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    they sell cross necklaces labelled as ship-ja necklaces in korea (as in the number 10)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    me and my best friend wear them sometimes and we are the most non-religious poeple you will ever meet
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    hi ~ i've noticed you guys like to karaoke
































































































































































































































































































    me and my friends have started getting into it again (we can't be bothered renting singstar anymore) but we've only been to utopia in myaree and hit studio i think it is?
































































































































































































































































































    are there any other places that are either better, cheaper, newer songs or whatever? utopia only has korean songs from like 2001 :( but happy hours is pretty good
































































































































































































































































































































































































    my friend from korea says she doesn't know whether she's come to australia or china for her masters degree -_-;
































































































































































































































































































    sometimes i wonder that too, and i was born in australia -_-; curtin and its exponentially increasing amount of international students
































































































































































































































































































    monday is a public holiday.. i don't really know what you're talking about ^^^^^^ but i don't think many things will be open.
































































































































































































































































































    saturday is normal trading and sunday... is sunday.
































































































































































































































































































    happy easter to you all!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    happiest - just being together, talking, doing whatever
































































































































































































































































































































































    saddest - knowing that my father will never let be with him...
































































































































































































































































































































































































    you guys look like you had a lot of fun ^_^
































































































































































































































































































    i've did my timetable for this semester last year.. i have 2 night classes T_T
































































































































































































































































































































































































    i guess you're probably all meeting about now ~ or going to... and i have to run errands -_-;
































































































































































































































































































    i hope you guys have/had fun ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































    don't lose your id though! i remember i lost mine, and it cost $15? was it $10? it was back in first year so i can't remember. i took another photo and it was just as bad as the first. >_<.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! anyone do anything interesting???
































































































































































































































































































    i wish you all the best in the coming year
































































































































































































































































































































































































    i hope every one had a nice christmas despite the heat ~ boxing day was a killer
































































































































































































































































































    my mother's friend's daughter has just come from korea to study in perth and she almost died on her second day here hehehe.
































































































































































































































































































    imagine when i tell her that when i was in primary school we didn't get air-conditioning until the year i graduated yr 7
































































































































































































































































































    i think garden city changes the most out of anywhere in perth. i live like 5 minutes away but i don't get to shop much anymore cos busy busy busy
































































































































































































































































































    the last time i went it was like half the stores were new. haven't gone sales shopping yet but i think i will go tm (or today)
































































































































































































































































































    have any of you thought abt what to do for new years?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    i think there will be a winter album because isak's cyworld had a picture of her recording the chorus for it
































































































































































































































































































    i think all of sm will be there.. well most of it
































































































































































































































































































































































    hahaha daylight savings ~ i remember when we went clubbing last year when it was time to change clocks to dst and my friend complained the government was stealing an hour from her. i don't really like it. we get a lot of sun light as it is here anyway.
































































































































































































































































































































































    i bet a whole lot of people are in the same situation ~ they were so excited about jt coming that they forgot about tee/uni exams -_-;
































































































































































































































































    i still haven't had to do jury duty. my friends have and they say its the most horrible thing in the world








































    i got my hair cut by andrew in winthrop top image too ~ it was scary how he cut so fast!!! they say you go to get your hair cut at the end of a relationship. i went along for moral support and ended up getting more of an image change. all my hair T_T....




    perth has been getting a lot of good concerts this year! does anyone want to go to justin timberlake, by any chance? my friend got tix, but she has exams so she can't go anymore.



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