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Posts posted by baoi

  1. aww.. thanks everyone.. it's very sad news for me..

    but i am certainly getting over it (because there is this SUPER CUTE guy

    in my class that looks similar to LJH.. (not as hot though)

    I know him a little ** BUT HE HAS A GF already**

    It's ok.. i'll still admire LJH from afar, like i always had...

    aw baoi~you mustn't leave UM. i know no one can replace ji hoo in your heart but there are still many other ulzzang lovers to take on. lol! and a little good news~i think he's coming out of the army on october 17 of this year. ^__^

    hehe.. i won't ever leave UM.. It's a home for me.

    Yes.. he will be coming out of the army soon, but he's not coming out SINGLE, like i expected...

    I'll definitely get used to it... trust me, this won't crush me..

    baoi: nooo please don't leave us !!! :tears: ; i hope you feel better and and you know it will always be ji-aoi couple in my heart


    personally though i think she's really pretty! (and they look cute together too~)

    her name sounds so familiar o-o; lee hyemin? or lee haemin?


    credit aboki.net

    Thanks for the PTJ pics.. he is a relief from the LJH news..

    Aww.. JI-aoi.. that's so cute.. thanks for making my day better.

    BAOI! i was exactly the same.. i was so hurt! but you are so funnie!


    i didn't mean to kid with the news, but it was just too devastating for me..

    hehehe.. iwon'tleave.. UM is home to me.

    I'm more of a stalker of this thread but er...I hope you guys would accept this one jealous post from a Jihoo fangirl too.

    I'm so terribly sorry if this makes you anymore jealous. T_T

    Anyway, so I was stalking walking around HyeMin's cyworld for a few jealous minutes until I got excited over a blur of a certain person's head. *falls*


    *Credits: HyeMin's Cyworld + Me

    Guess which head? ._.; Well you girls, that are superb fangirls of Jihoo, will probably spot it right out as if it wasn't blurry.

    Jihoo is the one in the cap and I think Hyemin is the one underneath him, holding a very shiny phone camera/camera and she took it from the reflection of the karaoke...er...shelf wall (What is that thing called? I have never seen even such a thing in karaoke -_-)

    That's not the point. T_T The point is they went to karaoke together! *jealous jealous* with a guy friend as well. ._.;;

    If you are going "No way, that's not Jihoo." T_T I saw his name underneath the picture and he replied to the picture as well. *Oh, the jealousy bubbles over*

    :lol: Thanks for sharing all the lovely pictures. Compared to what I've just posted, mine's nothing but a sign of pure jealousy. *falls*


    Sorry for owning a page. ._.;;

    Keep being a stalker, i want to know more..

    hehehe.. kidding.. they look really cute in there..

    OMG!!! i'm so hurt by this!!!!! *runs away to cry*

    LEE JI HOO!!! NOOOOOO!!!! she's seducing you! lol

    ah man.. it hurts me so much!!!! but oh well, as long as he's happy then..

    T.T *cries quietly* *yells out LEE JI HOO*

    ahhhh, why! not a picture of the together..

    hehehehe.......... it's ok. We should weep together.. hehehehehehehe


    jihoo&haemin are cute!

    so lucky..they go nrbing together ><;;

    dont be sad you guys~

    Yes.. LYG with Eyeliner and SHORT HAIR (again)..

    i think the new look is quite intelligent and not super sexy, but it does have some sex appeal.

    IT's a NEW look... and i think i'm diggin it.

    Hehehe... I wont' lie and say that i ain't sad.. I am SAD as FCCK, and that's the truth

    but... i know i will get over it, it just takes some time.. but seeing her pictures, GOSH

    she is BEAUTIFUL!! and i reallly want them to take pictures.. I was thinking, they should

    MODEL for like an online shop... DUUDE, they'd pull in soo much dough, because they

    are both SEXY HOT!! hehehe... GOodness ( i should be sad, but i am glad also that he

    has found his love interest)...

    Oh no! I am not that sort of fan girl who is NOT gonna let my man LJH have a gf..

    Oh Lorrd No! I want him to live his life and have no regrets... and i shall do the same!

    (same to all of you sweet girls out there who are sad from LJH's news!!)

  2. hahahaha~i didn't want to be the first one who posted something about them. XD i noticed it a few days ago but from what i can gather with my very limited knowledge of the korean writing and language, they are so bf/gf. lol! mikki and her are his only friend on the front page of his cyworld. he is her only on her cyworld. she finally posted some pictures of him on her cyworld. he comments her pictures alot. so very cute! and she is totally cute! love her style too!

    and a little something~~~


    i think she wrote "this is my boyfriend" (or something along that line) and he commented "that's right" (or something along that line). correct me if i got it wrong >.<;


    her cyworld is on page 2 of this thread. check there ^__^

    this will make me leave um thread forever.... :(

    Ok.. so now, i will go on and take on my EMO stage of life,

    and then come back and be happy for the pair... i am SURE she is good enough for him

    *sniff snif*........... very sad and good news for me ( i guess)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    my manly you were NOT kidding abotu the news, were you... :tears::tears::tears::tears::tears::tears::tears::tears::tears:

    [edit] Like any jealous girlfriend fangirl, i want to see a picture of her....

  3. date, time, channel? 8D

    AAAAAAH i can't wait omgz.

    has there been any other uhlzzang, or are there any other uhlzzang scheduled to be on?

    woah.. i want to see too.. someone upload on like Stage6.com or Youtube!!

    (well, whoever uploads it,,,, they should upload the WHOLE season..)

    i am realllllly in the moood to see SEXY guys!!

    manly.. you're so funny. i heart you.

    He only updates when you visit his CY..

    And i WISH i ran away and got lost somewhere with him... :D

  4. ^ Hi BAOI<3

    ohmygoodness. jungroo's sooo pretty.

    i envy her looks even if she is ps-d (:

    as for leechihoon, is he just getting cuter and cuter?

    everytime i see his pics, he looks cuter and cuter.

    maybe that's just me.


    his goonbal looks [:

    hehehe.. HELLO!

    LJH is so cute in his army outfit..

    (I came back last night, but totally

    for got to comment, because i was too happy

    that LJH updated.. it's surreal.)

    Same here... I don't like waiting either.

    I would continue to wait for Lee Sangjune! Yes I will.

    Too happy that LJH came backk! a nice day. even made a dance too.

    "LJH is BACK LJH is BACK LJH is BACK LJH is BACK LJH is BACK" - insert hand motions. -

    hehe.. Yes, waiting is not good for my health ... :D

  5. hehe.. wow.. i can't believe that i just saw soo many hotties.. from Sun Hwee to Sws, to PTJ.. and don't forget ChiHoon..

    But my favorite isn't updating.. that's just terrrribly sad... but i'm glad he'll be out of the Army (soon!!)

    Thank Hli for all the updates and pictures.. Hehehe.. Chris Yang's Blonde hair days...

    He has been taking some SEXY pictures lately.. :D -- need to stalk his Cy.

    Anyways.. IMDA update:


    Sorry.. too lazy to resize.

    ** IMDA is the girl with the tattoos, the other girls are her friends/models.

    Another IMDA:


    Credits: AKA-ct.com

  6. cool.. i don't use Esnips anymore.. some people upload the WORST quality audios ever on there..

    and multiply's Search engine thing doesn't have 'MUSIC' as a category anylonger.. WHYYYY!!


    just a small tip

    open the browser,go to google.com

    search the words:


    xxxxx can be song name or singer name,you can type Hangul or Hanja or English as you like

    hope it can help ;)

    THANKS! i love you sooo much right now..

    after work, all i'm gonna do is search for new music..

  7. ^ hehehe.. welcome back. and please don't leave us again..

    i don't think he'll disappear.

    the netizens love him because he:

    1) doesn't have a GF (well he has a wife named BAOI<3)

    2) is training in the army

    wah.. i'm both scared and happy that the Netizens like LJH...

    Oh sophie.. i wish i was his wife.....

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