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    Meanwhile, new MBC drama "Can't Lose" is a comical drama about a lawyer couple going through divorce. Choi Ji-woo is the kind of wife who just stacks dishes that need to be done, dribbles on her elf and Yoon Sang-hyeon is the kind of husband who cleans up after her and prefers perfection.
































































































































































































    The scene from the baseball stadium can be seen on the first episode of "Can't Lose" on the 24th.
































































































































































































    Source : http://news.nate.com/view/20110804n03019?mid=e0101 ( Korean )
































































































































































































    Copy & paste guideline for this article
































































































































































































    Always put a link back to the source (http://news.nate.com/view/20110804n03019?mid=e0101) and HanCinema permalink (http://www.hancinema.net/yoon-sang-hyeon-and-choi-ji-woo-throw-and-hit-the-balls-31923.html)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Reprinted from: http://www.hancinema.net/yoon-sang-hyeon-a...alls-31923.html
































































































































































































    credit tonaoVIP_769@Can't live Thai board popcornfor2




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Hope everyone will write message to Jiwoo, YSH and PD!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Pls post it here so Anni can see and collect it to the Jiwoo's fan who will send message of all of you to Jiwoo, YSH and PD ^^
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    More pix as filming...
















































    Can't Lose Thai board
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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  15. I also thx PD Na for letting 1n2d for special episode...actresses !!!

    So we can see other side of each actress. Though I'm familiar with funny and shining girl of Jiwoo but I'm not familiar to see her on variety game show and especially variety as 1n2d. I haven't imagined that I could see her in this kind of variety. I thought because she now has her own right to choose what to do or not as she has her own company so we can see her do anything that if she still was in big agency, we might couldn't see her do like this.

    Glad that she isn't addicted to fame that she has to keep her image as untouchable actress. So audience can feel her as down to earth actress and open her heart to her more ^^

    Anyway, I'd like to say HBD to Jiwoo in advance so I make card for her ^^


  16. Thx Fel...for recap brieftly...I just finished watching last episode of 1N2D

    OMG...I feel Jiwoo has chemistry with UTW too!!! I also hope deeply if they got chance to do drama together as age and height...they are match...and of course the chemistry so strong for me ^__^

    Here is UTW and Jiwoo recap

    credit jiwoolove


    Capture Ep.337 Jiwoo at 1N2D

    credit original pix from jiwoolove


    Rock, scissor, paper game ^_^



  17. Some cap by me ^^




    Choi Ji-woo was jealous at Lee Seung-gi.

    KBS 2TV "Happy Sunday-1 Night 2 Days" aired the second episode of the actress special in following the previous week.

    Choi Ji-woo asked Lee Seung-gi, "Would you like to do a drama with me some time?" and he answered, he would be honored to.

    Choi Ji-woo then pouted and said, "Never mind, forget it. You said you liked Kim Ha-neul earlier".

    She found it fun to tease him and accused him of not caring about his expressions or outfit because he didn't get to become a team with Kim Ha-neul.

    source : http://news.nate.com/view/20110530n00026?mid=e0101

  18. I just finished watched Ep.336 only Jiwoo part..

    hahaha....I agree with Fel that Hilight for this episode is jumping to water part....I got big laugh for Jiwoo that she couldn't control her balance coz of damn cool water while I pity her as well....and Kim Sumi part that she fake everyone..hahaha...she did good job for this episode.

    I was enjoy this part ...it make me big laugh hahahah

    Here is some cap from iamcrazy@Jiwoo Thai board


    หน้าเปล่าก็สวยเริ่ดค่ะ :D






  19. Thx a lot Fel...for your recap of Ep.336 ^__^

    As you asked why no one post any recap. Coz I and Anni couldn't see it online as we were on our (separated) trip hehe....So I haven't seen it yet...but downloading now. Your recap can make me understand what was going on ^O^ I can't wait to see Jiwoo jumped on damn cool water hahah....I'm glad that she was still appear quite a lot on the screen and we still have last episode left on next sunday. Next sunday me and Anni can't see online too...so recap will come later ^__^ but we will happy to read your recap after we back from seeing concert at Sun night ^^

    Here is some recap scene especially hilight scene ...Water!

    credit jiwoolove


  20. Dear Fel,

    Oh..thx for explain why SG got the chance to meet all actresses first ^^ I got it now...

    Can't wait for you to recap after seeing KBSW....yeah...it would be great if you can recap any scenes related to Jiwoo....hahaha ^^

  21. Btw, do you want me to help out to recap this episode in English when KBSW airs it? If you are referring to recap pictures, miannanda, I don't know how to do it..aigooo...pabohya!. :P Anyway, you have posted some of the interesting cap-scenes of JW and also thanks to Anni. :D

    Sure Felicia,,,,,pleasee recap in English for 1N2D...OK....I will recap then when you have seen it in KBSW....anyway, I'm thinking all screen that JIwoo appear and burst out laugh is all interesting...coz I wanna know what she speak and make her big laugh hahahah

    more to share by me ^^


  22. bzix1.gif


    credit iamcrazy@ Jiwoo Thai board

    Felicia., Oh...I don't have KBSW. But if you watch it, pls share to us.

    I will try to find KBSW clip then ^^ but if anyone know, pls share link to load here ^^ thx in advance!

    some cap by me..


    by iamcrazy@Jiwoo Thai board





  23. Hello...everyone, long time no see ^^

    I did capture from trailer of 1N2D with JIwoo....

    Oh...she appear quite a lot for trailer , hope to see her more on screen next week !! ^^



    Jiwoo with KHN....they are closed now ^^



    Her mission on the program





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