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Posts posted by beancurd

  1. http://tinypic.com/jazzt5.jpg

    credit : youngsosa ,http://blog.daum.net/yyyysun / florice reposted at Sojisub Taiwan FanClub


    the pix looks so cool!!!!!*faintz*

    Not only through this homepage, but I’m really looking forward for the time I could meet you all in person. And when I resume my work, I’d like to show you an improved version of myself…

    I will be preparing myself diligently for that day, and I’ll be missing you all.


    (*Translated by Priscilla)

    i am looking forward to meeting him in person too =P

    and of course his upcoming works*waiting patiently*

  2. I just saw Ji Sub on 3 Men 3 Women on Arirang TV (known as "Guys and Girls") last Friday (23 Dec). I was so happy to see him becos I have been watching the sitcom for months just to catch his appearance.

    You can view the video clip of Jisub's appearance in the show here (this is not the clip which I saw on TV last Friday):

    3 men 3 women

    (credit: Saturn)

    I am also trying to track down the episodes which he had appeared in the show.


    thanks for the link :D

    i think i am going to spend sometime rewatching it, i couldnt believe i miss him out...it is impossible!

    There are 35 episodes of 3 men 3 women in my clubbox.


    They were aired at 1998. You can see 21 year-old Jisub.

    Hi Saturn, do you know which epi is ji sub in?!

  3. He is very gorgeous! Very hot!

    But i found this gif of him.

    I haven't been through all 71 pages in here....

    But i'm still going to post it anyways....


    Wow! It would be once in a lifetime to shake hands with him.

    Even more, get an autograph and shake hands with such a gorgeous man!

    That girl missed one of the best opportunities!



    and i think it is rather akward for him to stretch out his hand but you walk away :huh:

    i think that girl must be too excited!

    how i wish this chance is given to me :P

  4. ^(b)EAncUR(d)^ ~~~miss u~~~

    ps saw u in "my name is Kim Sam Soon" thread~~I also love that drama^0^

    Hi luckycarrienew^^

    miss ya too =P

    oh you saw me?!

    ya, i just finish that drama and i love it :D

    I bought this magazine,i think it is worth!!!

    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v514/pho...d.jpg:rolleyes: :lol::lol:

    is there lotsa pages on hyunbin?

    i have bought that mag with so ji sub on the cover and the content is rather good~

    i think can consider as a quite good mag.

  5. So Ji Sub

    BOF Inc

    4F 90-8, Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

    zip code: 135-954

    Phone: 82-2-3444-5588

    Fax: 82-2-3446-2549



    Let's send him a card to celebrate him for being a member of BOF, and also to prove to BOF that SJS has such many overseas fans.

    "So treat him right !"

    Saturn, we write the message to you afterwhich you combine them together and send it or we do it individually then send it ourselves?

    Boundaries of Forest (BOF)

    The old BOF has been transformed to an exhibit house. Items of So Ji Sub and Shim Ji Ho will be exhibited soon.

    Park BOF will be operated by 6 staffs to help visitors. Only pre-reserved visitors will be able to enter free of charge. The office will be opened from 10am to 5pm. (T: 541-2653)

    thanks to happiebb of www.joonsfamily.com for the photos


    how i wish i can go korea again now!

    i want to visit the old BOF!!!!!

    will it be forever there or there is a duration for the exhibition?

    credit: daum.net/sojs; uploaded by thunder

    thunderbolt wrote in SJS thread @ www.hotelier2002.com ~

    Don't know when these pics were taken but he looks so handsome!




    he looks so handsome up there!

    thanks liezle!!!!

  6. boola wrote last July 23, 2005 in SJS thread@www.hotelier2002.com ~

    I just downloaded one clip of Jisub skiing. It's so funny!!! No sure when, from his look, it might be around the filming of WHIB.

    Jisub is soooooooooo cute in it. He even tried to turn a somersault in the end but failed


    vod posted by ggin in sojisub.com.cn

    Don't miss it, everyone. You won't regret watching it!!!

    thanks liezle for the dl =P

    2005. Nov.24. Seoul collection (fashion show) of designer Chang Kwang Hyo.

    Right of Jisub is Mr. Cho, his car driver.

    Left of Jisub is actor Shim Ji Ho, he was at MISA, Minjoo's boyfriend.

    (Minjoo fell into the river, he didn't, Yoon fell too, Moohyuk rescued them.)

    Shim Ji Ho's management company is BOF too. So they can be at the same company.

    I was there :)


    thanks Saturn^^

    btw, are you in the picture?

    i did not manage to spot you :unsure:

  7. Jisub posted a short message this morning in Youngsosa Cafe.

    He also posted 4 pics of himself, not private pics but for everyone.

    From Jisub (22 Nov 2005 at 7.34 a.m.):

    수험생들 아자아자~~ 수능대박 홧팅!

    그 동안 노력한거 좋은 결과 있기를..

    Students Up For Exams (Examinee) Aja Aja Aja~~ Success at the Exams Fighting!

    For a successful payoff after all that time spent working hard...

    ..섭.. ...Sub...





    (credit: Jisub, cafe.daum.net/sojs; reposted in http://www.jisubaddicts.com/forum)


    MisterX, who translated the above message, says:

    Basically he's wishing good luck to all the students taking the National College Entrance exams.

    Thanks for the translation, misterX.


    how sweet of him!

  8. dancingsonick4vo.gif

    Nov/6 - dance time (Jisub was so shy to dance with fans)


    Nov/6 birthday party highlight#5 - Jisub is listening to our letter which Youngsosa admin is reading.


    highlight #6 - Fans are singing celebration song to Jisub.

    It's a new song made for this event.


    saturn's comment - ragarding the Chinese newspaper article of Nov/10 about BOF:

    Dream plus M didn't pay any money to SJS, neither do BOF. So both contract have no legal meaning. So we fans don't need to care much. It seems Jisub doesn't want to be tied by any contract till his comeback.

    thanks Saturn. for the clips =)

    he is cute when he dance~


    Hi Jeanwhale^^

    thanks for the vidz

  9. aHHH!!!

    no wonder he looks so familiar.

    so he is the cute friends of cho seung woo in the classic!

    he looks more gentleman and handsome in "the love i want to kill".

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