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Posts posted by nesch

  1. same sentiments with everyone, even my friends at work thought so too. soooo unfair. :angry:

    my friends are not even Korean or from the pacific region, we all feel that Park Shin Hye did an awesome job, she portrayed her role as Go MiNam so well and convincing. Her emotions were high caliber like other seasoned actress. Even a friend whose brother (studying & last yr in films) is convinced that PSH did a good job, his other observation is incidence when she walked "funny" small strides, but other then that he liked her the best acting in YAB. He had more comments about TK "but rather not mentioned" here. Overall, the YAB cast did their characters justice.

    I agree that at times GMN stole some scenes away from the other actors. Trying not to comment on other actors/actress that are even nominated but didn't do par performance. <_<

    we would think that SBS or "Baeksang" Awards are fair, but maybe not. sooo sad. Maybe next time, these ppl who nominates will be objective and not biased and give our PSH a chance. Shin Hye deserves fair recognition too.

    I feel the same way!!! :( I'm so pissed off that Shin Hye's snubbed once more but I supposed that when the time comes, she'll be recognized as a talented actress worth watching. :(

    By the way, to the Filipino fans, you will get to watch You're Beautiful on abs-cbn soon! :) Hope Shin Hye visits the Phils coz I know there's heaps of Filipinos who lover her.

  2. [2010] InStyle Photoshoot BTS video


    You're Beautiful D-cut DVD Behind the Scenes Screencaps (kissing scene)

    If repost, please CREDIT jaimejks-psh @ PARK SHIN HYE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY (www.park-shin-hye.com)



















    Thanks Karenn!!!!

    OMG!!!! Seeing these photos made me want to rewatch "You're Beautiful" again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aahhhhhh!!!! Go Minam and Taek Yung forever!!!!

  3. I know, it's sooo unfair! Who gets to decide who get nominated?? My gosh! I don't hate UEE or anything but seriously! Compare her acting to Shin Hye's, she doesn't compared. This is the second time they did this to Shin Hye. First was the SBS Drama Awards and now this. What the heck! She's completely ignored by the Korean public! She deserves so much love and recognition. I also agree that I could never imagine anyone else except Shin Hye as Go Mi Nam.

    Shin Hye, fighting, we love you!

    Do you think we can make her official thread reach to 500pages by the end of March? Maybe then they'll realize that among netizens Shin Hye is really popular (as in international caliber) and that they'll start to notice her drawing power... Let's make this a challenge among us (Shin Hye fans)!!!!

    • Like 1
  4. Hi guys i have the same sentiments with you all! Thanks 13sunshine for the info :)

    This is totally CRAZYYYY!!!! How come Shin hye is not nominated?!!!!! She is the main female lead in YAB.. arghh!!!

    Its because UEE is more popular than Shin hye?!! Oh come'on!

    I don't hate UEE but by doin this to our shin hye.. arghh! this is not FAIR! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    I know it's not right but I'm kinda hating UEE now.. I mean I dont really know her anyway. I just know her from YAB and honestly I dont really like her...

  5. What???? Shin Hye's not nominated?! What kind of an award giving body is that?! Shin Hye was very effective in portraying Go Minam and I couldn't imagine any other actress of her generation can equal her performance. It's starting to annoy me now that Shin Hye is becoming more and more ignore when it comes to awards.. Argggghhhhhh hate them!!!

    Shin Hye fighting!!!!

  6. Hi Karren,

    Thanks for the description !!!

    ....I am so jealous of you. ^^;; When did you you it? Hixhix...

    I so want to get it since SH endorses it.... but I dont think they are available in the State yet.. hixhix ;(

    How long have you have it? and how do you like it? hehe...can't wait until EH-usa carry them ( they didn't last time I checked ^^)

    Hi nesch,

    Nice to meet you.

    And yeah, SH has come a long way and will continue to go places. She was so great at the age of 13 and have proven her ability and talent through many different roles. I really hope that she will have another big project soon... but unfortunately she will be( or already is) back to school , so maybe she will do one in her break (finger crossed**). Such a hard working girl ^^

    But please join us at park-shin-hye.com when you have some free time. We are there to share the love with beautiful SH and our beloved stars ( SH fans ) as well. ^^ I promised that you won't be disappointed :)

    ** head back to the Forum**

    Thanks for the invite Thao! :) I'll make sure to check out park-shin-hye.com. Oh so is that why she's not as active? She's in school? hmm that's good at least she still values her education over showbiz! Now I like her even more!


  7. Hi Everyone,

    I just want to say that I don't usually post comments whatsoever but I really wanna thank people from this forum for the lovely updates on Shin Hye. I've watched her since Stairway to Heaven days and that would be about 5-6 yrs ago??? I said then that this girl will go places and sure enough she is starting to conquer the Korean Entertainment scene. I'm so happy for her! I hope she gets more projects that highlight her talent as an actress and of course be paired with cutesy Korean actors like Jang Geun Suk. I don't mind Yong Jung Hwa being paired with her too I think they've got similar personalities and get along well! :)

    Again thank you for the updates and keep them coming in!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    AWWWWW all your description of HWAN HEE makes me like him even more!!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts about him. As you know, its just now that I come to know who this guy is. I really can't stop listening to his song from Over the Rainbow (Tomorrow)> :P His voice is sooo powerful and you really can feel the emotions.
































































































































































































































































    Sorry if I keep on asking questions, but what are some of his best songs? Thanks thanks again in advance.. Oh btw, its really nice meeting you all. hehehe sorry I made myself at home here. Looks like I'll be visiting this thread more often now. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks for all your replies about my question on Hwanhee's upcoming projects!!! I really hope that he stars in a drama soon.. He's very talented and good looking!
































































































































































































































































    I just have a question. How is his personality like? Anyone care to share how Hwanhee's like? or to be more specific, how is he with his fans. :P Thanks again!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi! I'm new in this thread... :D I just finished over the rainbow and I just love Hwanhee so much!!! I became an instant fan!!!!! Does he have any new projects??? Can't get enough of him!!!! :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hi everyone! So how are we gonna go about doing the summaries? I can help in making for some of the episodes as i've seen some on KBS world with subs so i think i still remember what some of those episodes are about. :P Anyway, I just like to ask if anyone of you wants the OST of Sharp Love 2. I could upload the songs if you like. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi guys!!! :) I have a suggestion.. What if we make a brief or detailed summary of every episode? That way, those who dont understand Korean can somehow get the story of each episode. :):D It would be less work and easier to do. It would really be helpful while we wait for the subbers to finish.. :) What do you think? :unsure:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ You watched it with english subs on KBS world? Like the website? Or, they broadcasted it in the Phillipines?
































































































































































































































































    Yeah, I <3 this drama in a nutshell. :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just watched it on kbs world on tv:) we have cable there so its got kbs world. all of kbs dramas -the recent ones- are shown there with english subs. Its so cool. We were just behind like a month or so from the dramas' original broadcast in korea. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh... I see haha ^_^
































































































































































































































































    Maybe Sharp 2 appealed to me more because it was about highschool.
































































































































































































































































    I'm kindof sad I didn't start with Sharp 1 though because then instead of 50 episodes, I could watch 64 + 50... keeping me well satisfied... haha. ^^
































































































































































































































































    But, this drama is seriously near & dear to my heart. <3
































































































































































































































































    I seriously related so much to this drama it's crazy.
































































































































































































































































    I'm sad I found out about this drama late too so I couldn't talk about it to anyone. Boohoo. Haha.
































































































































































































































































    What was your favorite Sharp 2 episode?? Mine was the Christmas episode, Episode 21 - Where they find out about Selectis and go on that trip aaaand Episode 19 - Where they go to a club.
































































































































































































































































    I also love that part when Yuhmyung and Oklim are dance partners... and they go into the room and start dancing to slow jazz and Hakju catches them. SOOOO funny. xD































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh my gosh! Were the same! I found this drama so dear to me. I mean this is the only drama that I ever bother to download and back when I was in the Philippines, I even miss "some classes" so i could watch it over on KBS World. Its got english subs there and I'm just so lucky to have watched the really good ones. Up to now here in Australia, I still watch the episodes I've downloaded over and over again.
































































































































































































































































    i still smile over the love team of yuhmyung and okleem! I particularly liked the episode about the yellow ribbon and of course the christmas one. Oh my! Ooohh I also loved the ending, I cried when okleem waved when somebody called her- i think that was the very last scene. It was heartbreaking for me because it signaled its end :( Over all I think this drama kinda presents a thing or two about growing up and finding your place in life. I mean its a teen drama but still it touched on topics which I think everyone has gone through in their lives.
































































































































































































































































    I'd give this drama 10/10!!! for being wholesome, cute, and filled with so much values to learn from. I just hope Kim Ki Bum and Go Ara do a drama together because their on screen chemistry is really great!! Love them!!! :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi My Immortality! the episode 23 is not uploaded yet... :) thanks for the links to episode 24 and 25. I appreciate it so much!!! :))
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks my immortality for uploading the episodes again.. :) Thanks a million..
































































































































































































































































    I have another request.. :blush: is it ok if you upload the episode where okleem tied a
































































































































































































































































    yellow ribbon on her hand as a sign of accepting Yuhmyung's love? Thanks thanks so much!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hi my immortality! :) can you please re-up the christmas episode because i tried downloading it but it
































































































































































































































































    said it expired already due to inactivity. please please.. oh and also if its not too much of a hassle please r
































































































































































































































































    upload also the wisdom tooth episode and episode 34 in megaupload. please? thanks so much!!! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    hey, i never knew but apparently,
































































































































































































































































    sharp#2 is now available on dvd. the entire series
































































































































































































































































    i dont think its available on yesasia or anything but i just saw an advertisement for it
































































































































































































































































    and it came out on august 4th.
































































































































































































































































    maybe thats already publicly known knowledge hmm































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi my immortality! I jst want to ask which ad did you see the dvd release for this drama?? i really want to buy it!!! thanks so much :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi goongers... This is my very first post in this thread. I just want to say that I enjoy reading the posts here so much. I feel so happy knowing that there are people just like me who are addicted to goong!!!:) Anyway, I just want to ask a few questions. First, is it really confirmed that Shin gave up his position as crown prince to his sister? What happened to CG's comment that she thinks that Shin is the only one suitable for the position? Another is how come it took Shin quite sometime before he actually went after CG? Shin was found innocent of the crime right? then how come he didnt come after her? Next is... what was the reason why only Queen Mother came with Shin to Macau? Lastly, did they get married because their previous one became null and void after Shin stepped down??
































































































































































































































































    Thanks so much guys!!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    read if yu dare . :)
































































































































































































































































    11/20/05 - Starting to Bunjeejump ...
































































































































































































































































    This episode was about courage & in the beginning- Joo Youngmyung; he failed twice in falling to bunjeejump.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Bunjeejumping was a symbol for courage.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    In this episode; There's a 3rd year student who likes Eunsuh & follows her around- asking to eat dinner with her & buy her coffee ( to treat her right) but later on; the guy finds out from Sangpil that Eunsuh likes the rich; good looking Joo Young myung.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sangpil in this series already have gotten beaten up by this upperclassman; same with Ohk lim's twin brother because of Eunsuh.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ohk lim & the upperclassman gets caught by Hakdoo for being late to school & gets a punishment for the full period. The upperclassman goes away & tells her to do all the work; thats when Ohk lim's stubborness gets a hold of the upperclassman's attention.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Later on; Ohk lim & Youngmyung are together & the upperclass man have a little chat about Young myung being liked by Eunsuh & if Young myung & Ohk lim are going out- Ohklim says to Youngmyung not to tell him & he doesn't... then the upperclassman asks Sangpil to do him a favor...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sangpil goes up to Eunsuh & tells her that Young myung wanted to see her & talk to her; Eunsuh suddenly brightening- Sangpil regrets what he did even more & calls Youngmyung.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Youngmyung & Ohk lim goes to Eunsuh & meets up with Sangpil.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The upperclassman & Eun suh are talking and Eunsuh is both scared & annoyed that he keeps on asking her to go out.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Youngmyung ( being the nice kid he is to his friends); he gets in the way & Sangpil & Youngmyung both get hit. Ohk lim goes off & goes to the police station for help.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    once the police come; the three guys run away; Ohk lim sees both Youngmyung & Sangpil on the floor but this ticked her off because Eunsuh was helping Youngmyung.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    As they walk home; Youngmyung says "Your just jealous because of Eunsuh right?"































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ohk lim: "H-How did you figure that out?"































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    youngmyung: " I'm slowly getting to you know a lot better"































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ohk lim: "pshh... be quiet and go in"































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    As the upperclassman tells sangpil & Youngmyung to see him again; Youngmyung says something about how he's scared, he's nervous & he doesn't wanna get the crap beaten outta him- he says that he won't avoid him like Sangpil will.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This is a start of courage; Ohk lim & Youngmyung are opposites in this drama.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    While Ohk lim may seem like a cute skinny girl; she has couage; strength & she's stubborn( sometimes thats agood thing); Youngmyung isn't yur average boy, he's smart, got good looks, kind & nice to everyone; reasonable but can be afraid & quiet sometimes; but he speaks his heart out.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    He says this to Sangpil mostly because he doesnt wanna be a whimp & avoid him but Youngmyung got upset when the upperclassman wanted to beat the crap outta Ohk lim too- calling her a arrogant richard simmons.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    As for the ending; Youngmyung fights with his heart; & tells ohk lim he wants to go back & bunjee jump.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    this is a new start for him in this drama; something he;s overcoming.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    HI!!!! :) Thanks so much for the summary... I have a favor though.. Can you also post the summary of episode 34 and the episode where Okleem's mom ended up being a cleaning lady or something.. Please please please ;);):) Thanks so much again bebyxanna!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hello there!!! Anyone who has seen today's episode, can you please tell me what happend? I really want to know.. :( Please oh please.. Just put a spoiler warning on it please!!! :P thanks so much!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hello!!! Can anyone share the story of episode 24 and 25?? :)
































































































































































































































































    thanks so much!!!

































































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