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Posts posted by baoi
































    ^ never heard about IMDA being a trainee
















    but IMDA has been living a quiet life these days..
















    Hmm.,. maybe she's jsut busy with her online store.
















    anyways.... Sua's face is like so pale.. is it like make up or naturally SUUUUPER pale like that?
















    i swear they(sua&mikkki) need a little tan.. they look like ghosts sometimes.










    can u tell me is he fake or real? this is "LSE" blog link ^^ he still means that hes LSE hahah xDhttp://360.yahoo.com/profile-1VvE66ozdL.R8...nrMjjaznw-?cq=1


    well,.. LSE does NOT have a Yahoo 360 account..if he/she says that it IS LSE, then that is a POSERbut, i think that 360 is for like a Ulzzang Contestand i think the person is just using LSE's picturesto attract people to the contest (i mean.. who wouldneglect LEE SANG EUN's SEXY face?)LSE only has a CYWORLD, other sites are fakes.
    just random haneul i found at a hair sitehttp://img370.imageshack.us/img370/2973/duja060010hy2.jpg and one of hyungjoon :lol:http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/9708/20...17020655vn3.jpghaha it was really randomi just recognized the faces and i was like o m g :w00t:
    HyungJoon is adooorable..but is that really Hanuel? she looks different.THANKS

    THANK THANKS for alll the many updates and spams!!!i looooove you all!





    warning spoiler:





    One part that wasn't talked about much and i absolutely looooved was the part when they held her in the back of the classroom



    and toma did a thorough check of her legs and chest....when toma says 'I'll confirm it" and toma walks up to her.. HAHAHAAHHA!!



    and when he FEELS NOTHING.................. HAHHAHA...


    [edit]nevermind... Shun's hair is terrrible here (i think).. i loved HYD style!!







    look at new LJH!!! you posted faster than i did..


    but i haven't visited his CY in a looong time..


    these are the new LJH that i haven't seen (but may have been posted before)


    If you don't know the reason why i like him sooo mcuh from these pictures,


    then i don't know what to say at all.. i'm suppose to be helping my aunt study..


    and look what i'm doing??














    credits: LJH, me, cy, and IS.



    hmm i know someone he means he is LSE .. -.-'' i dunno is he fake or real? can somebody tell me about LSE? what i know about the person he mean he's LSE is : he live in south korea hes 24 years old (or 23 i dont know) he can speak english perfect and korean too hmm thats all -..-''' ... hm he mean " i dont exept peoples there didnt believe me ... and so on... blablabla... ...

    can u tell me about him ?? thank you ^_^



    Lee Sang Eun (LSE) changed his name to Lee Ji Hoo about two years ago. he is NOT fake, he IS REAL!!


    LJH is currently serving the 2 year mandatory military service in South Korea right now.


    I forgot if he lived in Seoul or Pusan, but he is 23 years of age in the US (24 in Korea)


    He doesn't speak perfect English, but he does know a little (as much as the average Korean person knows)


    Since he lives in Korea, i am sure his Korean skills are good.







    MAN!! i swear i just wrote something here yesterday or something


    and it just grew like 10 pages overnight!!! GOSH.. that's fricken CRAZY!


    i don't think i can keep up with this thread..

    ^baoi~ i totally agree with you! +__+

    and wowow!!! this thread is my favorite now XDDD


    and it's so popular!! it's already 60 pages,


    and only 2 episodes came out!! hehehe :DD


    how cool is that! >w<



    haha.. this is my FAVORITE thread now too


    i will start STALKING it.... and yes.. it's 70+ pages now!

    I love this drama to death! ^^ Honestly, one of my favorite Japanese drama so far.


    The acting here compared to the Taiwanese version is SOOOO much better. I couldn't



    even stand 10 minutes of watching Hana Kimi with Ella acting as Mizuki. She was



    horrible (sorry Ella fans x_x). I love how the Japanese acting coordinates with manga-ish



    style but its also realistic and not as overboard like Nodame Cantabile or Hana Yori








    Being the freaking obsessed loser that I am... I decided to get some caps



    from episode one~





    BEWARE 56kers!



















    ^ Sorry... couldnt resist taking caps of Oguri Shun shirtless. :ph34r:











    ^ LOL... one of my favorite scenes! Is it just me or does Nanba Minami remind you



    of Matsumoto Jun? O_O When I saw him I just flipped because I thought MatsuJun



    was in it!





    And Toma is hot. period.








    Anyways x_X sorry for the big files... ill be back with some from episode 2.



    Episode 2 was amazing as well. ^^ I did like it better compared to the first one.



    LOL, I love the part where Nakatsu was slapping Sano's butt while he was



    sleeping xD And then suddenly everyoen starts saying how they had all kissed



    Sano... HAHA, hilariouss~






    HAHAHA~~ these are aweeesome! i loved all these scenes!
    she was one of nodame's friend from the piano division (nodame always eat her lunches haha)

    that girl freaks me out cause her eyes budges out and its like O__O i think its because the boys are off limits haha


    NO WAY!! is it really her? she's in Ganbatte Ikimashoii (can't spell it)
    It actually wasn't during a marathon, Mizuki and Nakatsu were playing soccer and he accidentally elbowed her and knocked her out. Sano was in the area walking Yuujiro at the time and carried her to the doctor's office while Nakatsu went ahead to tell Umeda.

    I have a feeling something like that is gonna happen in the manga, but then again he might overhear Mizuki's conversation with her brother, but who knows.


    ahahha 12times?ohhh my goodness!!

    well...i believe everyone's entitle to their own opinions so i'm not going to attack you. so don't take this the wrong way. this is pretty much like Hana Yori Dango and Meteor Garden. people liked MG more because its stays true to the manga. but i think: why would you want to watch the drama if its exactly the same as the manga then? you already know what happens. its great that its based of a manga but they should have their own spin to it to make it interesting and still have the same story lines. might as well just watch the anime then.


    well..this is just my opinion. they should sorta follow the storyline one way but still add some different things to it. keep the viewer interesting.



    i agree.. i love the little twists they've done to it..


    it's ADORABLE.. and the little like caps they have....

    Ikuta Toma and Oguri Shun was the one who made the nickname Horikittie for Horikita Maki.

    LOL How adorable.




    One of my favourite scenes from episode 02.

    TOMA = ♥




    grrr....i'm suppose to be doing my hw! >.<




    here's another one LOL! no one drools it like Toma XD







    Took some caps...... ^^





    lol, I couldn't help myself to rewatch Ep. 2 again. ^^



    Still find the part where all the guys admit that they had



    been kissed by Sano to be the funniest part;





    The Victims;



    http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u103/go...5/bscap0089.jpg ]





    http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u103/go...5/bscap0091.jpg http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u103/go...5/bscap0092.jpg



    http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u103/go...5/bscap0096.jpg http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u103/go...5/bscap0000.jpg



    http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u103/go...5/bscap0098.jpg http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u103/go...bscap0005-1.jpg



    http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u103/go...5/bscap0011.jpg http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u103/go...5/bscap0100.jpg



    http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u103/go...5/bscap0101.jpg http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u103/go...5/bscap0102.jpg]



    http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u103/go...5/bscap0104.jpg http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u103/go...5/bscap0105.jpg





    And the most innocent victim;










    HEHEHEHHEHE!! Oh.. those victums...


    *Adds myself in there as a rape victum... *




    Somehow.. i really like the J-HanaKimi more than the Taiwanese HK....


    i dont know... maybe it's TOMA and OGURI and MAKI....


    Ella realllly looked like a guy, but she was VERRRY persuasive..


    WUZUN.. was HOTTTT!!! but i don't know


    JIRO.. hehehe.. he acted verrrry welll.. but TOMA seems to make me laugh more...


    confused... i love both...






    ^ sophia.. there are SERIOUS spams everywhereeeee!!



    just go a few pages back and you'll get a few..



    hehehe.. but if you want a LEE JI HOO spam, i can do that too!






    about IMDA SPAM - the first picture isn't IMDA



    SWS's new hair is awesome!



    Hanuel doesn't look that great in the modeling pictures..



    she looks pale and different..






    Baoi... Hmm.... it use to be Baoy.. but that was my nickname when i was in 8th grade...



    9th grade.. we were soo GHETTO.. and all the Y's we changed to I's.. it was soo cool!!



    so.. Baoy eventually became BAOI.. and that's it!



    Oh.. i need to change my SN soon.. i hate this sn..





    Yeah!!Minkyung is cute!!!






    haha~actually i like both ulzzangs,female/male.Just love them~so if i found a new picture of them,i'll save save save save~







    I'm not sexist :vicx: ~hehe~frame.......haha~cutest and cheapest.Ming,you're really smart~haha







    but i guess cute frames are cheap= = unless we do it ourself

























    Full picture Full Face^^hohoho~







    i think he has more picture taken in modelling.....he seldom take his own pictures...







    and i'm so glad he re open his album!!Yeah!!More pictures




    haha~yeah,jihoo is sure really HOT







    Minwoo's dimples are really cute and he has the most enchanting smile!!!>//<







    it's on the stock picture thread--his that picture,so charismatic~











    Yeah!I'm caroline~haha~nice to meet you too^^







    i know you're an old person,i see you in those pages oftenly~















    Caroline, Caroline, Caroline.. I love your name!

    Hahaha.. *blushes* you see me in those pages often?




    man.. i am terrible with names, but i think i'll remember yours..




    I also love the new Chihoon pictures!! he's so adorable!



    I knew Jonghun's (F.T ISLAND member) girlfriend looked familiar, but I thought I was tripping out.






    His girlfriend is really Kim Ji Young. She's cute.







    KIM JI YOUNG is hella pretty..


  9. Wow!!That's smart,Ming!~~hahaha~frame^^

    I like Minwoo>JiHoo>Chi Hoon

    I have lots on minwoo~but i don't want to do a spam on him as

    x1buckybabey had done that~~

    Yeah~~but i'm so crazy over these guys.

    I like Girls ulzzangs too..but their pictures are not as much as guys...

    wonder why......my kim ji young,kang min kyung and choi ha neul~

    i like these kinds of girls~hahaha~

    Yeah,minwoo dimples dragged me into ulzzang craze.

    I saw his picture in stocks pictures thread,and someone asked who is this cutie

    and someone reply Seo Minwoo--ulzzang

    so i started to get dragged in into UM~haha

    But...i wonder the Mr. Mens-on will reply you~hahaha

    I was thinking of doing Choi Ha neul spams and minwoo spams......but i guess i'll do that in next page~


    Wow!!!Sul woosuk!!!I only have about 2 or 3 pictures of him~just nice~thanks for his spam.

    and baoi:long time no see.hmm.....maybe you don't know me..

    You're well known for saying"Lee Ji Hoo--Baoi's man"



    hahah.. Minwoo's dimples.. they are very powerful huh?

    haha.. anwiays.... your list of men is hot.. because it has JIHOO in it..


    Aniways... I'm well known for saying that? you're Caroline?

    Well.. I'm Baoi. Sorry i rarely have anytime now to come online

    and surf.. but i use to be SUPER active.. back in the 1000 page days..

    now.. well.. i'm just an old person here.. all the new ulzzangs

    are new faces for me.. and i must catch up! Anywho, nice to meet you!

    hi everyone!*waves* :D i'm michelle. i hope u dun mind me joining this thread :) i found out bout this thread today at around 2 a.m. it was bcuz i finished browsing at soompi n hav nothing else to do. my first impression was: "WOW! they were like celebs! they own more pages compared to popular celebs!" n i was amazed by all of u here, u guys have sooo many photos of them n know things bout them. anyway, when i saw the photos of the guy ulzzangs, i dun find them really attractive, i thought they were 'okay' looking, n sum are a lil bit..over the top..

    i skimmed thru the pages..

    and then, i saw MINWOO's photos! omg! he's really really good looking! i find him really unique among those ulzzangs! he has this charming look with a killer smile. he looks like a nice person. btw, issit only me or does minwoo really looks like the IDEAL KOREAN MALE made by a doctor who combined 16 hot guy celebs? i kept on looking different photos of him n still i think he looks like him a lot! anyway, is minwoo and mira dating? i think mira is the prettiest among the female ulzzangs.

    btw, does the uhlzzangs mentioned here has to be korean? what abt taiwanese, chinese, japanese uhljjangs? i know a lot of uhljjangs on friendster that r not korean..

    guys, i can't open cyworld. everytime i tried, it always has this big orange button thingie and sum korean. i cant read korean. i've even allowed pop-ups, but it still wont show up. can someone pls help me? *starry eyes*

    Try pressing 'CTRL' on your keyboard when you've entered the cyworld address.

    keep holding the CTRL button until a window pops up. If your internet runs real

    slow, it might take longer.. if you have like FAST internet like (DSL or CABLE)

    it should take no longer than 30 seconds to open. if it does not open then i

    am not sure what to say, except if you spelt it correctly or what not..

    anyways.. Welcome to the thread! its lively these days and there are alot of

    new faces (both Ulzzangs and thread members).. i hope you enjoy your stay!

  10. awwww!! I'm sooo happy!! returning here and seeeeeeing spams of LEEE JI HOOO!!

    dude.. he should be finished next september.. i can't wait.. almost a year done for him..

    anwiays.. how is everyone?

    wow.. soooo many new ulzzangs that i dont know of... must catch up!!

    page 1800 --- wow.. we're almost at 2000 pages!

  11. I know that this may seem to be alittle late but I need to post it. This is actually a surprised for baoi cause she is sooo in love with Lee Ji Hoo. XD;; Took me 2-3 days to finish all of them. I hope you enjoy..And this is actually for everyone to use. just remember to credit to kayce please. :D I made it for LJH's birthday. :3

    01 http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u215/th...icons/icon1.jpg

    02 http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u215/th...icons/icon2.jpg

    03 http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u215/th...icons/icon3.jpg

    04 http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u215/th...icons/icon4.jpg

    05 http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u215/th...icons/icon5.jpg

    okay, I don't remember IF he just turn 23 or 24. HAHA but I doubt he is 24, right? XD anyways, enjoy!

    Please tell me which one u are going to take out also. =D

    credit to baoi for all of the pictures and soompi font, brushes, texture thread. :3

    AWWW..... KAYCE these are sooo sweeeeet! I love you!

    I'm gonna use them and rotate them too.. hehehehehhe

    Man, all the stress and shhh i have been going through just

    seems to disappear looking at them avatars!! good job!

    (side note for Kayce, I will WORK HARD on those avatars for you!!)

  12. ^ old ulzzangs.. Hmm.. i don't have their pics..

    sorry that i can't help.. When Hli comes.. she will help!

    But i remember that i've seen Number 8 before..

    and the rest.. they could ALL be just like random ulzzangs.. (non popular ones)

    Anyone missed mee?


    I guess nott.

    just came to visit.

    P.S I missed you guyys!

    well anyway just came because someone made me post for Jihoo b-day *COUGHbaoiCOUGH*

    haha don't worry I still love you Baoi



    heres a simple graphic *COUGHbaoiaskedmetomakeagraphicCOUGH*


    -it suxs sue me-

    ~Meishsh0rt <33

    It doesn't SUCK.. it's AWESOME.

    and you made it in like 5 minutes!!

    you are soooo talented. stop doubting your talents!

    i love it!! If jihoo ever saw these, he'd be soo happy!


    Anyways. My Contribution to celebrate Lee Ji Hoo's Birthday

    Though I'm 2 days late. Oh well - It' couldn't hurt n________n

    PEAACE . !

    Aww,,,, that's BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Man, i haven't done nothing for him..

    yah.. your contribution blows my love for him away..

    so sad...

  13. ^ hehehe.. youre very welcome for them.

    AWESOME JIHOO GRAPHICS.... i want to make him some tooo

    but i haven't installed photoshop yet... (i hate reformating my stuff)

    ohwell.. i'll steal my brother's laptop!!

    ANiways.. I'll try to search for more LEE JI HOO pics for everyone.

  14. I am sure if LEE JI HOO saw all of the birthday wishes here..

    he's be ecstatic!! hehe


    Thanks a lot!!!

    I love you!!!!!!~~oh you're on vacation,so good T^T

    I'm going to save these~THANKS!!!

    But,I still want the bigger pictures,any kind girl/guy want to help??

    Those black suits~~Damn hot!!

    These pictures are so hot!!!I can't resist~Oh GOD!!!

    Anyway.....i want to ask...where do you get these pictures from,his cyworld??

    I went to his cyworld~hehe,and saved a lot too...but i haven't go through all...

    Or any particular site??I think these are photography works from a guy...

    Got any sites?

    Again,Happy birthday to Lee Ji Hoo


    Well... There isn't really no site, just a few threads..

    And i guess you can find his picture by seraching Naver or Daum

    or some Korean site.... Taste of Ulzzang forums and Paradise world

    or something like that has threads that are pretty full of pictures

    of him... My main source is this thread and his Cyworld..

    What do you mean bigger pictures?

    Oh.. Namu is the guy who took nice pictures of him.

    Namu has a site, but i totally forgot what it is..


    btw~ does anyone have the link (youtube) to the MV that Shin Solki was in?



    There you go... It's 'I am a man' by Monday Kiz.

    Starring Shin Solki, Ha Suk Jin, and the other guy (sorry forgot his name)..

  15. TODAY is a special day! the 16th of JUNE!!!! It's some uhljjang's birthday!!!!

    Happy birthday to LEE JI HOO!!!! thanks to BAOI for reminding me!!!!

    thanks BAOI! ^-^ i'm so happy for him..





    i really don't know how old he is... lol.. that's why i did this one.. ^^


    and mira's little picture thing inspired me to do one for LJH.. hahah!!!

    these aren't really all that good, but just bare with me!!! lol!!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN TO LEE JI HOO (baoi's man)!!! heheheh...


    oh right.. i forgot.. i'll be back in 6 weeks!!!!

    i shall miss this thread a lot during that 6 weeks!!!! good bye!!!!

    ---edit again---

    WHAT A SURPRISE!!! i own a page and for LJH's BIRTHDAY!!!

    it's a sign!!! ahhh~~~ lol.. jk jk.. hahahha!!!

    6 weeks?!?! I THOUGHT it was like only for like 4-5 week max!!

    Ottokae? what am i gonna do without you!?!?!?!??!

    I guess i'll just have to cry and whine and wait for your return!!

    and OMO!! look at all of those LOVELY graphics!!!

    even a beautiful wallpaper, that i will STEAL and put on my desktop!

    I feel like a bad person.. i don't even have anything to give him..

    he didn't update his Cyworld today.. i hope he does soon with like

    a bunch of Birthday pictures.. Hmm.. Maybe i can Check up on

    Mikki's cy.. maybe she posted some pics of him... :D

    Man.. I miss LJH, but i'll miss you more Molly!!



    ^the wallpaper above,i don't have most of the picture@@

    can someone paste the pictures above~

    I just love him with those modelling photos and black clothes

    He's so hot!!!!

    Happy Birthday To Lee Ji Hoo!!

    Hehe.. i'll try to find them for you.

    Only because it's his birthday... and, you asked nicely..

    OH.. some of the pictures there.. only come in that small size..

    i wish i had the larger pictures...


    Ahh.. LEE JI HOO's birthdate is June 16th, 1984..

    So he is turning 23 in the US, and 24 in Korea.

    [edit] Sorry i could only provide you with these

    i don't have all of my ulzzang files with me.. I'm kinda on vacation at my parents

    house.. it's not vacation, but ohwell.. i hope these works











    credits: me, cyworld, naver, damoim, daum, UM, and as stated on pictures


    WOAH.. i love this kind of SPAM!!

    OLD ones.. OMG.. still so adorable!

    (hehehe.. i can't help but laugh at their hairstyles!!)

    Hli, this is one of the reasons why i love you!!!

    alright! here's the finished list. i got most of the cyworlds and the clothing sites from lists i found on naver, damoim, cyworld, and on page 3 of this thread. i went through all of them and these are the ones that are still owned by the designated person. i'll fix everything when i have time.

    ::Soompiers Who Contributed To The List::

    *In No Particular Order

    SOPHIE, jojolEE_x3, MEIYEE, tuna_madunna, Star*Holic, .yiaZ., liautumnxila, twinkle_lOve, Mui, b4by1nc, and hmong_lubpaj

    TAKE ONLY WITH FULL CREDITS! That includes the list of Soompiers who contributed to the list too!

    If I Find This List With No Credits, I'm Gonna Go BANKAI On Your As~BUTT! Besides That, ENJOY! ^o^


    DUDE, there are tooooo many reasons to love you.. and no reasons

    whatsoever NOT to love you... *sigh* I LOVE YOU A TON!! Muahahaha!

    baoi: i know you wanted a separate list for unofficial ulzzangs but i'm too busy and lazy to do that...sorry ^__^; ...and it's kinda hard to tell who's an official ulzzang and who's not nowadays because when you look up their pictures, they're all labelled ulzzangs..so i'm really sorry baoi!!! TT__TT

    Lols... it's fine... (can this be a reason to not LOVE you?? heheh)


    This is me...my name is Sa-Ma Ko or Samantha Ko...I'm half Korean half french/american/indonesian[ /si ze]

    [ siz e=7]All those picture you've posted are so UGLY...I mean they're beautiful in the pics but they are Ugly in Personal! They're all PHOTOSHOPED![ /si ze]


    and then *SHUDDERS* ....... and continues to *POINT AND LAUGH*

    Sorry.. i'll start IGNORING NOW... Lols.. its' just soo funny!! hahahha!



    I see the old blonde hair

    WOAH. it's been so long since I have seen that pic.

    Hehehe.. yeah? Well.. i just rebooted my laptop..

    NO MORE PICTURES... darn! well.. i have a few..

    must recollect.

    Hli & Baoi: thank you for organising the cyworld list^^

    the one on pg 3 was getting very...messy.

    thanks to all the soompiers who have contributed as well!!

    you guys want to PM the mod to paste the link of this new updated version so it's easier for us to look for the pg next time round?

    Hhaha.. i didn't do much.. it's all the others who helped!!


    so i was curiously in rage about this poser and i asked him.


    i never see you anymore.

    before i leave for Arizona, that night i will make something for LJH for his b-day!

    i can't miss his birthday! should i write to him on his cy? i'm kinda afraid to. lol.

    aww.. sorry love. I have been busy.. well

    not really.. but .... hehe.. I"M HERE NOW!!

    and i added the POSER to my MYSPAce..

    when i am PISSED off at something i'll go

    and YELL at that poser.. (hehe, i have good

    uses for them too!!)

    :sweatingbullets::rolleyes: :tongue2: <_<:mellow::unsure::wacko::blush::tears::crazy::ph34r::blink:

    ulzzangs get to much plastic-0-;

    Uh.. where did you get that from?

    you are the one that posted that list of cyworlds right? yea, sorry, ihave poor memory ^^;;

    well I found a list of cyworlds on daum.

    Click here!

    I hope it can help you or maybe you can add some new ones to the list ^^


    WOW.. awesome!! Thanks so much.

    I'll check that list out and add the ones that aren't in the list already!!

    thanks for the contribution!

    they're the same people

    sangeun = jihoo

    he just changed his name.

    new gookhwa


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