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    @soshilover09 I read that Sooyoung has a fever :( hope she can perform well without pushing herself too hard
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Dars chocolate. It's not extremely expensive, but definitely more than I'd usually pay for 12 pieces of chocolate. I costs $2-3 for a box at the Japanese stores I've been to, but it melts sooooo amazingly well in your mouth *o* can't get enough of it

































































    Anyone like to play tennis? I just moved here few months ago and looking for people to hit with. People say I'm a strong 3.5 ( if you're familiar with USTA ranking) but not picky who I hit with. Just trying to meet new people in the area =)
































    I'm not in Sacramento atm (nor do I play tennis D:), but just a suggestion - at Sacramento City College, they have some public tennis courts at the back, near the parking lot and many people hang around to play so maybe you could try there!
































































































































    An update from Korea Times Music Festival
































    "Due to Bobby Kim's unfortunate accident, he will be unable to perform at this year's concert. Our thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family and we wish him a speedy recovery."

































































    Would you happen to know where the sales thread is? 
































    Here is the thread http://www.soompi.com/forums/topic/340003-event-tickets-sales/ :)
































































































    GB04 523-1 523-2 523-3 523-4 523-5 523-6 
































    - AND -
































    GB01 51-1 51-2 51-3 51-4 51-5 51-6 































































    OTL Garden row 1?! If only it was like this 2.5 months ago.
































































































































    @kfosho - Ricky is Korean and is an artist in Taiwan :)
































































































    check this out !































































    goodness I really miss Eddie voice so much.































































    Thank you so much <3! It's been so long since I've seen anything from him, but I've had "Over" on replay for since February. He looks so different now! The music is SO good though @_@ definitely anticipating this and spreading it all over Facebook!
































































































































    From KMF Facebook:































































    Official tickets are now ready to be picked up!! Mail deliveries will start on Monday!
































































































































    I compiled a list of KTimes tweets relevant to KMF from 2010. It gives you an idea of the usually timing for KMF announcements, artist batch release, ticket info, and whatnot :) I hope it's helpful.
































    Just by comparison to 2010, this year KMF 2011 is running a tad behind their usual timing schedule, which is also the consensus of many Soompiers here who have noticed it as well.
































































































































































































    It'd be awesome if G.NA and Jay were the MCs because of their English skills :D I hope this year the MCs will speak a bit more English for the non-Korean speakers in the audience.
































































































































    Korea Times is pleased to announce the third group of artists!!! Baek Ji-Young, G.NA, Jay Park, Jeong Soo-Ra, and K-will! Next group coming soon!

































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