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Posts posted by Colorful
































































































































































    NVM. clubbox works on my downstairs computer for small files now! ok. so
































































































    im finally caught up.
































































































    Willam is REALLY good at hiding his feelings
































































































































































































    ^ not saying orginal pretty like always pretty but I mean like. its just pretty no uniqueness like jeon ji hyun, kinda.
































































































    yes i think bins prettier then suh ji young, but most people dont so i was just keeping my mouth shut so I wont get bashed xP
































































































    bin, plastic surgury? none. i dont think so. or really small surgury (kinda like hyolee) their was this one picture of her in high school it looked ugly and nothing like her but then i saw 3 other pictures of her in highschool and it looked just like the bin now so im guessing the other was a fake. ill try to find a high school picture of her
































































































    heres the M, Woo hyuk and Bin doing the Nah Ara yo performnace. its really good. why else would M and woo hyuk pick Bin over all the dancing queens in koreaa? because shes really good friends with them!
































































































    she acadently bumped into minwoo and they were laughing and smiling having fun
































































































    and also, bins outfit was so cute in this. its like hiphoppy
































































































    * Link removed *
































































































    CREDIT: hcpf@The Jang Woo hyuk forum
































































































































































































    ok, so i want the eunbi and kibum couple to happen BUT i want him to turn her down, and then another guy starts liking eunbi, and kibum gets terribly jelous
































































































    now its kibums turn to be green with envy
































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ ur... FAST!
































































































    ok. so i feel REALLY bad for eunbi. she was about to cry.
































































































    i REALLY want to see tommorows episode!
















































































































    ^ omg seriously!!! ur so rite! and we like truley dont know who designs bins clothes. she mite of said she did it so her coordi wont be bashed.
















































    and male stars are so much praised then girl stars...
















































    and people like bin are so much more ineterseting to talk about then other people. bins sooo unique. she has this style that i like. has this charm
















































    like suh ji young, shes soo rpetty but its like orginal pretty. and shes really quiet, so her thread is really small (NOT BASHING I LOVE SUH JI YOUNG) its just an example. like bins not that quiet and shes like diffrentt...so its theirs like so much stuff to talk about herrr
































































































    haha yes sorry dreamweaver but i seen creidesca post about the points she needs so ill dl from urs next timeee xP
























































    I agree with evelyn168 and Jenho and somewhat of Ginaz_S T Y l E
























    I dont think clothes is not a good enough reason to hate her
























    but yes sometimes I think her clothes are kinda eh. but still not a good enough reason.
























    a lot of celebs cant sing.
























    ivy can wear revealing outfits to (IE AHA) and her dance in AHA with the chair and everything o.O, but overall she dosent have that much revealing outfits
























    her outfit in the award thing wasent showing much skin, just hte sides but it was tight and u know bleh
























    she is a good dancer, IMO.
























    the pictures make bins outfit look worse
























    cheyeon made the guy stand up and he looked uncomfortable as well
























    their was this one old doode who kept on cheering them on
























    all the girls they didnt have looks of disgust (some of them) had like WOAH moves kinda like how do they do that
























    Madisoid: yes yes big age diffrence, but yeah your rite, but do think we should stop talking about this for rite now and start talking about bin in the bin thread because well its not really about bin
























    but nice meeting youuuu call me Yelin
























    and everyone else call me Yelin.




























    ^ me to me to me to












    and Madisoid. you have your way with words, its so strong and powerful and mature.












    im one of the younger fans. Im Cough 12 cough. but i dont call people richard simmons, richard simmons, richard simmons, man stealer, etc.












    Yes I shouldn't take them seriously, but still it jsut angrifies me. And how wen people are an anti fan they still compare her to everyone else in the world... -_-.












    and also i think im weird.












    I want to be like Jeon Hye Bin and Kang Soo Jung combined, although their like the oppositess o.O









    Just wanted to comment on a couple of things that you stated above.












    Just because a non-fan one might not like her and decides to post a response here, you can not dock someone for that. As for me, I am not particually a fan of hers, but I do always check this thread. Why?? Because Bin is in a lot of variety shows, and so I like to hear and read what people say about her on the shows, as well as her "Bin the artist". Does that make sense? Even if someone is not a big fan, one might want to she why so many people like her, maybe your thoughts as a fan will show an anti what is so special about her. And if you are a fan of hers you should definetly be thinking that way! I know I am this way with Shinhwa and Minwoo especially!! So I know how you feel regarding negative comments --- if people leave neagative comments that are constructive and precise and/or have value I will definetley give them a read. They deserve that as "not a fan" as well. Everyone has their own thoughts that want to be heard, positive or negative. WE have to be accecting to both. Its like ART! Some people will repsond to your paintings and others will look at it and say, "That's junk." Its the same with musicians --- b/c they are a form of ART as well. We like some and don't like some. I just request if you are not a fan here in the Bin thread or any thread of an artist you don't particually like ---- then back youself up and be mature about your comments.... this way there will not be battles.












    Thanks for reading,



































    ur rite, sorry about that wen i said dont click if ur not a fan, im saying this is a fan thread and theirs fans here, they can be mad if u bash them or say something mean about them. thats the way with a lot of people. wat if someone bashed or said something mean about minwoo in the minwoo thread (THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN) then a lot of people will probaly be like, this is a fan thread, they can click and read on their thoughts and opinions, and dissagree but some stuff said about bin












    like richard simmons, richard simmons, man stealer, ETC, thats just rude and I dont want to see that happen.

    OK long time I didn't come here ^^

    Well I heard about the famous HyeBin's scandalous outfit etc... cause of some pics and before making some comment, I wanted to watch the perf and now that I've just finished watching it (thanks to solid in the sharing section) I think that really it was far from scandalous !!!!!!












    It's true that the outfit was a lil scandalous (for Korean, not for me) but telling that she was like a richard simmons, it's really ridiculous, come on, I would understand from Korea but from you (soompi members), you're not in Korea, you're use to see a lot of American star wearing just a bikini like outfit and it doesn't even shock you, even some asian star in HK or Taiwan have some "scandalous outfit" but no you don't care. But when it comes to Bin, then she's a richard simmons.












    From the pics and all the bad comments I thought I will see a scandalous lapdance like in those stripdance club where the striptease girl would put her richard simmons over the guy's knee but no, all she did was shaking her richard simmons (and again it's not really shaking, it's like wawing it) before both guys and took a lil time on the seat and of course kiss one of the actor (her lips didn't even touch the actor's cheek :o too !), she did her thing and then it was Chae Yeon's turn to do the same.












    So really why all this hate toward Bin ? Chae Yeon did the same thing than Bin, she even forced the actor to stand up and did her sexy move even closer to him than Bin did but nobody tell about her :o ???????? At least if you (hater) critizise, be fair about both girls and not only one. Bin wasn't the only to dance.












    If Bin is acting like a richard simmons then Chae Yeon is the same too ! Don't tell Chae Yeon is cute and Bin is slutty just cause of the outfit cause they did the same dance around the same guy !












    For me, even if I don't really like the outfit, I think that only Bin could look hot in this outfit cause she have a good body shape. I don't mind the outfit if the performance is good and the performance was good, none of them did wrong during the perf, none of them slipped or did wrong move. They did their perf and that's all ! If you look at Bin's face, she really doesn't care about what she did with the actors cause after she was really concentrated on her step dance, like Chae Yeon too.












    So to resume it, I think some sompi's members are just simply Bin's haters and even if we're telling all the good thing Bin is or is doing, we won't change their mind (that's natural to hate so don't be offended if you feel like I touched you).












    That's all, cause for me I didn't see any scandal during this perf, I was only smiling cause I found Bin and Chae Yeon amusing and what they did surely wake up the audience apparently :lol: .












    And now that I finished what I think about this really stupid "scandal", I just want to ad that Bin and Chae Yeon did a really good perf and when they danced together it was pretty cool, they both looked really serious when it came to dance in rythm and not only do the shaking butt. The thing that I find amusing is that even with high heel, Bin can dance powerfully compare to Chae Yeon who did the move like she didn't really enjoy doing it ! Just look at the perf and you will know what I meant.












    You're a Bin's fan if you read my post until the end :lol: !























    oooh! nice! love it! can u send me the performanace??












    ur so rite though. Cheyeon dances like bin. she does those sexy dances, no one bashes her!












    they say bin can act to cute or to sexy. Cheyeons like that too. They say bin as to much of a cute face for a sexy image, cheyeons like that too. Cheyeons a bad singer to (kinda) she dsoent get the beat. atleast bin does.












    Bin got a bad start cheyeon got a good one (in korea not japan) and so bin will get most of the bashing even if they do the same thing.





  10. Wat I said in the other thread::

    its talking about teh people who like to bash bin because of her clothes

    I saw this one talkshow (american talk show) and this girl came out, he best friend started hating her becuase the girl started dressing like a gothic. (not that she was). Her best friend would throw drum sticks at her and the drumsticks would even break.

    This is wat a lot of people are doing to bin. They hate her clothes they hate her...im not saying its everyone. but some people just have things like shes a bad dresser to bash her for. maybe bad singer, but theirs many bad singers in korea out there.


    Bin did not say she can beat hyolee. she said she has the confident and will try not to be overlooked or forgotten when hyolee comesback with a new album. People likes to over exaggerate wat people say -_- (pinklegirl007)

    And also... I just watched this performance

    it was Bin, Jang Woo hyuk and minwoo. (all three of them are great friends)

    they were performaning seo tai ji "nan arah yo".

    Why would JWH and Minwoo pick Bin over any other dancing queen??

    Bin was dressed in really cute clothes to. it was like hiphop clothes. she accadently bumpd into minwoo and they started laughing.

    Wen people say she can only do sexy dance, their wrong. the seotaiji was power dance, its a hard dance to. if anyone wants to see it.. ill post it up

    Orange part I got info from pinklegirl007




















    favorite pictures




































    Can anyone send me her two am MV/performances on YSI





































    haha notice how this is a fan thread.. but half the posts here are from ppl who don't even like her..































































































































































































































































    ITS OK! me, yuppieguppy,suejinners, xkrndreamer, NotGuilty,6shin3hwa7, bubblepeach, sentfromheaven012, pinklegirl00, hillz3388, STEPHANIIE*, HELLnawITSc, krazyxdreamer, dashuu, Charlie_&_M, shup, mdabest247, J-Free, :.*CrystaL*.:, JiWONNx3HS, bijoux, < smilee(: >, twinkie_kimmy, *lyrynne*, Platinum, damn.u, :+yoomin+:, jina_bing_bang, i luv yummy squid, ~S2~, june20, beautifulsin, KyuMi
































































































































    we will all be her fans
































































































































    Just some people who said nice stuff about her in this thread. idk if tose people still like her or not...
































































































































    anyone else wants to join?






































    you mean sung woo and seung kwon?
















    theyre like BEST friends































    yess i mean them. wow they look/act so much alike. haha and siblings always fight like that so i really thought they were twins o.O




























    at times i get Sung Woo & Seung Joon mixed up... so i thought they were twins esp after fighitng on episode 4... they seemed like siblings.. but guess nott
















    the goalie is adorable
















    i feel bad for hte girl, shes not that good and she seems left outt




























    ^ yes, i was going to say credits to you, but i fforgot who did it -_- sorry!!
















    most of my info was from pinklegirl007. she has outstanding info about Bin that can get u to like her in a second. thanksss!

    Yelinoh I really like how you stand up for bin.

    I think ppl should watch her Manwon Haengbok episode before judging her by what she looks/acts like during performances. She's a real nice and down to earth kind of girl.
















    haha notice how this is a fan thread.. but half the posts here are from ppl who don't even like her..































    like seriously, if you hate her then why did u click! a lot of people think that most of bins fans are guys, but thats not all true too. im a girl :-) and also, if u watch manwon henbok they were a lot of girl fans (actualyl all girls) who were waiting by her car with signs and stuff




























    ok. im sorry to keep on posting...
















    everyones saying that she gave cheyeon a cocky look wen they were doing their mini dance battle in loveletter, well teh subtitle thing said "worried" in korean, meaning that she was worried.
















    yes, shes named dancing queen in Loveletter, thats because shes the only girl whos on every single loveletter show (except one) that can dance, because the other girl is Jang Young ran (although i love her). ANd its not like Bins like "Yeah im dancing queen!! NO ONE CAN CHANGE IT" its not like she made herself it. Its the PDs idea.
































    Bin did not say she can beat hyolee. she said she has the confident and will try not to be overlooked or forgotten when hyolee comesback with a new album. People likes to over exaggerate wat people say -_- (pinklegirl007)
















    And also... I just watched this performance
















    it was Bin, Jang Woo hyuk and minwoo. (all three of them are great friends)
















    they were performaning seo tai ji "nan arah yo".
















    Why would JWH and Minwoo pick Bin over any other dancing queen??
















    Bin was dressed in really cute clothes to. it was like hiphop clothes. she accadently bumpd into minwoo and they started laughing.
















    Wen people say she can only do sexy dance, their wrong. the seotaiji was power dance, its a hard dance to. if anyone wants to see it.. ill post it up
















    Orange part I got info from pinklegirl007




































































































































































































    thank you all for agreeing with me... and more...

    And if you want to argue that it's her stylist who chooses the clothing, then let me ask you, what sane individual wouldn't have fired the stylist long ago?
































































































































    its her company... probaly wont let her....
































































































































    I saw this one talkshow (american talk show) and this girl came out, he best friend started hating her becuase the girl started dressing like a gothic. (not that she was). Her best friend would throw drum sticks at her and the drumsticks would even break.
































































































































    This is wat a lot of people are doing to bin. They hate her clothes they hate her...im not saying its everyone. but some people just have things like shes a bad dresser to bash her for. maybe bad singer, but theirs many bad singers in korea out there.
































































































































    And the whole Bin VS ivy thing. Ivy got a lot of training. the company focused only on her. Ivy had a lot of top people to train her. esp JYP. and for over a year. The company spent so much money training her and promoting her album. the MV was in America and cost so much... if Bin got that training i bet she be that good (got it from pinklegirl007)
































































































































    and also wen I said andy had to by her 1 dollar worth of food i ment 11 sorry my mistake




























































    Wat I said in the other thread::




















    bin, got to where she is. How she has so much confident amazes me. Why? She was in a group called luv. That group failed. She had her first solo album. that failed to. Then she got fired from her company






























































    two failures, and she still has the confidance to come back. Yes, shes not a good singer, but she didnt get the training that alot of other gassoos got. her 2am song is also very catchy. And Bin also works very hard to promote herself coming out in all kinds of variety shows, etc., even before her album came out.











































    Alot of the time where she trys to get attention, is because its scripted. I remember at xman on the couple partt (when shes in love with kjk) and goes dance in front of him, wen she went back to the spot she started laughing shaking her head and hand like saying (JK)




















    I saw Manwon henbok, (bin VS woohyuk) and i started like her more. So much stars went to help her. Esp Suh ji young and Park Jung ah. Suh Ji young picked bin over woohyuk! And andy had to buy her 11 dollars worth of food (trust me it was A LOT) and after she was done eating as much as she can, she went over to woohyuks dressing room place and gave him the rest of the food. she said that shes worried that he will faint and the fans will be hurt. He was so happy that he started saying "bin is the best" "wow cause bin gave me the foood it taste better" and he saw her on music core. and he started copying his dance moves!




















    Also, in that 1 year, bin worked her butt off for a great body, and she got one. Shes not sooo skinny like other stars and that just digustes me soemtimes. but shes skinny, curvy and looks soo healty.




















    I think she can dance to. shes really good at power dance.




















    And her clothes. yes on performances they can be o.O but I remember on manwon henbok where she kept on putting parkjungahs jacket over her legs so her legs wouldnt be showing so much.




















    Yes I like the cute look more than her sexy look. actually i like her cute seducive look. but still, sexy is in. and she has to go with teh Fad. like CSJH went from cute to drop dead sexy.




















    Shes really good friends with suh ji young, Jang Woo Hyuk, Tim, Minwoo, EugeneKim Jong Kook, and Kimjoongkooks back dancerr




















    i love bin.. i dont get why people hate her. they say she acts to cute so it annoys them, or she trys to act to sexy and that annoys them. which one is it cute or sexy? Cheyeons like that too -_- , do i see hate post about her.... I personally think shes a better dancer than cheyeon. Cheyeon cant get the beat of the music atleast bin can....




















    i <3 bin




















    Orange part is where i got my ino from pinklegirl007





  19. bin, got to where she is. How she has so much confident amazes me. Why? She was in a group called luv. That group failed. She had her first solo album. that failed to. Then she got fired from her company

    two failures, and she still has the confidance to come back. Yes, shes not a good singer, but she didnt get the training that alot of other gassoos got. her 2am song is also very catchy. And Bin also works very hard to promote herself coming out in all kinds of variety shows, etc., even before her album came out.

    Alot of the time where she trys to get attention, is because its scripted. I remember at xman on the couple partt (when shes in love with kjk) and goes dance in front of him, wen she went back to the spot she started laughing shaking her head and hand like saying (JK)

    I saw Manwon henbok, (bin VS woohyuk) and i started like her more. So much stars went to help her. Esp Suh ji young and Park Jung ah. Suh Ji young picked bin over woohyuk! And andy had to buy her 11 dollars worth of food (trust me it was A LOT) and after she was done eating as much as she can, she went over to woohyuks dressing room place and gave him the rest of the food. she said that shes worried that he will faint and the fans will be hurt. He was so happy that he started saying "bin is the best" "wow cause bin gave me the foood it taste better" and he saw her on music core. and he started copying his dance moves!

    Also, in that 1 year, bin worked her butt off for a great body, and she got one. Shes not sooo skinny like other stars and that just digustes me soemtimes. but shes skinny, curvy and looks soo healty.

    Shes really good friends with suh ji young, Jang Woo Hyuk, Tim, Minwoo, Kim Jong Kook, and Kimjoongkooks back dancerr

    I think she can dance to. shes really good at power dance.

    And her clothes. yes on performances they can be o.O but I remember on manwon henbok where she kept on putting parkjungahs jacket over her legs so her legs wouldnt be showing so much.

    Yes I like the cute look more than her sexy look. actually i like her cute seducive look. but still, sexy is in. and she has to go with teh Fad. like CSJH went from cute to drop dead sexy.

    i love bin
































































































































































    YSI anyone for 17,18,19,20???? pleaseeeee! for some reason clubbox dosent work on small files like these for me. it dosent work for nn6 eatheir, only loveletter and xman and herione 6 (big files). but if anyone can upload 17,18,19,20 on something beside clubbox that be greattt!

































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