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    I have went to India for business trip but did not manage to take lotsa photos. I will post them up once I am done with the roll.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    pink_orchid, the waterproof cam should be fine to start with :) the cool effect will depends on the film you are using. tryout different sorts of slide films to find the one you love most <3 remember to cross processed them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    syalovee: Thanks for liking my photo :) Will be going India next month. Hopefully I will be able to bring more nice photos back to share ^^
































































































































































































































































































































    d0ts: nice i like your photos especially the first one. you makes me want to go Taiwan. Which film did you use?
































































































































































































































    some shots @ keppel bay and my Malacca trip. not many nice one =(
































































































































































    First roll for my Horizon 202 but I got 16 shots only.
































































































































































    loving it though it always get stuck when I am at the aperture mode.
































































































































































    how to better understand which mode to use?
































































































































































    I have problem with choosing the right aperture and shutter speed.
































































































































































    Using horizon 202 with Provia 100F
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Using Eximus with Velvia 100F
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Using Eximus with Kodak Tungsten T160
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    d0ts - nice photos and the 4th one really looks like a fisheye effect.
































































































































































    enjoy your Taiwan trip and bring nice photos back =)
















































































































































































































































































































































































    i am in complete shock to hear this news!
































































































































































    why did he choose to go...how is his parents gonna take it?!
































































































































































    this suicide thing is gonna stop...one after another =(
































































































































































    what is happening to korea?
































































































































































































































































































































    you will be remember T.T





















    pandriuma - to achieve the kinda color like d0ts's photo, you will need to get slide films and then get to lab to cross process.



    different slide films will give different kinda effect so it depends on personal preference :)



    some examples of the slide films can be found here:






    if you are unsure of the kinda color you will get, you may want to try what i always did.



    search the film at flickr. like if i wana see the color produced by velvia 100, all i do is type 'velvia 100'.

















    the spinner is really cool!






    just when i thought horizon's 120degree is cool, there comes a 360degree.






    EUR 125 is rather expensive, i think but the photos will turn out real awesome.






    i think my friend will like it since she's a fan of panoramic photography.












    d0ts - it will close at 7pm right? haha...i think it is not easy to finish the rides and shows even on weekdays. but compare to now, i think you will prefer to sweat than to carry an umbrella :) yeah...finish that roll and show us. i wana see photos! i will have to try the mummy indoor ride when i am going there ;)










    i like this.






    my friend had the same experience as you. she also thought the film wasn't advancing and the film counter is not showing 36 yet so the next thing she did was to open the back.






    how's USS? is it fun? i am waiting for everything to be up...

    I've won a Gakkenflex!!!



    I'm so happy cuz i never win something.






    He'll give another Gakkenflex to one of his subscribers in his next video.











    Congrats :)show us photos taken with Gakkenflex :P





    My first roll on the white slim angel. :)












    i like this one :)

    important question... what are your favourite films?

    i'll be going to south africa (for the world cup!!) and europe afterwards and im gonna be bringing my lomo lca+






    i have some lomo brand films already, as well as some fuji type 2 tungsten and agfa precisa... but any other brands?

















    this is nice =)






    are you intending to shoot black and white?






    i think ilford is good for that :)












    strawberry.llamas - I will only need to take the film in my bag when I am using the 35mm adapter. You need not have to do this if you are using superheadz :) me too, i am not a very cautious person. lolx...






    d0ts - YOU HAVE 2 DIANAS! wow O.O yea...the disposable memory proj is so cool! but doing it in singapore, will someone really pick up?but it's pretty hard to say...it's gonna be amazing :)












    leeahh - that is cheap! i will get it :)






    strawberry.llamas - you wana get those normal adapter or Superheadz adapter for Holga? I have the normal 35mm adapter. Considering the fact that I may need take out the film in my bag, I find it abit too risky.












    FumiHime - Thanks. It's really expensive adorama and they don't shipped worldwide.






    leeahh - I love the easter roadtrip. have a road to nowhere kinda feel =) 2way vista sounds good. maybe i can get one for my friend.






    d0ts - urban outfitters? i will go and take a look later. omg, i have the urge to take photos again...



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