALL..










    please tell me anyone if any of you guys already bought dvds from dvdasian.com...thanks
















    can anyone help me.. i still haven't watched the last 2 episodes!!! can anyone give me a link or something for me to dl it or watch it? is it allowed? bec i'm still having trouble withe srt file available in d-addicts..










    to satisfy my curiosity.. i've already read the spoilers for epi 21-22... i can't wait anymore bec i want to know hat happened to DJ and her spare tire!!!
















    thanks WITH S2 for the fast subs!!!!










    but i can't dl the files.. from d-addict because it a .srt file and my player does not recognize that file.. can someone help me with that??










    or can anyone give me a link with megaupload or gigasize...or let me know where i could watch the episode with eng subs??










    coz all i could find are raw versions....please please.. just like to watch it with eng subs.. HELP!!!
















    i love this drama.. i even watched the episode 21 even though it does not have subs.. and i dont speak korean. .. i love min ki here.. he eventually grows on you.. i did not like him that much at first.. but now.. o well.. like him love him!










    this drama is great because its not to touchy, like heavy drama, not that i don't like sad dramas.. but what makes this drama good, is that i can believe that it is real.. yeah i think that's it.. the story is real.. its characters could be seen in ordinary people.










    definitely on top of my Kdrama LIST










    it a good thing the subbing team are great.. but the tricky part is..










    i don't really know how to dl the subs/videos/torrents from d-addicts.. it is a .srt file and my player wont recognize the file type... i want to watch epi 21 but i can't find anyone yet who has uploaded it already..










    can anyone tell me how? thanks





    the chinese/english subbed dvd set was on sale starting last sunday 3/18. there's dual sound korean/chinese. check your local stores. it should be there already. i got mine yesterday and i live in the US. the english sub is better than it used to be but not quite perfect. if you are looking for near perfect english sub, wait for YA to release it.










    where did you order your copy of DJS? i also live in the US, but don't know where i could get it.. does it have english subs? thanks a lot










    TOP 5 OST:






    1. GOONG- hands down, no arguments






    2. LOVERS IN PARIS - classic






    3. SASSY GIRL CHUNHYANG - makes me cry and laugh






    4. FULL HOUSE - upbeat and makes you feel good while listening






    5. MY NAME IS KIM SAMSOON - great songs








    cherriegoh, aka159, aquafina, cannedfish





    - thanks for the info!!! i remember the lotus tea scene now.. maybe this is a sign that i should watch GOONG again










    -i agree with you!!! GOONG is all in can see for a while now.. still addicted to it















    really that pic was not PSed??? wow.. but which episode was it? or it is not from any episode in GOONG?





























    hey guys i was wondering this pics are from the manhwa, right?








































    is the manhwa available in english?? where could i buy or download the manhwa (english cuase i can't read korean)?




















    and how many volumes are there?




















    i'd like to read it because i read some posts that the manhwa is really good..





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