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Posts posted by Hello_Ash
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    hi sweetie






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    yeah , i hope so too, but i'm sorry to tell you it's not gonna happen because sadly JI didn't have feelings for IW i mean LOVE feelings..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    in the elevator..JI asked IW to stop stand in ajusshi's face because he is his father he shouldn't treated him like that then IW told her that she shouldn't think about things like that right now but she insist that he must back off and stop being so mean to his father because in the end he is his real father...IW stops the elevator then he hugged her she tried to push him away but then he told her :































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    she stop pushing him and he complete:i'm so scared because i don't know how much far will my father go to hurt you ( or something like that)...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    that's all..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    seriously they should end up together but the thing is JI care about IW as a friend she even still carry that bag with that face that IW gave to her when they were young to everywhere even when she dressed up so nicely she still carry that bag^^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    but when it come to love i think that she will end up with YK ...anyway IW and YK will team up at the next episode to help JI ..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    IW..you are really something else.. :wub:


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    :rolleyes:can anyone translate what IW said to JI before he kissed her.? IW is really Daebak! been rooting for the 2nd male lead syndrome here! and JI was really pretty in her one piece dress.

    oh my god :w00t:


    me too sweetie, seriously i'm watching this drama now because of them..even though that i know they will NEVER end up together but IW love is so sweet ..he even offer to help her that's why he kiss her in front of his father..

    sorry guys but the story of YK is so typical..he loves her she loves him..they Separated and have some issues then in the end they will return together..but for IW..WOW the story of him and JI is more interesting it's like the love that will blossom through all the hate and vengeance..well i know it's not..but it's my opinion..i wish that the writer will turn the table and surprise us all..even the kiss they share is more emotional than the kiss between YK and JI..i know that JI didn't like the kiss that IW gave her but well, i like it..hahaha

    i wander how did eunjung eonni felt when she saw this scene hahahahaha

    ok here is some pictures that i made for the kiss and confession scene for IW/JI shipper <3


    when he first saw her in the crowd, he was just so amazed by her beauty and shocked at the same time because she showed up at the party


    he knew that she is having a very hard time ..poor JI


    so, he offered to help her <3


    he get closer to her :w00t:


    she asked him what is he doing he told her that he is going to help her and she should not resist :w00t::w00t:


    he kissed her and oh my god , it was a very VERY hot kiss what an amazing actor, she was shocked by that at first but in the end she closed her eyes and go with it..trust me i would do the same  :wub:


    what a beautiful girl..she is so pretty <3


    she looked at his eyes,then....


    " I love you"

    he said :

    " I love you , yoon jae in"

    oh my god, i can't help but falling in love with him..he even changed because of her..i don't hate YK i like him really but the writer need to give him a big change to convince me that he deserve to be with JI.. i don't want to see him holding her hand, kiss her , hug her or whatever i want to see him doing a real thing like IW..sorry guys it's just my opinion don't hate me..because we all know where this drama is heading to..


    love you all <3













    hi guys














    this drama is really good..







    i love YSY he is so CUTE but yet sooo HOT














    but i have a question..







    did LJA did a surgery in her nose?!!! because she seems a little bit different..damn i loved her all the time but she doesn't look pretty as before...i don't know why a pretty lady like her did a surgery..?!!!!!!!














    anyway , i love this drama and YES it will be a hit..just wait and see ;)














    love you all :wub:



























































    hi guys..
















    has the drama been aired yet?!!!
















    i mean i can't find it in anywhere..?!!!!!
















    YSY, i LOVE YOU..he is just amazing :wub:

















  5. ep 16 written preview

    시티헌터의 정체에 대해 접근해가는 영주를 보며 윤성은 멈칫하고, 자신을 잡고 싶으면 증거를 가져오라며 그 자리를 벗어나는데. 윤성은 몸과 마음이 지쳐있는 상태로 나나를 찾아간다.

    나나에게 자신의 진심을 고백하는 윤성, 그리고 그녀에게 처음이자 마지막으로 부탁을 하는데...

    Seeing YJ approaching the conclusion of his CityHunter identity causes YS to hesitate/stop for a moment, and says if he wants to catch him to bring the evidence and leaves.. Mind and body exhausted, YS goes to NN..

    YS confesses his true feelings to NN, then asks her a first and last favor/request...

    :tears: hope its not to stay away from him...

    Oh God...

    i can tell what he is gonna ask her to do by looking to the poor NN's crying..i mean if someone confess to me why in the world would i cry..!!

    damn it man..just let her loves you..let her stay with you..

    you're only make her suffer..and you're gonna suffer too..

    please YS please stop pushing her away..

    my heart is gonna break into pieces for the both of you:tears:

    thank sweety for the preview..

  6. oh my god..

    i would DIE just to see lee min ho only for one day..no ..it's enough for me to see him just passing near to me..

    oh my god..

    because of him..and this great drama..and the chemistry between him and our lovely  Min young..

    I can't sleep..i can't eat.. i can't study..i just can't think of anything else but THEM..

    oh lee min ho oppa..

    please can you show up in my dreams just for once..

    Oh god..help me..i am  really in love with the MIN MIN couple..what should i do..?!

    my friends..thank you for your hard work in here..

    love you all




    I hate how I agree with you at this point. I am always hoping that Yuhyun is sharper and smarter and more sensitive but I guess it not. Whether he knows her real motive or not, is it that hard to realize some1 is not sincere when she suddenly 180degree turns around with u? Come on, he is 32 year old man, he is cool and sharp when he works, I just don't get the point. I am not so sure it is Love at the 1st sight for him either, it may be some kinds of weird attraction but that cannot be considered love, it is not worthy for him to act like that, I am very disappointed.


    I try my best to keep my hope tho since some1 told me that at 50.52 --->50.58 ~ u can see that he is not simple ~ the first time when she disapeared he want to her apartment to knock the door with smiling face but the 2nd time he went straight to his apartment, look at his face expression 2 times, esp after the second time she dropped their stuffs on the street & from the preview ep 7 she will drop him in her room again to go out to talk w Muynghoon.


    Plus, I feel like none of the men is going to believe in Miri in the preview.


    But still if he senses sth just because of that small details, is it too illogical? he couldn't even sense anything after that 180 degree turn =.=


    That is why I think it is HJ who blows up the cover not YH


    and my heart goes out for HJ, look at how she cries and hides from Yuhyun in the preview  :tears:


    Should I keep my hope up?  :tears:



    Yes i agree with you my dear..how come that he didn't wonder why she suddenly change the way she treated him..



    if i was him i would keep asking my self why..but as they say love is blind..



    anyway..don't lose hope in HJ i really love her she is just amazing..so YES i want her to have her chance with YH..



    their scenes together is just so cute and touching at the same time..



    and i can't wait to see next week episode..






    and about miri..oh my god what is she gonna do with these two men?!!!






    thank you my dear..



    love you all :wub:







    Someone asked what will happen if two dark people came together... it will be very destructive. And if this were a romantic comedy it will not work well, but this is a melodrama with an amoral heroine in the forefront. The OTP here is not about the endgame but how it will unfold, it will most likely be tragic as it shows the dark underbelly of love.







    that someone would be me, right..:lol:







    Yes my dear this is melodrama..and it's gonna break our heart for sure..







    because it's not only about LOVE there is so many things beyond that..







    anyway i've never seen a hero with a dark side in a romantic comedy before..is there is such a thing..?!!







    the whole dark side only showed up in a melodrama..







    and i admits..i'm Curious to see who is the one who will capture the heart of Miri for real..







    but with all this dark sides..i want to see a Ray of light ..even if it showed up for a seconds..and that would be HJ




    thank you my dear..







    take care












    Yukata's personality might not be all that sunshine behind his smiles, though. And that is a contradiction with the pure and naive Heejoo. Yukata is more complex than that, as we have been seeing glimpses of his inner darkness.




    About Miri... she originally was a true friend of Heejoo as we saw in the flashback. She protected Heejoo from being adopted when Heejoo didn't want to, and ended up replacing her against Miri's will... It's all gray. Who owes whom? Who is right or wrong? What would you have done if you were them?










    Yes actually you're right..but when two people with a dark side get together what will happen..?!!







    you know when i said that HJ fits with Yukata's personality i didn't mean because he is cheerful and...etc..i mean it because he also have a dark side..and maybe a painful memories..how suppose the two of them cure the wounds of each other ..?!







    that's the question..and that's why he need someone like HJ by his side even if he keep his love for Miri







    and for Miri..she is indeed a victim..i don't know what she is gonna do from now on..i'm a little scared actually..







    let's wait and see this is only the beginning of the story







    thanks for sharing your thoughts I appreciate it my dear:wub:









    You probably like HeeJu since she acts like a stereotypical perky heroine, but in this drama... she's the second lead. While, the stereotypical evil witch is the main heroine. It's role reversal.




    Hi my dear..







    i'm so sorry i clicked on (-) by mistake pleassse somebody help me to remove it..














    i respect your thought but actually i don't like HJ because she is the typical heroine..the good girl with the cheerful personality..







    i've seen more than 80 korean dramas..and i also need a change in the story and the whole typical things..like the GOOD heroine







    if you have seen the drama Dream high Go hye mi the main female lead was so bad girl in the beginning she was so different from the stereotypical heroine as you said but still..i liked her..







    i'm not saying that i don't like Miri ..i still didn't see her good side yet..and LDH is doing a great job seriously..







    but still i like HJ because she is cheerful..she have this special smile on her face..and i love her as a second lead who knows even if she is the second lead she might end up with the main lead Just like the drama Temptation Of An Angel..







    HJ is so sweet and i love her..and i feel that she fits with Y's personality i didn't see tonight's episode yet..but i hope that Y's will have a little space in his heart for HJ..







    that's my thought my dear..:wub:







    and no hates at all..




    p.s: sorry for my bad english
















    Hello everyone..














    ok ..i know that i'm gonna have a lot of (- ) and so many of you will dislike my thoughts but..







    until now..i don't feel that Miri fits with Yutaka.. actually him and Na Heeju look so much better together..to  tell the truth i liked her from the start and i hope that even if Yutaka is going to fell in love with Miri and sure he will..but i don't want Heeju to end up with a broken heart..she is so sweet and loveable..i love her personality







    Miri ..mmm until now i didn't figure out who she really is but i'm sure that she is a poor girl..anyway i'm a Yutaka and Heeju shipper from the beginning..





















    did you see in the preview how she get embarrassed when he came to the apartment with his friend and  turn around then Poured the soap on them ..GOD she is so cute..







    hope to see a lovely scene of the two of them..even if they didn't end up together..







    sorry my friends it's just my thought..














    love you all :wub:











































































































































    Ah Finally :w00t:
































































    Wei Mae Ri's first kiss from the golden lips of our dear Kang Mu-Gyul :wub:
































































    ahhhhhhh , i'm so excited
































































    i hope at that scene they would play the harry potter kiss song..that will make the scene much better a thousand time..<< I'm so evil hahahah
































































    anyway my friends this is my first post in here you are a really great people and I'm sure that i will enjoy watching this drama with you..
































































    to our Moung Moung couple..Fighting
































































    Love you all :wub:
































































    p.s: sorry for my bad english ^_^
































































































































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