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    Seems like James is going to find out soon about Hye Won's family background. Getting interesting.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But, would the pork cutlet business fiasco get blown out of proportion when people find out Hyo Won is also on title later? Can't stand both her father and mother. Her father is just stupid.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    At first, I thought the lawyer drafted the marriage agreement on his own. Now I find out the old man knows about it all along. just don't understand his character. Is he evil enough to kill off James mother?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    $87K US is peanuts to SM. The fine should be in US millions, considering how it must have adversely impacted JYJ's earnings.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    All the synopsis I read about this series indicates it is based on true story of former Dong Ah chairman and his bride. Does it mean loosely based on a young girl marrying a older rich businessman or really based don the life of this former chairman? It is getting on my nerves, how can she keep quiet all this time? Start defending yourself and fight back.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    In real life they stayed married for 11 years. Does this mean there is no happy ending for James and the Hye won?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    After watching the preview of ep 25, can anyone who understands Korean tell us what the Manager at Gaeseang House said about what condition gaesangs can leave the place? Does it mean the gaesang has to get married?
































































































































































































































































    Is it just me? The gaesang that get beaten up and then get kicked out is barbaric in this time and age. I found it kind of unacceptable in this times. Who would accept such ill treatment and then get sacke? Come on! the writer needs to get with the times. This is not a 50's drama.
































































































































































































































































    However, I am still watching this because of A-Damo.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I watched today's episode on live streaming, so I can only guess what they are talking about. Why was Sa-rang's cell phone taken away or turned off ? That's unreasonable. Then 7 of them staying in one room bedroom?
































































































































































































































































    Furthermore, at the end when the gisaengs came back to the bedroom, both came back dead drunk. If this is the way of lives of gaesangs, there's not much difference than girls that tend to customers at bars? Why is writer trying to glorify the gaesang house? Saran should run from the gaesang house right away.




























































































































































    Just can't see Ariel as a model. Even though her face has slimmed down, need a taller girl to play the part.I remember watching someting Juliet with Wu Chun . Just can't see her as a model or in the fahsion industry. SiWon and Donghae replacing Jerry Yan, at least, is an improvement.




















    I like the series but I stopped watching it for a while, cos I can't stand the evil couple, just reading about the progress. I have been waiting until the revenge starts. So, I started watching again from ep 76. Can someone explain who is lady is, Mrs. Oh, who is helping Ga Eun with the new image. Why is she helping her?



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