Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by dil_infinity

  1. 15 hours ago, ck1Oz said:

    @alcides14ahjumma yeah. In the ideal world. That's why I said the writer gave JW that sort of backstory. Then suddenly makes him the ideal 1st boyfriend. When he apparently wasn't that mature/ sensitive/ wise in his 1st 2 relationships. Not force himself * cough, cough * but we do have HB and PSH's looks and them 2- only had 2 relationships between them.


    And tbh, JW is HOT and smexy. First boyfriend or not.. she was 29. Boy she has restraint. And zero urge to jump his bones. And yeah this ahjumma ( not me the hairdresser calls me ahjumma ) just looks at her and goes " woman, a man like HB does not come along in any woman's lifetime. "  


    Kdramas either represent the makjang. Or the stage of a teenage relationship in the teen romance. And yes currently am in book 3 of a teen romance leading to marriage. Did say I read a lot. The series is shelved under Teen Fiction in the library... I am not making it up.


    Anyway there was a reason why I can't watch both episodes. It is Monday morning here. And have to get to work. Have no clue how some people can watch Kdramas in the office. We would get fired if not more surfing the Internet at work. Well not fired but we are too busy to go on the Net.


    Ciao guys. Enjoy dissecting it. 

    I think JW first relationship with his wife ended not because of his fault. His first wife did cheat on him with his bestfriend. He was the victim then. As for Yura, she was his rebound. He was heartbroken, and Yura came in like a fox she is, when JW thought she would take all the pain from his breakup with SJ. Yura was his mistake. He also admitted that in the earlier episodes. After rebound, the next relationship is usually real so, HJ is the real woman that he loves. Real love changes our JW.

    • Like 11































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    maybe we can see seohyun grow up to become a woman thru WGM. oh God! i'm all excited!!

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Finale ep... :D

















































































































    Thank you everyone in this thread from my heart for those informations, pictures, download links, banners, display pics, and the cute coversations that make this thread so alive every day.. :)































































































































































































































    i saw the pics
















































































































    it seems tht something happen to the granpa. is the granpa died? can't w8 to know what the last epi is about.
















































































































    i'm also wondering on TY and EJ relationship. are they dating or what?

















































































































































    I think Megaupload doing some maintenance. Let me see if I can upload .007 part again. :)
















































































































    found another links by MF..

    here you go...part.007
































































































































































































































    wow ur so fast...
















































































































    turns out tht MF doesn't appeal to my server.
















































































































    thank you so much for ur help..
















































































































    i really appreciate it
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    millions thanks to the uploaders of MU and torrents..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    -sarang hae-

































































































































    MU Link

    http://www.megaupload.com/?f=3YTPZZE3' rel="external nofollow">































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    helo there.. i don't know why but it seems that the Megaupload links to MFL epi15 is broken. i cant download the .007 part.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    i'm really looking forward to see how Tae Yoon and Eui Joo relationship develop into.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    actually, i'm sick watching the same characters who got rejected by the hero/heroin turned into evil
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    but TY and EJ character in this drama does not really appeal to the trend
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i'm rooting for both of them

































































































































    epi15: continuing the plot...

    after spending their 1st night together, hyena & dong chan went to look for President Kang.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    To their surprise, instead of getting chased away, President Kang accepted their relationship.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Instead of looking at their relationship in a negative light, the media portrayed them as having a pure & genuine love. They were also accepted by both the company's and Lady Castle's employees.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    In addition, Hyena's shopping mall managed to hit the sales target of 15%. The employees who used to support Hyena's uncle felt slightly uneasy as Hyena seemed to be doing well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    As such, Hyena's uncle ordered his spy to get back at Hyena........
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    NG scenes credit to jnccr2. I hope somebody can give a summary of what YSH was crying about, starting from 3:56. I think it is something about his dad but I could be wrong. Hopefully, someone can be kind enough to shed some light. Thanks so much!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    if i'm not mistaken, he was talking about his sick father-something about his father weren't able to recognize him-condition.u may refer to his own thread here. :)

































































  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..