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Posts posted by peipei78

  1. I just can't contain my addiction! Hopefully my last post today (Yah! NEED TO GO BACK TO WORK NOW!!!!)

    :sweatingbullets: Why the caption for the first pic is not appearing????!!! Hwon: Yeon Woo-yah! Yeon Woo-yah. Bogoshipta!

    *quoted image*

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    *quoted image*

    I wanna see them in a movie together! cheballllll!!!!!!!! tears.giftears.gif

    wooowww.... clap-clap to you... what a hardwork... lol...

    *your boss is behind yelling... yaaa !! i thot you're coming back since the drama ended since last week..!! *

    ooh...btw... try to replay ..maybe it'll help you to get sleep earlier.. u know.. too much watching maybe makes you boring.. *which i don't think so bahahahaha *

  2. regards,

    the order of the Moon

    Yeon Woo army :P

    LOL... another YW's army ...

    oh..yes.. NK is offering herself as an amulet and sacrificing herself in returns, so the haunted spirits like BK, Botox Granny and devilish F4 can live happily after in hell.. hhehehehe...

    @ Gabjumz,

    ooohh.. i did the same way when some post rattling about MW... *sigh* ... exhausted already just looking the long post... :sweatingbullets:

  3. Bwhahahhahaha!

    You got me there Yeon Woo! lol! You really got to be depressed reading previous posts as most complaints are more of your character! bwhahahhaha! :P:P

    Actually, the discussion has been more "healthier" compared to those times way back then since almost everybody left here are the drama's lovers! hehehhe! No more complaint eh! Just merely missing this drama.

    I've been going through severe withdrawal syndrome for TMETS that I can't even enjoy watching SPEEDO or any other drama. :(:(

    yea... the recent discussions waaaayyyy "healthier" than previous post... hahaha.... don't ask me about the previous posts, too depressing... I skipped most of it...If I see a long post from unfamiliar name... I scroll down immediately... hehehehe... yeaa...hate me .. i don't care

    hahaha... even SPEEDO can't recover you too?? I don't even watch the latest eps...noo..not yet ready...that's why i don't put any comment in there... I hate myself for this severe syndrome.. here I am.. lurking like a lunatic in this quite place.. barking all alone... hahahaha...

  4. ^ :sweatingbullets: Sorry Peipei - I didn't mean to complaint or find fault.

    You know what :ph34r: I think the flaws is actually the idea of the PD and writer :ph34r::ph34r:

    They want us to continue to talk about TMTETS even after it ends.

    BTW another person I like so much is the Eunuch - Hyeon Seong? (I always wrote his name wrongly). He is the 2nd person that I like in this drama. He is the closest person (next to YW) to your highness and when he grin it's sorta contagious and I would start grinning too. The comedic relief in this drama is spontaneous and you won't expect it.. like in eps 20 - I was wondering why Chonnnaaa sort of lost interest (when YW said she hid a present). I wonder what happening? Then he started playing Gayageum - kekekekkekek, I laugh so hard, it was so so funny. It never cross my mind. KSH expression was priceless and when he threw the gayageum away, I literally rolled on the floor laughing my head off... kekekeke..

    I guess what I like most is this little scene, which may seem not important to some but these scenes make Hwon and Hyeon Seon attached to my heart. when I think about both of them I would start smilling and eventually giggled...

    historical-romantic-comedy - hisromcom - new type of drama - we have melo, we have romcom we have historical and now we hisromcom

    I hope we can see more of this type of drama in future.

    Hello Bambiina,

    nice to meet you :)

    no need feel sorry... hahaha... no worries for me..

    I, 1000 % agree about HS (the eunuch)... I think he is the HERO in this drama. I always expecting what his next action kekekekekek...

    Hwon with Gayageum ?? the best funny scenes of the whole drama.... i re-play this scenes...thousand times and always cracking up.. and the rock n roll face of HS... also DAEBAK !! hahaha

    @ Kelcy,

    isn't cool? YW...Queen of Joseon and Hwon's woman... :lol:

  5. looks like the room is still in " Hot " discussions about the flaws of this drama? hehehehe... no offense, ok?

    it just, why is everybody looks so serious when you're watching a drama? not only MoonSun... I mean, let's enjoy the euphoria of each drama that you watch. Don't ruin other's mood by keep complaining or comparing between 1 drama with other dramas. it's a never ending debate...and at the end you'll get upset, angry and the ruin / change all the soompiers in the forum. it's entertainment, people...they exists to fool us...hehehehe.... why don't we just keep on dreaming, since it's free of charge and makes you feel happier :)

    my reason for join in a thread is to get entertain myself, not for upsetting myself. it really depressing when you found a great place then suddenly become unpleasant anymore....the thread / blog is my guilty pleasures from my sucks daily life.



    Yeon Woo

    (Queen of Joseon and Hwon's woman... :lol: )

  6. Yes, damn MBC, I just read the interview with Sun and Moon writer on soompi's homepage. She said script was originally written as 24 episodes and had to shorten it to 20. She wanted to cover Woon and Seol love line if she had more time. DAMN IT! DAMN MBC!!!

    Link to writer interview article http://www.soompi.com/news/moonsun-writer-the-ending-could-have-been-different

    Yea, i just read it. It supposed to extended.. I dont know what makes MBC deciding not to extend it.....i am not 100% agree they extend until 4 eps,2 is enough...

    Uhm...btw, is it true the dvd cuts contains the deleted scenes? I never buy the dvd of PD-nim cuts, and is the running time is longer too? Well if it's true, i might consider it to buy as well...

  7. I want to share my link to this drama : The Moon That Embraces The Sun

    format: flv (medium quality)

    size : 125MB - 160MB ( except for episode 17 - 200++MB)

    Updated up to 19th episode and coming soon to episode 20

    Credit to darksmurf for subtitle and I sync with my uploaded file.

    I just want to share with who have same interest with me and with a smaller file.


    wow...that's awesome... it really helps me.. since my ipad's memory is limited..hahaha... thanks...mwuaahhh

  8. Yup I can't leave here. I think it's Jung's fault lol. His ending scene bought too much pain for me that I'm having a hard time letting go. Lol I feel like Yang Myung not being able to let Yeon Woo go even if it's painful. I can't let the show go yet too because YM's ending was too painful for me. I get offended hearing people complaining why Jung took a second role like this, but i totally see that he knew this role was complicated and would push his acting. This is the 5th Jung drama i saw and i believe its his best role. don't know if u saw me at Feast of Gods also. That's my #2 show at mbc but can't beat my #1 lol

    I watch FotG too ..but yea..no one can beat my Hwon at this moment... even tho there's mr. speedo there...LOL


    hahaha can't believe everyone is still in here...it really hard to say goodbye, isn't it?

    uhmm..btw, I can't read your PM as well.. what is wrong urs and kelcy's??


    I noticed it!!! YM and Hwon fight scenes is always cool.. oohh.. 1 more about YM's fighting scenes, I can't attached the picture but it's the scene when he killed a soldier. Before he stabbed him, he changed his sword handle's style, then he stabbed it, the blood spread out over his neck and collar neck.... well... the way he changed his sword handle...that's also hot... hehehe....

  9. U are not alone. This drama had its fault but I still love it forever. I miss YM too. I want to say again besides being so impressed by Hwon, Jung il Woo's acting blew me away. I know he was leading man in Flower boy Ramyun shop, but no offense to his character, many actors can act as a dumb, spoiled rich boy. But Jung is the only Yang Myung for me. No offense to Joo Won who was originally chosen, but Jung was more perfect for the role.

    hahaha you are still in here too...

    well said...not only JIW, everyone in here are fit with the character.. I couldn't imagine if these characters played by other actors....

  10. Your gifts are DAEBAK!!!! I think you should change your name to crazynyts instead of just one..... hahhahah! :P

    Gutter girls think alike! It is such a sweet kiss! I LOVE IT TO THE MAX! hhahahah!

    Have you seen Softy's comment about the kiss? I do agree with her regarding KSH's part but I think HGI also modestly replied to the kiss. kekekek! I bet you watched it a thousand times too! :D:D

    of course i noticed it... HGI opened her lips a bit wide than before...kekekeke :wub:

  11. *sigh* finally it must come an end....i dont like saying goodbye... I hv been avoiding this since last nite, i know...we can meet again in other drama, however, it will the never be the same...

    I, thank you to all the kind hearted people who gave contribution to make this thread alive, the spoilers pics and vids, novel translation, gifs, wallpapers, etc..... Especially when u are a lame techie person ..hehehe ...i can't express my feeling in words beautifully but from the bottom of my heart it really means lot for me...

    I wont saying goodbyes to certain people, since we are certainly will meet at the time travel drama and speedo drama kekekeke.... I'll see u again Gutter Girls... Keep on pervert !!! Hahahahaha

    @ kelcy... Check ur inbox dear...

  12. @starlitelet: I understand your point regarding the death scene, they could have made it better. His death is inevitable if the basis is the novel itself BUT I don't really like the way they executed the scene as if they just let him die/commit suicide. Hwon could have avoided it, he could have easily shot the guard with his bow and arrow whereas Woon is just few meters away from YM. Actually, it is somewhat similar to what happened with Seol.

    What I really appreciate is they showed YM talking to Woon after his death. Seeing him happy at where he is makes me feel at peace. :)

    I am sad that YM's character died but I am happy to see Jung Il Woo shine!!! :wub::wub:


    Han Ga In is really extremely exquisite in episode 20! I love the honeymoon part! I love when Hwon sigh and look bewitched by YW's beauty. No wonder how Kim Soo Hyun portrayed it perfectly! He doesn't really need to act! He just need to appreciate the beauty in front of him. kekkeke! :wub::wub:

    Me too !! I love that honeymonn part too ...hwon sigh impatiently when the aide pour the water...hahahaha...just love it.

  13. my thoughts exactly .... so nice to meet you here :D

    and here's one ... that makes me STIIIIILL GRINNING :D ... till now ....

    the King looks totally BEWITCHED !!! :wub:

    *quoted image**quoted image*

    hey kelcy,

    it's a very nice to meet you as well... hope we can meet the other thread... hmm..let me give you a clue about the new thread we're lurking now... it's ...SPEEDO... hahahaha... ask gabjumz where is it...

  14. If there is a person who will surely be happy that TMETS has ended is my boss! hahahhaha!

    My Wednesday-Thursday will be back to normal. This is the first time I've been so active in a thread and it is good to meet people like all of you!

    No gutter moments but the ending is really SWEET and I am FULLY SATISFIED but sad at the same time. I hope to still see you chinggus here or in the speedo thread.. hahaha! :P:P

    BTW, I love how they showed YM talking to Woon after his death. It eases the pain a little knowing that he is happy and at peace. It was so touching! tears.giftears.gif

    What a great way to end the show with a sweet kiss! :wub:

    hahahaha...I'm cracking up in the middle of the nite... your boss definitely feels overly joyful !! maybe in his/her mind... YES!!! it's ended...it's time for you to payback my work time...!!!

    1000% agree with you ..the ending SWEET and FULLY SATISFIED... besides what do you expect more when you see the OTP smiling, kissing at the end even the kiss lame (not for me...it's sweet actually, if u want a passionate one, then watch or read erotic movie..hahahaha...)

  15. I have to quote you, I have the same thing, I don't usually go back to thread when the drama ends, I watched a lot of dramas, but only few I stayed till the end.. I dont wanna generalize, but mostly all my Kdramas finale never satisfied me with the ending.. So this is nothing new to me.

    The ending was so-so, they tried to show us that, they didnt rush the ending, but you cant never hide it..

    I enjoyed most about watching the MoonSun is my Gutter Girls. Girls, It was my pleasure watching with you you.. No goodbyes right, so next stop, are we gonna time travel from 300 years ago??

    count me in for time travel !! :):w00t:

    It's really my pleasure watching, sharing, swearing in this room...kekekek...enjoy every bits..this is my 2nd experienced watching K-Drama insanely (1st with Lie To Me)...lurking like zombie, every mins refreshing this thread just to get new info about the incoming episodes... :sweatingbullets:

    I enjoyed it very much...I don't have any complains with the casts, storyline, even the wardrobe...I just enjoy it :) especially when meet same people who enjoy the drama without much criticism...

    same with you 1Crazynyt, I don't expect much with the ending, as long as they not kill the OTP / cliffhanger ending...then everything just fine for me.

    I'll definitely hard to say goodbye with TMETS...

    cheers <_<

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