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Posts posted by dj92

  1. For our LMJ. I'm going to be super super picky!

    I want her to end up with the perfect husband! LOL

    I won't tolerate any mishap of her partner.

    They need to have looks, talents, smart, loves her, TALL, fashionable, toned muscular body, and lastly loves her!

    Oh, Am I mentioning Gong Yoo?

    Might as well, Gong Yoo just marry her and have babies already. You guys are old enough already! c;

  2. GUYS! I have a question, ehheeh.

    Are there any other variety shows she was on? (except Running Man, Come To Play, Happy Together)

    I was trying to search subbed videos for Yashimamham with Smile, You cast. Unfortunately, the videos has been deleted. ));

    So depressed, I want her on more variety shows! Maybe another RM Special? -hyperventalating- OR Happy Together BIG cast special? Since they're both KBS.

    Someone go and vent to the KBS official site for these desperate demands );

  3. And yeah her piano skills wasnt a joke! I mean, a lot of people can play the piano but you can spot the few really good ones. And she's one of those few people! That piece she played on guerilla date wasn't an easy one. I wish we can see her play more. I noticed on her video where she did missions for her fans that she had a piano at home and a sheet music of Chopin. I cant be more amazed. She played a little on Wonderful Radio but i'd like to see her play a full song. Maybe a movie where she's a struggling pianist (since i wanted her in a drama movie)? Wishful thinking.


  4. And for thse who want to search MJ's vids on youtube, try to type

    Lee MinJung

    instead of

    Lee Min Jung

    in the search box, believe me thats make lots of difference in the result numbers.

    And also try to type it in korean :


    it will show more various vids which u couldnt find with using romanization keyword


    Hope it helps

  5. HJM was so cute in the Guerilla date. She's so sweet, even waving to the fans/people that she saw were looking from afar. She seems really funny during the interview too. She looks like she always has good comebacks, even in some of her other interviews I've and even though I don't understand what they're talking about, it seems like she's really witty. She always seems to joke around with the host or interviewers and she always makes them laugh. Hahaha!!!  :x :x :x

    • Like 1
  6. http://vimeo.com/41773855

    김용임 - 사랑의 밧줄

    Credit : cyk1105

    Thanks for this!

    I actually watched the second video first wondering what it was and then within 7 seconds I realized it was the song Park Ha sung on RTP. I kept remembering that noraebang scene and I couldn't help but smile. And then when I watched the first video, I thought...whoa! that's SO CUTE! She's singing that song from Kang Ji Hwan's show, Hong Gil Dong! And then there it was the noraebang scene from RTP. HJM is so cute and I love how she was so into it! :x :x :x

  7. Hello again! =D I've been trying to watch HJM videos on youtube now that RTP is over and I noticed that a lot of them aren't english subbed. So I guess it's really hard to find info on her especially for people like me who rely on translations. I know how to make subtitles and seriously I would make the subtitles if I understood Korean. Hahaha!!! So this probably sounds crazy and I don't know exactly how this is going to work and I realize a lot of people are probably busy. It's also going to be hard but I'm actually really willing to help and team up with someone who's also willing to help and maybe understands korean. Idk, we can probably start with Rooftop Prince videos like the BTS w/ dialogue in them or interviews of HJM regarding RTP (or something else, if others have suggestions)? Maybe someone can translate what she/they're saying and post it here? Then I'd be really willing to make the subtitle. Then maybe we can send the subtitle to whoever posted the video on youtube and then ask them to put the caption in?

    okay, so this is really embarrassing and sounds really crazy LOL!

    *digging up a hole now to crawl into* :-S :-\"

  8. The thing I like the most about Han Ji Min's acting is her crying scenes. Look at the last episode of Rooftop Prince when she was playing Bu Yong. She's really into her character and the crying feels genuine whereas with other actresses it seems like they're just trying to force out some tears because it's their job.

    I'm gonna miss RTP a lot haha. I initially was allured to Han Ji Min just by how cute she was in the early episodes. I was glad that Park Ha wasn't one of those weak female leads seen so often in Kdramas. (Even as a guy, it gets tiring seeing the damsel in distress character.) Then she hooked me when the dramatic scenes started coming.

    Time to finish some other dramas with Han Ji Min in them now lol.

    I agree, HJM portraying Bu Yong in the last episode was epic! I cried so hard, I really felt for her.

    • Like 1
  9. I was really shocked at her turn in Detective K too, and at the same time I was amazed at her transformation. I thought it was a pretty good movie, Kim Myung Min and the supposed sidekick were pretty funny too.

    I'm still trying to decide which one I should watch first, Resurrection or Cain and Abel. Now that you kind of described Han Ji-Min's character, I'm kinda leaning more towards Cain and Abel. Hehehehe!!!

    I agree, I LOVE RTP, I know it has flaws but I LOVE it anyhow. I don't even know how many times I've re-watched the previous episodes. And I thought the final 2 episodes were amazing. I feel like it did everything for me, I was really satisfied. I'm actually surprised at how much I loved the ending for a Gak-Ha shipper. I think the cast especially Ji-Min and Yoochun did such an amazing job. I was so impressed with Han Ji-Min and even more so after watching the final two episodes. I feel like she really gave it everything. I cried so much! RTP had an ending that I could watch over and over.

  10. I am addicted to Padam Padam and ship her with Jung Woo Sung. It's so bad I have to watch an episode just to get to sleep. it always works too after I see her as Jina who was mean, judgemental, sweet, then so loving. It's a stretch for me to watch detective K because I am shocked seeing her so sexy so I will try again when I blush less.If you can watch Cain And Abel her love with So Ji Sub is just so cute and strong. She went through so much in that drama and just kept such a beautiful outlook.RTP was so good I will be rewatching.

    Out of all the melos I've seen, Padam Padam is probably my favorite. I just didn't really like

    Kang chil's jerk phase near the end. For some reason, it was more bearable for me to watch Ji-Na push Kang-Chil away than the other way (Is this a Ji-Min bias thing going on? LOL!). I don't know why, maybe because I was really hoping there wasn't gonna be a jerk phase since Ji-Na knew about his condition from the beginning. I mean, don't get me wrong, I really understood why Kang-Chil was doing it, it was just really hard to watch. I guess it just shows how amazing Han Ji-Min and Jung Woo-Sung were. They really get you invested into their characters.

    I keep rewatching the scene where Kang Chil wanted to drop the honorifics. SO CUTE! I probably watch this scene every day just to make me smile. =P Also the scene where they were eating kimbap and something else at a lake. SO PRETTY and ROMANTIC! Oh yeah, and the

    one where they were trying on wedding dresses and tuxedos

    . Okay, at this rate, might as well just list all their scenes together. Hahaha!!! Seriously though, this pairing had me at the train scene with the middle finger. LOL!

    • Like 1
  11. @glacierkn and The Real CZ: 

    Like The Real CZ said, I can't get enough of HJM! Idk, I just have this urge to watch all her shows LOL! Yeah, Cain and Abel is next on my to-watch list. I actually already took a sneak peek a couple of days ago. Hahahaha!!! It looks like HJM and SJS have adorable chemistry as well (LOL at the cab scene and the part where he was teasing her about a massage).

    I don't even know how many times I've re-watched GakHa and J3 scenes. I REALLY, REALLY hope RTP turns out well but if not, I'm still glad I watched it because I found out about HJM. I actually watched Dae Jang Geum back in 2003/2004? but I guess since the story was about Jang Geum I didn't really notice HJM's character at the time. LOL, I'm such a k-drama addict. I actually stopped watching k-dramas around 2006 then only recently got back to it after watching MGIAG. I probably shouldn't have stopped so I could have honed my listening skills. Hahaha!!! Anyway, even though HJM had a small role, I seriously feel like re-watching her parts.

    She seems really funny in her interviews too like in this one. I really wish I could understand Korean. Hahaha!!!

  12. I also tried watching Yi San. It's pretty long though, so I just ended up watching the first 20 or so episodes, fast-forwarded to when Song Yeon and Yi San finally got together up to when she you know :tears:. Even though I didn't watch everything, I really loved her character and how she wasn't always a damsel in distress. A lot of times, she was actually the one saving Yi San one way or another. The wedding scene was so adorable too! :wub: And she was so pretty in everything LOL!...the damo uniform, hanbok, and especially so when she became the royal concubine.

    Then, I recently finished Padam Padam. Whew! Talk about a HOT couple! :wub: Han Ji Min and Jung Woo Sung's chemistry was off the charts! I loved the story too, it was really interesting, although i felt it kinda dragged a bit towards the end. But all in all, I really loved this drama, the OST, the cast, pretty much everything I guess. It seems like some people didn't like Ji Na at first but I actually loved her consistency. It was interesting to watch her open up and let loose whenever she was with Kang Chil and then shut down whenever she gets scared of a situation. For me it kinda felt realistic, she felt human? Idk, basically I loved HJM's portrayal of her. Hehehe!!!

    HJM was really stunning in Detective K as well. It felt really different from her other roles. I wanna watch her other shows but I feel like I should slow down since RTP is already ending this week. :sweatingbullets: Hahaha!!!

    • Like 1
  13. Hi guys! :lol: Rooftop Prince is my first Han Ji Min drama and I've definitely become a fan of hers. To be honest, I didn't really think much of her at first, but just like the Crown Prince, I slowly but surely fell in love with her. Hahaha!!! The more I see her, the more I become amazed at how beautiful she is inside and out.:wub: I'm actually a bit sad that I only found out about her now and it doesn't help that I'm non-Korean so I'm very much dependent on english translations. :sweatingbullets: I've been reading the previous pages for a while now and I'm really thankful for all the updates, translations, bts stuff. :wub:

    I've been trying to catch up though while waiting for new episodes of RTP. She was so cute and adorable as Jo Ma Ja in Capital Scandal. I definitely loved her very prim and proper character and her awesome chemistry with Kang Ji Hwan. I also watched Wolf since there were only 3 episodes.  It seemed like it would have been a solid drama if it weren't for the car accident. =( It reminded me a lot of Snow Queen (Hyun Bin and Sung Yu Ri) but it seems like Wolf would have been able to handle the story  a lot better. It made me want to watch Rebirth/Resurrection as well just so I can see Han Ji Min and Uhm Tae Woong together.

  14. Annyeong~!

    How's everyone doing?! We are finally done with our SeGa DVD Commentary project! Yey! Please give some big cyberhugs to kjkfan7 and starcandii for translating the whole thing for us! For now, I've uploaded the videos to vimeo coz it's much faster (uploading-wise) than YT -- on my end at least. Will try to upload this on YouTube as well.. Enjoy!

    *quoted image*

    Secret Garden DVD Commentary (English Subbed)

    Translators: kjkfan7 and starcandii

    Hardsubbed: ps3hl

    OMG!!! Thank you SO much ps3hl, kjkfan7 and starcandii! *cyberhug*

    Really appreciate all your efforts! :wub:

  15. I think that's a great idea! Like I said before, the more you know about HJW, the harder it is not to like her :)

    I'll start off!

    Did you know that...

    HJW agreed to do "Miracle on 1st Street" with Directer Yoon JeGyoon without even reading the scenario!

    This story shows that HJW is a very loyal and hardworking person :D

    Taken from Director Yoon Je Gyoon's "Miracle on 1st Street" Production Diary http://maxmovie.segy...y=&search=title

    Some background information: Yoon JeGyoon and HJW had worked together before previously for "Sex is Zero" where HJW played a college aerobics athlete. They worked together recently for "Sector 7"

    *quoted image*

    Before deciding to do "Miracle on 1st Street", I spent 3 years trying to create a piece of work.

    Writer, Yoo SungHyeop, and I decided that the female lead would be a poor boxer who has not given up her dream. The problem came afterwards. I prefer realistic acting and cinematography, and I wanted a female lead who could surpass Hillary Swank's performance in "Million Dollar Baby". That is not possible with only camera tricks. I needed an actress who had as much skill as a real boxer.

    Which Korean actress is capable of surpassing Hillary Swank? My conclusion was Ha JiWon. To be honest, other than JiWon, no other actress came into my mind. It was only Ha JiWon, and I believed it was only possible for Ha JiWon.

    I called JiWon and JiWon's management company's president and planned a meeting. The next day, I went to JiWon's management office with a 5-page synopsis, determined and prepared.

    *quoted image*

    JiWon and I caught up with each other and talked for a while. Then, I took out the synopsis from inside my jacket, like taking out a dagger, and put it down infront of JiWon.

    "JiWon! Right now, there is nothing I can say but to trust me. I really want to do this project with you, and if you do it with me, I promise you that I will not let you down. For 3 years, I failed in starting 5 projects and this is my final choice. I'm not just asking you for a favor because we are close friends. You are the only actress who can take this role and it can be noone else but you. Please read it and call me back!"

    "What about the scenario?"

    That's right. To try to cast a lead actress without even showing her the scenario is hard to believe. This situation must have confused her. I came to cast her for a movie with no scenario and just a synopsis. It must have seemed strange.

    "Yes~ I'm writing it right now. I'll send it to you as soon as it's finished!"

    I was so embarrassed, I felt like getting up and leaving, but JiWon spoke again.

    "Wait! Since this is this synop, I'll read it right now~"

    I sat back down. JiWon read the synopsis very seriously, and...

    "It's nice~ But, Director, could you promise me one thing?"


    "Please write the scenario well. Then, I'll do this project!"

    I couldn't believe my ears. I stared at JiWon absent mindedly for a long time.

    *quoted image*

    I found this out a while later: although JiWon considers the scenario, for her, trust and loyalty are the most important.

    These days, I wonder how many actors will agree to do a project without even reading the scenario? I was moved to tears by JiWon's decision and I am still thankful.

    With JiWon's loyal decision, the preparations for filming "Miracle on 1st Street" started rapidly.

    The problem was JiWon's boxing training. Previous world champion, Byun JungIl, was to be JiWon's boxing coach. The gym she was to train at was the current world champion Kim JooHee's gym. However, JiWon had never boxed before. She also did not know how hard it was.

    The day JiWon went to the gym, to be introduced, we saw Kim JooHee training. Jiwon saw how hard she was training and opened her eyes widely and told me!

    "Director! I don't think I could do this~"

    I started sweating and I told her

    "But you signed the contract..."

    I was busy with preparing for filming, so I was not able to visit JiWon while she trained. 3 months after she started training, I found time to visit her. I was curious about how much she improved. I saw Jiwon inside the ring.


    *quoted image*

    JiWon inside of the ring seemed like a human-weapon. Instead of sparring with another female boxer, Jiwon had been sparring with martial arts director, Jung DoHong. I had seen her with my own eyes, but she did not seem like Jiwon. That beastly person inside the ring was definately H JiWon.

    The boxing scene for "Miracle on 1st Street" took 4 days. Because of the setting of the gym, we had to film for more than 12 hours a day. When Jiwon had other scenes to film, she always took her personal trainer along and continued training. She is an actress I respect deeply.

    The first day of filming the boxing scene, we started filming the 1st round. We started filming at dawn and filming had to stop after one hour. This was because JiWon's punch had caused the other boxer (who had been the current Korean female boxing champion)'s nose to bleed. After seeing blood, JiWon started panicking. Because she is tender-hearted, JiWon could not continue acting naturally after that. This is the first time I ever got mad at JiWon.


    Seeing, JiWon cry in front of me hurt my heart, but I had to do this to continue filming. After this incident, the filming-site was quiet and filled with a chilly air. Everyone, Jiwon, the other boxer, Jung DoHong, and I were silently going crazy. Thankfully, Jiwon pulled herself together and, for over 10 hours, hit and got hit. I don't know why, but monitoring JiWon made me cry.

    *quoted image*

    The last day of filming the boxing scene! Everyone, Jiwon, the other actors, and the staff, had filmed for over 40 hours during the past 3 days and nobody was in sound mind. As we filmed the last round, an accident occurred. This time, as the other boxer's punch hit JiWon's nose, JiWon screamed and fell to the floor.

    JiWon's nose was swollen and she had bruises all over her face from the past 3 days. Furthermore, JiWon fell to the floor and lost consciousness. The filming site turned chaotic. JiWon's manager put her on his back and took her to the athlete waiting room. We were in a state of emergency. This was our last day that we could use the gym for filming, so we had to finish filming by the end of the day. However, the main actress had fainted from an injury.

    The moment we decided to take JiWon to the emergency room and finish the last round with stunt doubles, we received a call that JiWon had woken up. We all ran to the athlete waiting room.

    We all looked at JiWon with regretful expressions and JiWon opened her mouth with a hard expression

    "Director! I'm sorry~ I'll continue filming after 10 minutes..."

    Everyone in that room began to cry.

    Like that, JiWon returned to the ring and filmed for another 5 hours. If I think about it again, all I could say is that she is strong. It was a miraculous experience.

    Like that, the boxing scenes for "Miracle on 1st Street" finished safely. Everyone cheered and it seemed like we were finished, but JiWon took my arm and dragged me to the ring.

    "Director! Could I ask you one favor?!"

    *quoted image*

    All of a sudden, Jiwon asked me a favor. I remember it being more of a threat than a favor. JiWon asked me to spar for 3 rounds with the female boxer that she had filmed with.

    I said, the boxer could get hurt while sparring and got out of the ring, but JiWon and the other staff started clapping, so I got back into the ring.

    And... after 3 minutes I KOed.

    JiWon and the staff grabbed their stomachs and laughed and I put my head down in embarrassment.

    That was when I realized it... Boxing is this hard... It is a very hard sport.

    That's right! Even running for 1 round is hard, but JiWon did this for over 40 hours for 4 days. If I think about it right now, that is not possible for a human to do.

    JiWon! I have so many things to say to you, but before I say that I really want to say thank you. I thank you, not as a director, but as a person. You made a miracle that no other actor could have made. Through that hard filming, you never stopped smiling and showed your bright personaility. You put your all into this movie...

    I always wanted to say this to you. Ha JiWon, a long time ago, you were the best, right now you're still the best, and in the future you will always be the best!

    hello there! i've finally gathered the courage to post here. =P i'm such a huge fan of HJW! And it's so true that "the more you know about HJW, the harder it is to not like her." she's just amazing! :wub:

    thank you so much rainluver012 for sharing facts about HJW! Really appreciate it! :D

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