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Posts posted by Hello_Ash

  1. On 5/11/2021 at 11:34 PM, airgelaal said:

    She was a victim when she was a child, but she is not a child long ago. As an adult, as someone who is going after the truth, she must tell the truth about herself first. She must tell where is HH lab located. Who knows, maybe he killed more people and all the evidence are there. All those videos also can be helpful. And I don't even want to talk about her poor parents. She is a mother herself now, so how can she be so cruel to them? She knows that BR killed raper, but ignored that fact. No matter how noble this murder looked like but it's still a crime.

    I don't really like BY either, but she is mush more younger and inexperience then HJ. being a victim doesn't give you an indulgence for everything. It's a common sense.


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  2. On 5/7/2021 at 2:49 PM, Blessing said:

    This is the weirdest drama that i have ever watched

    too many plot twist for this drama

    and the writers keep continue to play on the minds with the audience

    and it’s getting bored

    We only has 3 episode left 


    maybe this is just my feeling

    but why the apperance of Kyung Soo Jin is so less. 

    i mean she is the second lead

    I feels like the writer is forget about HJ character 


    there are still many unanswered questions

    about how she escaped the head hunter

    why doesn't she return to his family

    and when will she going to open about her  pandora

    Did the writer save her story in the last 2 epiosde or we are getting none of her story?


    Sorry for my bad english


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  3. On 7/27/2016 at 5:38 AM, Jalhanda said:

    Awwwwww.....you beat me to it...and I couldn't have said it better...you way with words is awesome in describing the OTP scenes in last nights Episode....its just sooooo goooddddd....it will really be a memorable one for me for years to come!


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  4. On 7/19/2016 at 1:57 AM, mujay said:

    Should we not talk about what is better to PSH, and what is the drama make her look better the one with another..as her fans, i always dispointed when some talked about her role  and prise the one and try to crushed the another just to preference our opinion ego, when you want to support her just talk in considerate, don't bother to point the other drama whom she was in it, because for me she was always good actress for her role whatever drama she take, she still young and many chanche to grow more and more, what you talk today maybe diferent with tomorow..be wise and prise her now for her good acting as YHJ, therefore you like her character in this drama and not prefer with another character that is just her role, what she going trough with all her character is her experience to estabhilesd her acting skill and the diferent her as ACTOR.perhaps no more comment like above in this tread, she is good actor and she has been, the role she take is not same, so the acting is diferent too.  AND CONGRAT TO RATING, STAGNAN BUT STILL IN TOP,...wish tonight more better.


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