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Posts posted by snow_angel

  1. We are both so high together about The Restless (and I'm sure many more too) :w00t: It's actually the FIRST time tht we get to support Tae Hee throughout the process, before this we never got the chance to cause we only discovered her after she's completed all those past dramas, so this time we are gonna be right there with her every step of the way even though just via cyberspace, no matter how far the distance b/w us and Tae Hee, it doesn't really matter, we still support her just as much as the Koreans do I believe. How exciting, I actually said all that in one breathe (no full stops haha). But how nice it would be if we can really be there physically with her every step of the way <_<

    Anyway, a Korean fan rlaxogml just posted today/October 17 on Daum Starzone/KTH this question:

    With whom does Kim Tae Hee suit best?

    and she posted these 4 pictures of Tae Hee with 4 actors she's worked with before,

    I'm guessing these are his/her top 4 choices for Tae Hee.

    Won Bin & Tae Hee (Cyon)


    Tae Hee & Kim Rae Won (Andre Kim + Love Story In Harvard)


    Tae Hee & Daniel Henney (Klasse + Cyon)


    Tae Hee & Jung Woo Sung (The Restless)


    Now, my heart tells me...Won Bin & Kim Tae Hee! :)

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