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Posts posted by pcyan

  1. I like watching Wu Jun, but have to say he doesn't really know how to act. I read the manga this weekend, I like the series better, but hope the ending also turns out cuter than the manga. I believe it's the same director doing this series and ISWAK. He is good.

  2. I don't find it awkward for SY and JW to be together. To play a 23 yr old girl with a 29 yr old guy. there's nothing wrong with it. I actually like them paired up.

    I don't particularly like the way DJ, the eldest, looks. Does the PD think having him in a beard makes up look like the 34 year old he's supposed to be? and I agree, the female actress to play his girlfriend looks a bit too old for the character

  3. I read on krdrama forum that in episode 13, that SJ apologized to MS that she hurt him back then, and knowing that he wanted to revenge on her, she cannot forgive him. MS tried to go after her but to no avail. The cheater went to her store and even though SJ berated him, he did not get upset at her. When MS came to the store, DS acted as if she were trying to soothe SJ and told MS to give SJ some time to cool off. Meanwhile, SJ's two friends each take one side. When SJ's friend chatted with MS's manager. the friend's hubbie got jealous and the manager and the husband got into a fight or something like that. MS's father came back from US and told MS to go back to the US. MS told SJ but SJ said so be it, and MS cried in the car. Note: I'm doing this by memory, if it's a bit off, don't blame me.




    Brief summary for ep 08:


    Soo Jung saw Dae soon leaning on man Su crying, walked away but twisted her foot, and were seen by both.





    Soo Jung mom came back and trie to get Man Su and Soo Jung back together at a reception, embarrassing Soo Jung.





    Soo Jung's mom came back to live with her father. Soo Jung wasn't happy but her dad and father were, so Soo Jung let her stay. Apparently her mom is heavily in debt, and is being chased after by the debtors. Her father tried to earn a living and hurt his foot. The cheater came to visit her father at the hospital and she was moved.





    Poor Soo Jung is burdened by her father, her mom's debt.





    Man Su took Dae Soon to his home, and she made him some food. When Soo Jung noticed Dae soon is not home, she called Dae soon, her phone is off ,and so is Man Su's so soo jung started to imagine what happened. When Soo jung came to the house in the morning, Dae soon saw her and dressed in pyjamas, even though she didn't sleep with Man Su.





    The cheater took Soo Jung out for dinner. Invited Man Su and said that he wanted to tell both that he wanted to take Soo Jung to the US and marry her. Showed her some pictures of churches in the States from the internet. Soo Jung was very happy and kept glancing at Man Su, and Man Su did the same. End.









































    Love this series. Dying to watch ep 10 and 11. Can't read Korean. Is it only Koreans who can sign up as member on OCN? Can someone tell me what the webpage is saying about logging in ? Thanks.








































































    How come there is so little interests in this show. It's fabulous. I'm enjoying it very much. Has anyone watched ep 10 yet?
























































































    Just finished watching ep 05. It's hilarious. Now I know why this is not shown on regular TV channels. a little bit of mature content today. HA HA.
















































    Can't wait for ep 06.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The baby was born with genetic defects of the heart vessels. The doctor says he needs survey that cost lots of money. that's why they are doing crazy things to raise the money.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I didn't find ep 04 as funny as ep 03. Don't find the "mini cooper" jokes too funny , it dragged out too long. The lady landlord is not bad looking, why does the big brother think she looks hilariouis in the bathing outfit?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hope it keeps up with the funny parts.

































































































































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