Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by Colorful
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Big Bang - They might not be the most successful (DBSG probably tops them in that category) but they really changed the K-pop culture. Them, along with the Wonder Girls (but they kinda slowly drifted) made the more technoy and electric music popular and also made the style or flashy and random and colorful clothes popular too. After them, every kpop song HAD to have a signature dance move that was easy to follow.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The last scene with Rachel and Finn's friend was very heart-warming.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I neeed Rachel and Finn together. I kind of flipped when I saw Jesse in the preview (I still think he's scheming..haha) but I'm being super biased!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Kurt is so cute. I was laughing so hard when he was singing the song in a "manly" way
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Nice a gleek club! Haha :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm probably the only one here who's rooting for Finn+Rachael, is glad Rachael and Jesse broke up, and still thinks Jesse has some alterer motive for dating Rachel and being at McKinnley.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I totally agree with OBSCURE Sin about Rachel's character. I think it's understandable for her to want to be popular. If you think about it, she really has no friends at school and even a lot of the people in Glee exclude her and don't like her. Whenever I watch Glee I always secretly root for Rachel in every episode and I feel really bad when I see how much of a loner she is.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm super excited for the next episode though. It seems really good.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm very disappointed with how some fans in Korea are acting.. demanding some members to quit their post at shows, throwing ketchup and garbage at the building,ect. I'll admit, after Jaebum left I no longer followed 2pm, but that wasn't because I was angry (though I was), but more that it just made me sad everytime I listened/saw them without Jae.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But to not support the other 6 members because you think they're traitors is so much worse. I want Jaebum back too, and heck I would probably even support a civil boycott.. but these uncivil barbaric actions is probably the exact opposite from what Jaebum or the others want. It doesn't do anyone good.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But, in contrary please DON'T all think that these are ALL FANS. The people demanding members to quit their jobs and calling them traitors are probably all mostly rude netizens who aren't really 2pm fans. I don't think all of Hottest are acting like this.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    btw-jype is posisbly the most disorganized and dysfunctional korean entertainment company out there. They don't know how to handle big things and when they say they're calming things down, they're really just creating more drama. They realllllly can't handle ANYTHING.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't understand.. if all members agreed that Jaebum should not return to 2pm on January 23rd, wouldn't the boys not mention Jaebum during interviews and tv shows.. I understand his name briefly appearing during stories but why would Khun tell his fans at that one thing that he missed him and that he was most jealous of him.. It doesn't make sense.. or maybe I just refuse to believe it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I really wish JYPE didn't tell the public that Jaebum did another thing wrong.. it seems like they're trying to put all the weight on him..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I want to say that I love 2pm! and all this fighting is really sad, but I do think that having different opinions isn't a bad thing, as long as everyone stays civil than its good to have these conversations.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I loved how Khun mentioned Jay in his interview.. such a sweetie. I miss Khun too...! Has he been in Thailand for a while now? I want him back on Starking! And of course, I miss my favorite Wild Bunny Jaebum!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And the whole issue around Taek is getting kind of weird.. I don't think we can judge him entirely on TV appearances and the number of time he shows his chest.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Junho's dance on strong heart = love.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I've been following this thread since the beginning, adding my thoughts here and there, though I havent posted since he left. But anyways, I'm uterrly confused. Too many things going on, too many different opinions, that I don't know what to believe or who to side with. I just know that I miss Jaebum, I am worried about the other boys, and I just simply wish all this would've never happened and I hope people aren't forgetting about the other 6 boys who are probably struggling too! They are a family, fighting!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But I'm glad that this thread is getting a little lighter. Heres a few things that will make you smile, his smile :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "Jaebum Hyung!"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "Support my brothers"
















































































































































































































































    I really do understand the Korean Hottest fans, they've seen it all upfront. While we international hottest were surrounded by people who understood Jaebums situation and agreed with each other, they were surrounded by thousands of people who hated on him while they had stand in the dark; not able to fight back. I understand why they are mad at JYP (though I am not, myself) because he seemed to stand invincible and even when Jaebum decided to leave, he announced it through his account at his fan cafe. So I do understand why they want to boycott; their fear that the better 2PM does then the chances for Leadja Jaebum to come back gets slimmer, I do understand. However, I also fear that Jaebums sacrifice goes to waste. Jaebum left in order for the group to not be held back, but this boycott is holding the group back.
















































































    Therefore, I'm feeling a mixed emotions. If this boycott does get him back, then by golly do I want that to happen (unless he is miserable when coming back :/). But if it's just going to do the last thing Jaebum wanted, and that is holding the members back, then I don't like that either.
















































































    However the last thing we need is a seperate fanclub! Hottest has to unite no matter what!
















































































    Is it for sure that the PD is going to seattle? Why is he going? Credible sources?
































































































































    I want Jaebum to go to Seattle, relax and spend time with his family. But I also want him to promise us he'll be back when he's ready to be back. I want him to not leave 2pm for good.. :(
















































































    The Korean petition for him to stay has reached 21,000..
































































































































    my mom started crying with me when I told her that Jaebum was leaving. She didn't really know him or like him, but her response was:
















































































    "I read this on the news and I was so ashamed of Korea, to the world we are just going to seem prideful and unforgiving. He was just a kid and he's still just a kid. Think of how heartbroken his mom would be right now. They are too harsh."
















































































    I know to you guys, he's an adult, but understand my mom who has an 18 year old son (my brother) and still thinks of him as a toddler. She's saying that he only just started his career and pursuit of his dreams.
















































































    The only thing I can do is silently support Jay, and the rest of 2pm. I wish and pray they stick together.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    To look on the bright side, atleast 2PM is getting their much deserved break (since they'll be out of public eye). I know it's not the best reason to be on a break for, but hopefully they'll get their much needed rest. Poor Jay, he's the type to dwell on his mistakes for some time (I remember in an interview he said that after he does mistakes on stage, he always frustrated and thinks about it over and over again afterwards), I hope he knows that he does have a lot of people backing him!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh and what happens with Junho's new show, Dream Team and Taecyeon and Wooyoungs MCing???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    1)What type of house will you &(any 2pm Member) will lived in???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Modern flat with Jaebum! Equiped with a dance studio so I can watch him dance all the time
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2)If you were trap in a fire..who do you want to be rescue from???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Chansung, tall and good looking.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    3)What type of meal will you cook for (2pm Member)???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wooyoung or Junho
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    4)Where do you want your engagement to be at?? Which member will that be
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    your man???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Home? and Jaebum!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    5)Will you sacrifice your friendship,family or your own life for (any 2pm Member)???
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So I've read that rather than the "I hate korea" comments Jaebum made on his friend's myspace, Koreans are more bashing about his about me (since it was updated when he was 21, which is recent) because it says along the lines of "I'll be back I can sacrifice a few years for a lifetime of happiness wichalll".
















































































    Some Korean netizens are saying crap that what he wrote meant that he's using Korea for money and blah blah blah. But as a 2pm fan, I rather interpret it this way. Jaebum said in an interview and even in hotblood that "me doing well and succeeding means that the people I love [family+friends] are doing well too (basically that they would be happy cause of his success) so I wanna do my best to succeed" so in his 'about me' on myspace, I think of it as him sacrificing and working hard to become successful in Korea and ultimately giving happiness to his family and friends :). Also, what's wrong with saying "I'll be back"? I think if I was a famous idol star in another country away from my home then I would eventually want to go back after my career ends. And all that was probably written before Again and Again.
















































































    The more you succeed and the more time goes by, you, your plans for life, and your thoughts changes. People need to recognize that everyone has different situations everyone's situations also change. I don't think it's wrong for some Koreans to be hurt, but there are things that have been crossing the line








































































    A kick in the butt for those who were so sure that Heartbreaker sounded exactly like Right Round. I believed in him and am not disappointed at all. The boy is here to dominate the world, or atleast for now, the k-pop industry. Thank you GD for being different.. I was getting sick and tired of the direction K-pop was taking these days! But you surely did it with your creativeness! Kah.








































































































    1) BEST FRIEND: Khun or Wooyoung. Khun cause we would eat Sangyubsal together while talking about serious things. I also have platonically intimate relationships with my guy friends and I think Khun would be the most comfortable and non-awkward to cuddle with! He also seems like he'd be really serious and playfull at the right times. Wooyoung, cause he's wooyoung and he would have a fun time all the time!








































    2) ONE NIGHT STAND/FLING: Chansung or Khun (again). One night stands/Flings are for those guys who catch your attention the moment you see them, while boyfriends are those guys who catch your heart as you get to know them. I think boys like Jaebum and Wooyoung and Taekyeon are really guys who you dont see as that hot at first, but the more you see them the better it is! However, Chansung and Khun are, appearance wise, WOAH HE'S HOT! the first time you see them.








































    3) HUSBAND/LIFE PARTNER: Jaebum or Junho. Jaebum would be make my life fun and exciting. Plus because he is leader, I assume he would be a great and resonsible husband/life partner. He's also so sexy. Dang. Junho seems he would sacarfise a lot for his wife. He's also serious when needed and silly when needed. So hot..








































    4) BROTHER: Wooyoung. Though we only see his playful or stage side. I can tell he be a caring brother, comfortable, playful, and maybe something protective. He'd also be a cute younger brother!








































    5) ACQUIANTANCE: I rather be more than acquiantaces with all :)
































































    Concert ended at 10:10, you should get there quick if you dont want to stand in line. I got there late so I got their autographs around 11:15








































































































    They performed Tell me and Nobody in English! Their English was pretty good, especially for foreigners. However, I think for the Jonas Brothers fans it was kind of weird since they had no clue who they were and what was going on. However, the MC guy introduced it really well; he said that music is great and inspiring all around the world and how WG were superstars in Asia. They wore their purple dresses for Tell Me and their gold ones for nobody! My friends and I shouted/screamed "TELL ME TELL ME!" and "NOBODY BUT YOU" really loudly, plus we did the dance so all the people looked at us strangely ;) . However Yoobin waved at us.








































    At the end they signed autographs!








































    We waited long, My friends and I seriously walked the whole place and then waiting in the parking garage for them, only to find out they were signing autographs in the lobby! We ran past the place to get in line and screamed "WONDER GIRLS!" so they all waved at us!








































    They were pretty nice, but seemed super tired/exhausted. They also seemed kind of uncomfortable, but they were probably just awkward since it was their first concert in the US and they weren't used to it. Though I did speak in Korean to them








































    I asked to stand next to YeEun in my picture and my friend said Yoobin looked at me funny when I did (since no one else had a request lol). But YeEun was like "Oh I gots ya I gots ya" in English when I asked :) . At the end my friends and I all shouted "WONDER GIRLS! SARANGHAE!" and they all smiled and waved. Sunye waved and smiled for really long though, until we were out of sight!








































    I also met JYP! He was super nice and cool. He cooly leaned against the wall playing with his phone. But he laughed at everything I said. I asked him to bring 2pm and he laughed and I told the white security gaurd that he was the Korean Michael Jackson and he laughed! LOL
























































































































































































    the little girl either cries too much or clings on to her fake dad too much. I know she's only a child, and this is probably coming from a super biased, bitter, and angry point of view but I find her quite annoying :/. Though I do understand she's probably been through a lot too. I just wish the writers made her character more...tolerable.








































    other than that Son Tae Young is the worst actor I've ever came across, the little boy is handsome, I hope Chulsoo regrets everything, they need to stop making YH's life so freaking depressing, and YH's dad was my favorite character :(
































































    1.BB member my mother would like to see me bring home:








































    Probably Daesung, my mom and dad adore him. My mom's really strange and likes anyone who is fun to kareoke with. 0_0








































    She would also really like Taeyang, since he's so polite








































    2.BB member I would like to have as a reliable best friend:








































    Seeing how Taeyang treats the other members, defiantly him. He would be such a great listener








































    3.BB member I would trust as my children's babysitter:








































    Jiyong, responsiblee








































    4. BB member I'd like to be stuck in an elevator with:








































    Jiyong or Daesung, theyd be the less awkward








































    5. BB member I'd want as my personal hairstylist:








































    TOP cause I lovee his style








































    6. BB member my FATHER would like to see me bring home:








































    Daesung or Taeyang








































    7. BB member I'd like as my desk partner:








































    Seungri, he'd be so funny!








































    8. BB member I'd like as a brother:








































    Taeyang or Seungri!
































































    1. What´s your favourite BIG BANG song, and why?








































    Wahh! This is SO HARD! Okay, well... my favorite title song of theirs is Haru Haru because I think it's the most meaningful one. TOP and GD's rap really make my heart melt because you can just feel the emotion in their voice. My other favorites are Lady, Until Whenever, and Fool.








































    2. The one song you wished they never would have made (be honest!).








































    I don't like TOP's solo "Acting Like it Never Happened." I just never liked the song. Plus, I think TOP's voice is so darn sexy and unique that to me, it's overwhleming to hear one song be only his voice.








































    3. Who, in your opinion, is the smartest BB member, and why?








































    I think they're all smart in their own way. Taeyang seems like he would have gotten the best grades, and we all know Jiyong can write and produce.








































    4. If you had to chose, which soloalbum would you listen to first?








































    OOOH. This is hard to answer....probably G-dragon, not because I like him better, but because G-dragon just makes me curious!








































    5. Who dresses best? (who looks BEST in their clothes)








































    G-dragon is most definantly most unique. And he seems to have the best style.. however when it comes to who's style I would follow, it probably be TOP. GD looks best in his clothes, but who else could pull that off? TOP has great sense, I love how he wears pretty normal/bland things but then wears some sort of accesory that makes the whole outfit stand out.








































    6. Which member has the ability to make it solo, and succeed?








































    ALL OF THEM DO! They all basically did (except TOP, but we know he can too. He just never gor the chance too)








































    7. Which BB-member is the friendliest/unfriendliest with normal/celeb people?








































    Well since we don't really know them, we wouldnt know. But I would say Daesung to be most friendly.








































    8. Which member is faking their persona the least when on TV? (are they?)








































    How should we know? We don't know them personally...








































    9. Where do you see each BIG BANG member in ten years?








































    Like SHINHWA, still together, but also making it on their own too!








































    10. Which members get along with each other the best?








































    Jiyong and Taeyang. I personally like Daesung and Top couple the best though!
































































    anyone have pictures of junho's smile?

























































    Please dont kill me for saying this :]

    Am i the only one who doesnt like Lollipop?















































































    haha to me, the song is like Gee, Tell me, or Nobody. It's a great and addicting song, but it's tooo repetitive for me to listen to the whole song, I always change it in the middle cause I get bored








































    But, it's still great and addicting








































    Music video is soo cute! and I am REALLY excited for their album (created by GD) to come out!
































































    Yeah, I think it's great how VIPS and big bang fans are mature enough to acknowledge that their boys aren't perfect and do have weakness'.. but let's refrain from making assumptions and saying things about their personality. It's unfair to say TOP is not doing any of the work, Taeyang isn't creative, and GD is a mean unapproachable guy, because we don't actually know them or their work ethics.
































































    Strengths and Weakness'













































































































































































































    G-dragon he is the revolution of this industry. He explores, discovers, and changes. He has the potential to become one of the greatest writers and composers in Korea. His voice is like rapping, singing, and slurring all at once. People can easily tell it's him when he raps because it's a whole new style. He makes his name known. His leadership, which is his harsh criticism, love for his brothers, and nothing but perfect attitude makes big bang what it is today.








































    Taeyang a great great great performer. His stage presence is perfect. He can tear anything apart with his performances. Through all his fame and glory, Taeyang seems to remain pure, modest, and humble. I'm sure not many celebrities can achieve that. His musical abilities is amazing and so is his willingness to always improve. You can tell he wasn't just born talented, but rather became talented through effort and hard work.








































    Daesung his way of being the mood maker. The one who makes everyone comfortable and fun. He is very grounded and keeps Big Bang grounded. While all of the members have an US feel to them, Daesung keeps Korean alive in the group. His power house voice is esstential to big bang's songs too.








































    TOP his voice is so sexy. His part of the song is always the one part that stands out the most. He's stylish but more tame than Ji. He really is being an artist rather than an idol by trying to get by with music rather than other things. You can tell he became part of Big bang for his desire and love for music and seems to hold no desire and love for fame and money.








































    Seungri He can get by in life cause he knows he can do it. He takes everything and makes it become a good thing. Even harsh critisicm. He is ambitious with his career and wants to be at the top, which he is. Seungri is also a great dancer with natural talent. His voice is constantly improving too!






































































































































































    Gdragon I can't really say he has a weakness.. maybe he can get a bit more meat on the bones and work on his vocals (though he's a rapper so that isn't a must have!)








































    Taeyang As long as he doesn't go back to his corn roses.. He is golden. This isn't really a weakness but it be cool to see him choreograph a dance or compose a song or make a outfit or create something. But it isn't a must have. I love this dude








































    TOP I want to see the more energetic and funny and lively TOP we once saw a while ago. He was always quite, but lately he seems.. quieter? I think it's this image that YG is putting on him though. I hope he still continues on working on his writing/composing skills. I remember his dedication to writing/composing when a fan wrote him a letter wishing they continue to make real music. That was sweet.








































    Daesung He's so sweet... I can't really think of anything to improve on. Maybe more work on his hiphop/popping dancing.








































    Seungri He still needs to improve a bit in his vocal skills, although it very much went up!
































































    ENFJ: "Pedagogue". Outstanding leader of groups. Can be aggressive at helping others to be the best that they can be. 5% of the total population.








































    Totally true.... I don't know about the outstanding part but I am a leader. I'm also really aggressive when it comes to helping others (either when I'm assiting people on school work or tutoring or anything) I'm also aggressive during my leadership tasks.









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