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Posts posted by ane_108

  1. Hey, I just wanna ask, is it really normal for guys to talk to his friends about other girls, like she's hot, how she turns him on, how he wanted to you know, do some stuff with her even if the guy already has a girlfriend? Does this indicate that he's not contented with his girlfriend?

  2. I love this episode. I had a lot of laugh watching this. Hyesung is so talkative and noisy but I really find it funny. I'm just glad that somehow Dongwan is not a dong-hole in this episode. He's finally found something that he is good at. Hehe. The hidden camera for Hyesung is funny too! And I just kept laughing and laughing when they seem to talk in Thai but still in Korean. It really does sound Thai. These men are really JJANG! I soooo looovvveee SHINHWA!! hehehe. :)

  3. I just finished watching Ep 18. The horse fight something is really funny. Especially with the ones they were riding. I feel bad for Eric since he's really having a hard time riding the horse. But it was also funny at the same time. I also laughed a lot when Junjin hit Hyesung's arm so hard. It must've hurt him a lot. Junjin just made my night. Even though his actions were not so gentlemanly, I somehow understands his situation. I think if it were really real, some guys can't help it but act like that. He was so funny at the end. I guess I'll just wait for the next episodes subs. Shinhwa Broadcast is really the best show ever! :)

  4. I was laughing at Eric the sensitive woman and Minwoo. Minwoo is such a pervy since he kept on peeking at Eric's underwear even if Hyesung already ordered them to not peek on Eric. It was just so random of Eric to accuse everyone of peeking on his undies even his dad on the phone. Lol.

    About their messages to Eric, Jinnie's message is the most touching one. But I laughed hard at Hyesung's message. And also Eric's message to Hyesung that he hopes he kept his words that he'll become his best friend.

    Too bad that the eng subs is delayed but I guess we'll just have to wait.

  5. Finally I'm done watching Ep13. The funniest part was the battle between Dongwan and Junjin. Poor Wannie. I know he tried so hard but he's so unlucky. Onew's flick must have hurt so bad. hehe. I'm so glad that Shinhwa and Shinhwa Broadcast is doing well. I hope this will keep going and more episodes to come! :))

    Among Shinhwa members, it's Hyesung that I liked the least *no offense to HS fans here*. But because of SB, I'm really starting to like him a lot. I could really see his determination and he tries his best for the good of SB, and well, himself as well. He was even willing to down himself for the sake of the show. So to sum it up, Hyesung is my bias in SB. :D

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Okaaaayyyyyy... I'll make the font biggerrrrrrrrrr.. B)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oops.. I don't mean to offend you or anything. I just have a poor eyesight. Lol. :D I loved it the way it is. ;) Their pic is more important to me than what was written on it. keke.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It would be much better if Shinhwa won, but based from the member's look, I guess it's okay. It's not about winning anyways. As long as we can see them perform together, that's all good. ;) I also loved their outfit today. It's refreshing to look at when they wore something that has color other than white, gray or black.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Btw, I saw the first page of the thread and I loved it. It's simple yet it's looks professional and classic. The font size is somehow little and I have to look closely to the monitor to read everything. keke. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What is the difference between 'The Return' album and the "Thanks Edition' album, besides of it being black and white respectively. ;) I was having second thoughts of buying the Thanks edition since I've already bought The Return. It just reminds me of the 9th black and white edition, though I have both. :) Was there any additional track or something in the Thanks edition?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just finished watching ep 2 & 3. Gawwwddd. I am dying because of too much laughter and I don't understand a thing! What more if it has subs already?? Lol. Shinhwa is really the best when it comes to variety shows like these. Watching Shinhwa Broadcast makes me feel like watching their old variety show guesting again. Hehe. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Shinhwa's official youtube just posted a come back greeting video!
































































































































































































































































































































    SHINHWA Come Back Greeting Interview
































































































































































































































































































































    cr: Shinhwacompany YT
































































































































































































































































































































    LOLs at Eric and Dongwan xD
































































































































































































































































































































    Also, just wondering, anyone knows who was the 2nd to sing in "On the Road"? The one who sang the line "하루가 참 길 때가 있고"...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was totally laughing at Dongwan and Eric at the end. :D Dongwan's face is so funny! They still act like kids despite the age. Oh well, age is just a number and being young is an attitude.
































































































































































































































































































































    I'm so glad that these guys are back. I've watched their performances and I am still amazed with Sungie's superb vocals on HURTS. Dae bak perf from them! I also loved Venus' choreo. It was the Bomb! ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I watched the first episode and I was laughing from the beginning till end. It doesn't even have an eng sub and I don't understand a thing! Hopefully, I'll be able to watch it with subs. Shinhwa never fails to make me laugh so hard every time they were in a variety show like this.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just hope Hyesungie is ok. I really, really want to watch the concert. I just hope they make it into DVD and I'll definitely buy a copy. Hehe. :))
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    wooow! thanks for sharing those pics from the album. I can't wait to have the album on my hands!! I'm so really anticipating it. heehee!
































































































































































































































































    I wan't the Shinhwa Hoodie. are they selling it online as well? Or is it just available when you watch the concert??
































































































































































































































































    I'm currently listening to Breathin'. It's just amazing. I still feel so emotional just hearing their voices together. haha! I just missed them so. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just wanted to know when is the showing of the movie? What part of the manga are they going to show on that movie?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Listening to their new album makes me feel so emotional. The songs were great and HURT is currently my favorite. :) I just realized that I really missed hearing Wannie's voice. I can't wait to get my hands on that 10th album soon!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's been awhile since I last posted on this thread. I'm just glad that they're finally back! I'm so excited for their comeback and I'm really anticipating their new album. I am actually happy to hear good news about their album sales and the concert. How I wish I'm able to watch them in one of their concert. I'm just so proud of them. :)

































































  17. It's my first time here in this thread. I've watched and listen to their song In Heaven just now. I know it's kind of late but I'm glad that they've finally released a korean album. I still prefer that they sing their own language. I just wish JYJ more success. :)

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..