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Posts posted by joojanah

  1. I don't think there will be a time jump either, or at least I think we're already in 2016 and the calendar was something the mom kept because that was the day she was supposed to die (and besides Eun Tak had the newest phone when she blew the candle :lol:) I read on DB I think that on Eun Tak's birthday after the jump the calendar said 2016 but I haven't checked.

    btw do any of you guys know if the opening title is uploaded somewhere? 


    • Like 9
  2. I still have a problem with JE dragging YK2 against her will on an overnight trip, I know he wants her to remember him so she'll go back to him but the fact that they were once married (which he seems to have forgotten because he keeps calling her 'wife') doesn't give him any kind of ownership over her, I couldn't see that whole trip as romantic, like I'm sorry if someone did that to me I would be so pissed. How does he know she didn't have important plans for that day???? And besides keeps calling her Hae Kang-ah, Hae Kang-ah while she insists she's not Hae Kang, so frustrating, like are her words not important to you ffs

    Also something I don't buy is YK2's reaction to BS and JE's confrontation, it just looks to me like the typical k-drama bad writing thing they do in which the female lead loses her ability to speak all of a sudden while the guys have a melodrama all by themselves. I want to know what she's thinking about BS dragging JE to his wife's grave, is she relieved? angry? or upset? I want to see more than the two guys playing a tug of war with her.



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  3. Umh...I wonder if it's a mistake from the writer...TS knows what both HK and YK look like (HK was his sister-in-law and he definitely saw YK when his minion tried to kill her and he faked pretended to help her out).  It doesn't make since that he doesn't notice or acknowledge this at any time. 

    I wondered about that too, how hasn't he realized Yong Ki and Hae Kang look the same? Doesn't he find it weird :lol:

    • Like 6
  4. The first sets of episodes... honestly I didn't watch... I want to (to better understand JE).  
    But still so hesitant because of the feedback (based on the posts here)  that JE in those episodes is a monster & a jerk.  And if I see him that way, that negative image is what I'm afraid, i'll associate to him.  :crazy: I might even hurl my  monitor across the room.

    And I am also curious....amnesia will not make a cold, uptight person into a warm, and sweet person.  I mean memories might be temporarily forgotten, but the personality and behavior would still be the same somehow.  So does it mean that the real HK is really a warm person deep inside, but the demands of her job (lawyer) needed her to be tough?


    Yeah, in the flashbacks she was a warm person but because of the demands of her job and her family she turned out like that. I don't know if you watched it, but right after she lost her memory she was still cold and closed off, but living with BS and the kids for 4 years changed her.

    I wish this were like the drama A New Leaf (aside from the open ending), in which a ruthless lawyer gets amnesia and tries to change what he did, but I doubt that will be the focus in this drama.


    • Like 9
  5. Can someone explain to me the whole shoelace thing,i noticed in the last episode she kept looking at her shoelace and cried as he tie them 


    Because he did the same to Seol Ri before he just wants a helpless child to protect

    If the earphones scene is really Jin Eon trying to make her remember, then does that mean he forgot all the crap he did to her? Isn't he afraid she'll remember all the terrible things first?? 

    I wonder what is the role of the new doctor in the story. Will he be part of the love square? (or pentagon?)

    I don't think he would forget, since it the preview he said "let's start over" but he isn't being realistic to his position at all , I think he might want her to remember while trying to kept her as she is now If that make any sense

    I also been  wondering  about the doctors role , I don't understand why he lives with her mom also if he living in her house he never seen a picture of her at all 

    Yeah that makes sense, and I completely agree that is what he's trying to do.

    They are the main characters so they'll probably get together in the end, but my only wish is that they let him taste some of her bitterness and anger once she remembers. Please let her be angry at him! (I know her guilt for her daughter's death will probably also be a big blow to her but I hope it isn't used to cancel her anger)

    I found BS and HK cute when they met before the memory loss but I think I can only really ship them when HK starts showing romantic interest in him. I know it's the trend in kdramas to make the heroine pure by having eyes for the male lead only and receiving the interest of the 2nd lead without ever giving a reply until the end, but since all the characters are in their 30s(?) I hope they let her say what she thinks about BS's interest in her, and not only show BS asking for marriage while she stays silent lol

    • Like 8
  6. Can someone explain to me the whole shoelace thing,i noticed in the last episode she kept looking at her shoelace and cried as he tie them 


    Because he did the same to Seol Ri before he just wants a helpless child to protect

    If the earphones scene is really Jin Eon trying to make her remember, then does that mean he forgot all the crap he did to her? Isn't he afraid she'll remember all the terrible things first?? 

    I wonder what is the role of the new doctor in the story. Will he be part of the love square? (or pentagon?)

    • Like 6
  7. I asked once before in the thread and I didn't receive an answer from anyone! I'm going to ask again! Like I said, I skipped episodes 5 or 6 through 9! I'm not sure if the answer is in those episodes but it may be! My question is, why does Jin Eun care if Hae Kang is alive or dead when in episode 4, he gave her the divorce paper! And it don't matter if she torn it apart and asked for time to let him go on her part! He totally wanted her out of his life! What happen from episode 5 or 6 on to episode 9 that shows he still cares for her even when at the end, they're divorced and he left aboard with Seol Ri?

    As someone who watched all the episodes so far, I have no frigging clue. He did everything so she'd get out of his life, he was so ready to believe she set a detective on him and sent the pics to his university to get him fired, she begged him to give their marriage another go and he didn't listen, and now all of a sudden he wants to go back? Did u watch these:





    "Never loved Seol Ri" and "Sunbae/hobae relationship" my richard simmons lol

    • Like 12
  8. 2015-10-15 IHAL Main Cast Presscon - Round 2 

    • Seems like KHJ initially refused the script.
    • Oh no, JJH seems to have been dubbed as 'Nation's Affair Man [국민 불륜남] LOL.
    • His apt complex neighbor asked him 'why do you do that?(cheat). I cried buckets. LOL.
    • JJH said he was surprised at the 'mad' reaction from viewers
    • JJH said SR isn't a bad girl. Just loving a man too much.
    • PHB said she refused to read the news or go on the internet.
    • And also told JJH to focus on his awesome acting. (Wow! Good attitude PHB!)
    • PHB is labeled as the 'Nation's Mibsang Woman' [국민 밉상녀']not sure what that means. Anyone? I have some ideas in my head but not gonna risk it...hehe)
    • (Anyway, this all just means that the cast(crew) is doing a great job! Fighting!)


    Hidden Content


    PS: For BS lovers, I haven't read anything about him yet. Will continue later. Gotta go now. Have a great LOVERS day chingus :) 

    According to Naver's dictionary, Mibsang could mean 1)ugly or 2)troublemaker. Since I'm pretty sure they don't mean she's the Nation's Ugly Woman I'm guessing it's the other meaning :lol:


    I had typed a reply to some other comments but lost it when the forums went down :P Anyway, I still want to see JE suffer.

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  9. @irilight I thought Your Neighbor's Wife was an ok drama, there's only one thing I didn't like in the end. It's more a comedy than a melodrama though, despite the subject matter.

    Haven't watched episode 10 yet, but I hear JE and SR haven't married yet? That worries me a bit because it could only mean HK will go back to him and they'll get together in the end, I guess it would be easier for the writers not to make him divorce twice.


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  10. Another drama that featured infidelity and toilets was Your Neighbor's Wife. I watched it recently since viki uploaded it with subs, the housewife character (Shin Eun Kyung) used her husband's toothbrush to clean the toilet... also spit on his food and I *think* she gave him water from the toilet once, I'm fuzzy on the details but I think he did notice his toothbrush was weird when he used it later and got diarrhea. Didn't think I'd get to see something similar in another drama so soon lol



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  11. I think this is the first time I'm posting in this thread *waves* :) 


    I think we are forgetting one thing here that nobody is perfect and so is HK..yes she is not respecting her ownself and trying madly to hold on to her gradually estranged husband here...but it's just because it's happening all so fast.Jin eon says he kept loving her while she was being cruel and putting career in the front zone and becoming more money and position oriented..but I wonder how he can just make a comment like that.It'sause he dint attend his father's business and just loitered around his labs with little responsibility towards his family that HK had to get hold of what he could not.His coming to hate HK just dint sound very convincing to me[neither the writer is giving us a good explanation of his reasoning].Does he hate her determination? As he says while she was building her career he kept loving her as he thought she needed the protection..but why he did not preach her then? Where was his good will and conscience at that point of time and now when he has got a comparatively young and supposedly naive girl beside him...he can see HK's young counter part in SR? I don't think when HK sed don't love me too much ..she actually meant it..it was just a tease and nothing else and I think she just loved him as her own all the time.As @iclarakl sed earlier,introvert people find it hard to express what they feel ..but not everyone is good at expressing.Words are not necessarily important when you've stayed with someone for close to 15 years.They should be basically each other's clothes, if not anything else.I like the analogy from@zenya22 ' These 2 have been living together not as a married couple but as roommates with privileges. They say that they both love each other but yet they don’t seem to understand each other'.At this point,even if they broke apart, I think their equation is and would be there, a continuous process,unbreakable and undeniable. Just that,jin eon crossed a line when he went ahead and slept with SR,if HK would have been in her sane mind,she would have broken off this relationship as soon as jin eon entered SR's apartment.Jin Eon should not be left to get away with this,there are so many breach that he has caused  that I've almost forgotten about,that I seriously wish HK gives him some serious payback.

    I totally agree and I dislike his character the most. I even understand SR being who she is. He only loved the person he had in his head. He has never grown and he was never man enough to love HK. Like his father said he is an irresponsible son of a richard simmons.  She loved him, in her own way and everything of him. And this is her response to his affair, anger. Very understandable. I am not sure I would not do the same thing. JE is the kind of person who will throw anyone under the bus. I am clean you are dirty. What a load of crap. I hope that they never end up back together. JE and SR good for them.  They deserve each other. Now he has his "pretty, young and innocent" ideal woman. I can't wait to see JE have a drag out fight with his sister and brother in law. That bother in law has something on his father and the father is afraid. Let us see how good and innocent JE will be. That BIL and sister will ground him and that father will never be satisfied with him no matter what he does. The mother will be caught in between. And the pretty young thing he dragged to that house will be hairless after the sister is done with her. 

    Yes, especially to the bolded part. It comes across as if he always only loved the nice, kind Hae Kang he had in his head and as soon as she shows something different (the way she dealt with pain internalizing it) he can't handle it. Sure you're a good guy but you didn't have to deal with your dad's company for __ years to harden you and make you ruthless, you could just play around in your little lab to your heart's content. And I believe it will be the same with Seol Ri. He just wants an "easy" love it seems, so Seol Ri better not lose her shine and remain peppy, cutesy and cheerful even when she's thrown all the pressure that comes with marrying into his family, or else she'll be thrown to the curb as soon as another youthful, optimistic woman shows up.

    One thing I like about the show is that they didn't make Hae Kang into a saint just to turn her into the perfect flawless victim for the viewer to pity, so although I side with her in the whole cheating business I also like that there's room for character growth.

    I feel Hae Kang's pain deeply but frankly the sooner she's out of that house the better, Jin Eon and Seol Ri can have each other for all I care. It's not like their path will be roses and sunshine from now on anyway.

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  12. SLA and its cast got several nominations for the 50th Baeksang Awards  ;))
    Yoo Ah In got 2 Popularity nominations, and one for his SLA characterKim Hee Ae got a nomination for her movieAhn PD got a nomination for best director (tv)Ms. Screenwriter also got nominated for SLA (tv)Oh, and SLA got nominated for Best Drama
    http://isplus.live.joins.com/100sang/Candidate/c_sub1.aspx?tp=2&nr=50&pidx=1722 (I can barely read Hangul so I probably got some wrong lol)

  13. I just think the fortuneteller knows the way rich people live and has good deduction skills. Basically everyone noticed something is going on between HW and SJ so imo it's not farfetched that their relationship could look like that to an outsider. That plus the info Prof. gave him, I guess it's not hard for him to figure out why Prof. Kang went to see him and give him the advice that he thinks he wants to hear, or needs.

  14. I agree that JH is probably more upset at the fact that she "stole' the student he wanted for himself. I actually think it's a bit of both though... he reminds me of the character played by the same actor in The End of the World, he always had this rivalry with a Professor, career-wise speaking, and said Professor was also his wife's first love and they were still good friends (or something like that, I watched it when it aired so details are fuzzy) He was always suspicious of them and even told her so iirc.
    I don't think DM is crazy, imo that scene was there for laughs (and for HW's face after was priceless) I can see her being deeply hurt and probably angry when she finds out but I'm not expecting her to go in a murder rampage or something like that :))
    I think the Arts School corruption will come to light eventually, the question is, will they use HW as the scapegoat? I'm worried they might.

  15. I have a question, from what I understood reading the subtitles what SJ did was enlist in the public service branch of the military, right? (I mean until HW's husband went to his rescue lol)
    briseis said:
    And another thing, there seems to be some huge misconceptions among some viewers that Dami and SJ are in a romantic relationship. If Dami tells everyone who is willing to listen her delusional notion that SJ is her boyfriend it doesn't make him into one. He sees her only as a good friend, he doesn't kiss her, he even put her hands away when she touched his face. If he liked her or desired her he would have used her obvious love for him and slept with her but alas SJ is still a virgin. Even the character description says she is only pining after him one-sidedly and there is nothing in the actual drama that proves otherwise (I mean he even left for a different town without a goodbye, there was barely any communication between them and the little was always initiated by DM.).

  16. uburoi said: class="at_ttl""Secret Dating" Hits A Continent, Will It Continue The Korean Wave?

    By Staff Writer | Mar 26, 2014 08:07 PM EDT

    JTBC Monday/Tuesday drama "Secret Dating" is a topic of interest even in China.

    On March 28th, JTBC said that on Sohu TV, "Secret Dating" is being broadcast live.

    Sohu Tv is an Internet TV that Sohu.com, a major portal site operates and is one of the three largest internet stations.

    "Secret Dating" on Sohu TV rated 5 Million hits after two episodes (standards of March 21st) and showed a popularity parallel to Korea in CHina.

    Especially on March 21st, It rated 1.24 million views In a day and was first in all Korean drama.  Second is the SBS drama "The Inheritors" and MBC drama "Moon Embracing the Sun."


    source: www.kdramastars.com/articles/18282/20140326/secret-dating-hits-a-continent-will-it-continue-the-korean-wave.htm

    This report is of course overexaggerated, but I guess these numbers are fine for the show, right?

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