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Posts posted by egghead_1

  1. Yes, go for it. The stigma is gone from online dating.
    If you are just looking for an ego boost, you'll get quite a few messages if you are half decent looking. Make yourself feel validated.
    If you are actually serious about looking for a relationship, you should be willing to meet-up with the guy as soon as possible. IMO don't spend too much time on sweet talk with the chat functions of these dating sites.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    you are allowed to look away now and again.it is generally a positive thing to keep eye contact when someone is talking to you; have a smile and try not to look bored.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi all,
































































































































































































































































































































































































    It turned out that the 2nd girl was not as good as I thought. We only lingered for approximately under 4 months in total and I decided not to continue with her. It gave me enough time to make up my mind. The original girlfriend is still my girlfriend. We have been together for over 2 years. She does not know about the 2nd girl, but the 2nd girl knows. She found out after we broke up. Although she did not take it very kindly , She has agreed not to tell my girlfriend.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Since then I have not been sexually involved with another woman. I am very thankful that I am in this relationship because I have found out what an amazing person my girlfriend is.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    nope. may as well just bang and stop wasting time. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i am happy to pay if I have had a good date, and would like to see her again.if she is someone i would not see again, i split it. No point. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Above the legal age is all I require

































































































































  7. Yes, you still can date someone that doesn't like the food you really like, and you eat most often. Anyways, I find it difficult to believe someone can hate ALL asian foods. There must be something the person likes! If not, there are lots of other foods available.
    Once, I dated a vegetarian. She wouldn't let me kiss her after I had just eaten meat ( I love beef steaks ), and sometimes she wouldn't feel comfortable with me ordering meat dishes. This was very difficult. 
    I knew it wouldn't last. I just had to give it to her a few more times,  and we called it a day. 

  8. It sounds like you are not gay, maybe you are bisexual. Or just super confused. You claim to have chose to be gay, which I don't think is possible. I don't believe people choose their sexual orientation.
    IMO, you should sleep with a few guys, and a few girls, maybe it will help you decide.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Up until now, the general idea from you all is to tell the truth. That is not advice. That is just trying to get me hurt. Therefore I will not be taking any of these on board. I will just have to be be careful, and see what I end up with. Wish me luck. I will let you know when this is over.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was originally here for some advice on how to keep this going. So far not much advice has been given. Mostly negativity and wishing for my meat to be chopped off. I know a lot of you may think this is wrong, but I believe this is the best option. I will face the consequences IF I get caught, but that is the worse case scenario. I am new to this, so I was hoping someone here can share some advice. I work 5 days a week, so technically I am not "rich".
































































































































































    Your valiant efforts to troll this thread is amusing to me. 
































































































    Does this boost your ego to let people know that you can have two women at the same time?
































    Does it make you a bigger, better man just knowing you lie, cheat, and deceive those around you for your own selfish needs?
































































































    apparently you don't see anything wrong with what you are doing so it makes me wonder if this stems from something that had happened in your own family to even trigger this. 
































































































































    I feel sorry for the two girls you are deceiving, but most of all, i feel sorry for you the most because you do not know what love is. You make a mockery and joke of something that is supposed to be beautiful. 
































































































































    I hope by the time you figure it out, it will be too late for you to turn back the time.
































































































































    Also, i hope you aren't sleeping with both of those girls at the same time...giving them some sexually transmitted disease....then i really hope one of them chops off your friend. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Those who may feel sorry for my girlfriend, there is really no need. She is treated very well and never goes hungry. She is happy. It will remain this way until if and when we separate.






































































































































    No feelings are harmed if no one knows. In my opinion I am doing the best thing to protect everyone, thus showing respect and care for my girlfriend. I am not a "player", I prefer one partner, but in this case I have been presented with an opportunity to see if I am with the right girl. It is better for me to test and know instead of doubting in the future. I have no intentions of having 2 girlfriends for the long term.



  14. Hope this is a troll. But hey' date=' there are definitely people out there in this world who really are this stupid. That being said, break up with your first girlfriend. Immediately. She deserves better.[/quote']

    It has nothing to do with intellect. This is a problem I believe many people face, and it probably happens more often than you may think. It is not "troll" worthy.

    In my opinion it is better for me to do this instead of regretting not doing it.

    There is a possibility the new girl could be better than my girlfriend. It is a chance worth taking.

    I will only know after a longer period of time, so it is very important I do my best at it, or I may lose both.






    Many suggestions have been to come clean.Telling my girlfriend is out of consideration. It brings no good to anyone.


    I would like advice from people who have been through a similar problem so that I don't mess it up. Such as DO's and DONTs. I would like prolong it until I atleast have a good assessment of the new girl since it is still recent.






    Be a man for once, if this is the first time, then start being a man now! Break up with your current GF if you really want to be with this new girl you have just met. The idea of entertaining two girlfriends at a time already smells trouble. You owe your gf this, so come out clean.



    I cannot tell my girl friend now. She is not going to like it one bit. It is better if she doesn't know.


    I don't want to leave the new girl just yet because we are still getting to know each other better. She may turn out to be better than my current girlfriend.


    No point in losing both. That would be bad advice.





    Hello all.

    I am cheating on my girl friend. We have been together for just over 7 months, and the new girl only for 2 weeks.

    Ideally I don't want to split with my girlfriend, she is sweet and my parents really likes her. I don't know this new girl too well yet, but she seems nice so far and is slightly more attractive.

    I am new to this, and I would appreciate some advice from those who have had a similar problem.

    What is the best way for me to keep this going? Should I use two phones, or would that be too obvious?

    What should I avoid doing which can easily cause suspicion?

    Thanks in advance.




    speaking from an asian background with old fashioned parents, a family friend of mine came out of the closet when he was 17; and his parents were furious, he got beats from his dad and uncle. the good news is that his dad now, 2 years later, accepts his gayness, although he isn't thrilled about his only son being homosexual.

    my point is, you should get it out of the closet even if it means getting beaten up by your parents, because in the end it would be fine.


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