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Posts posted by cgwm808

  1. Ost 5
    A quiet wind came and asked 
    what I thought of you.

    That’s how without my knowing It 
    you quietly came into my heart then

    Because you are fast asleep
    Are you dreaming?
    The whole world
    That’s you.

    Will the beam of light which falls
    Even know 
    The reason why it hurt then?

    Start of refrain
    It was the beginning.
    On such a lovely day
    I could hold you in my eyes
    A lovely day.

    I soared.
    Dazzled then.
    In my hear,t in my mind
    Like a day the flowers bloom
    I bloomed
    End of refrain

    Why are there just tears
    Which can’t be hidden
    Which can’t be stopped?

    A long story
    A cold and sad story
    At the end you and I are hugging

    Will we part?
    I must try to hang on with
    My two hands holding you


    You are that.
    Because you remain so lovely
    Will you walk this path with me?

    The path you are walking toward me
    On the path which blooms radiantly forever
    I want to be there always

    It was the beginning.
    On such a lovely day
    I could hold you in my eyes
    A lovely day.

    For the first time I cried
    Because I will see you
    In my longing, in my wanting to see you
    is that one reason
    which is you.


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  2. Ost No. 4 Sound


    OST 4. Sound
    Stars spring buoyantly to mind
    Together with you they come to mind
    When I am rowing again
    And my two hands get wet
    I keep thinking of you.
    Tears drop 
    I brush them away because I’ll get caught
    You … Why is the pain severe
    As this in my heart again?
    *Start of refrain*
    From far far away a sound is heard
    Your breath your voice
    Even in a dream your sound hurts
    Among  the clouds
    Along with the wind
    If I walk everyday
    Just in case it may appear
    Your beautiful smile
    *End of refrain*
    Starlight falls
    I recall you more
    Today again while being haunted by you I pace back and forth
    My heart again hurts because of longing
    But then what’s wrong with missing you?
    Both anywhere you have walked
    And somewhere my body has not been to
    There side by side
    While holding your hand
    I want to walk there
    That’s what I want
    You You
    The name I long for
    Your breath your voice
    Even in a dream  your sound hurts
    You You
    A sound which rings
    If I call you every day
    Just in case you will hear me
    I’ll shout like this
    To you.
    • Like 5
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  3. While I am watching Mr. Sunshine on Netflix, I miss very much the OST lyrics which would have been provided if viki.com had the license for the series.    This is my own work.    
    OST No. 1 Translation

    Despite the harsh sunlight, the spring was beautiful.
    The flower petals breathtakingly bloomed red above the fields
    In the long endless night again it is the lushness which covers me 
    To leave again even if it is a dream would be cruel.
    *Start of refrain*
    On a day when  every wind stops
    On a day when longing is allowed
    Without being strident with my heart
    I will call you
    *End of refrain*
    Perhaps at the end of this life
    If there is a  day you might not be able to come
    By the name which will not die down
    I will call you
    Our pain is another difference between you and me
    It closes our eyes to the fate which intended each of us for the other
    In my dried up sea
    There is but one red sun rising
    It is an unforgettable dream
    Which is so distant it cannot be reached 
    Perhaps at the end of this life
    On the day we finally become one
    It will call my splendid pain
    It is all green.    
    “Translation Note:  In the song, the word 푸르름 is used several times.  Literaally it is the color blue-green but it used poetically as a symbol of youth, lushness, abundance. 
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  4. I was fortunate to see The Werewolf Boy at it's American premier, nearly three weeks ago, at the Hawaii International Film Festival.  I am very surprised it had not been shown publicly in South Korea.  It was a wonderful movie.  SJK conveyed a lot with his facial expression and body posture.  I think the total number of words he actually spoke were less than one hundred.  The movie made me want to believe that there is such a thing as a werewolf boy.  This is a must see movie. 






    The drama was a fairly accurate, although compressed in time, depiction of the progress of Alzheimer's. Loss of memory always starts with the most recent memories and over time older and older memories disappear, with the last to go, the earliest childhood memories. It is as though those childhood memories are "hard wired into the brain". In the earlier stages, the mere lapses of memory are readily dismissed by the person or those around her as absent mindedness or being too busy or "multi-tasking." The psychologists gauge the disease's progress by determining what decade of her life the person is currently locked in. This is why she eventually remembers Moon Kwan but not Ji Hyung-- she's known her brother since she was a child. The disease progresses both through the cerebral cortex (where we think) through other parts of the brain -- this is why the patient eventually loses control of bladder and bowel control.




    The drama was very effective in depicting the effect of the disease on the psyche of the person suffering from it as well as those around her. For example, in the scene in which she tries to protect her closet from a clothing thief. The person suffering from Alzheimer's can't recognize her own clothing or where she left it last. So something is "missing" and the logical explanation is that someone took it, not that she can't remember where she left it or what it looks like.




    The progression through the disease may not be lock step for various functions -- between cognition and social behavior, for example. The person suffering from the disease may not be able to read anymore, but knows somehow that reading is important in society -- thus they may spend a long time looking at a newspaper or a book, even though the newspaper is upside down. They may forget where the car is, but having learned to drive in her teen years, they may still be able to go through the mechanical skills required to drive a car. In many civilized societies, driving is a car is an expression of independence, and it is frightening that a large number of Alzheimer's patients in the U.S. still drive!




    Expressions of rage are common -- this is a prevalent reason why the caregiver decides to institutionalize the patient. Caregivers have said they did not mind having to care for the patient as though she were an infant, but could not pyschologically deal with the expression of rage against them.




    Her early efforts in reciting the names of authors and reciting poetry is interesting because some studies show that people who "exercise" their minds with "word games" may be less likely to develop , or have slower progress in Alzheimer's. Whether this is mere correlation or causality is not known,






    I just noticed I skipped a couple of poems that occur in episode 14, around the half-way point when SY and JH are walking on the beach.








    But the second poem, immediately following on, takes us back to familiar anthology territory (meaning it will ring a bell with many Korean viewers who may be able to supply the parts that SY can't recall) and it's maybe more significant dramatically both for its theme and because it shows SY's memory failing her yet again, though she tries to make light of it" "It's not like I had to learn it for homework, after all" she jokes.




    The poem is called 바다에 오는 이유 (Why I've come to the sea) by 이생진 (Lee Saengjin). Born in Seogang, Chungnam Province, in 1929, he spent his working life as a teacher at a Seoul junior high school, publishing poems mainly evoking the moods and landscapes of Korea's many islands. In 2001, in somewhat belated recognition of his seventieth birthday, he was made an honorary citizen of Jeju Island Province (which is of course where SY and JH are honeymooning).




    As well as being unable to recall the final lines of the poem, SY skips a line earlier on (though this may be because it's a bit disconcerting, given current environmental concerns, which weren't so prominent in Korea when the poem was written) As before, I've put the parts she doesn't recite in square brackets, in the Korean text and in my translated version.




    바다에 오는 이유 ㅡ 이생진




    누군가를 만나러 온 것이 아니다




    모두 버리려 왔다




    [몇점의 가구와 한쪽으로




    기울어진 안장과]




    내 나이와 이름을 버리고




    나도 물처럼 떠 있고 싶어서 왔다




    바다는 부자




    하늘도 가지고




    배도 가지고




    갈매기도 가지고




    [그대로 무엇이 부족한지




    날마다 칭얼거리니]




    Why I've come to the sea.




    I did not come to meet anyone.




    I came to cast everything away.




    [Along with bits of furniture and a sagging bike saddle]




    to jettison the years I've lived and my name




    so I can flow boundlessly as the water does,




    that's why I came.




    [The sea sustains buoys and the sky




    And boats and gulls,




    So why fret daily over things we lack?]







    For fans following Baduy's commentary while watching the poem occurs at about 30:06 in Episode 14.




    Once again, thank you Baduy.







    South Korea provides fairly extensive and humane care for people with Alzheimer's. Especially because of the country's very low birthrate, there is great concern for the future, as the percentage of the elderly becomes larger and larger in Korea. Care of Alzheimer's patients in Korea




    The screenwriter was masterful in holding our attention even though the final outcome was never a question from the time the pre-broadcast synopsis was released. Like a Hitchcock mystery, even though we knew "who dunnit", we watched with fascination as the story unfolded. As some would say, the message is in the journey, not the endpoint. I have a new respect for Kim Rae Won, Soo Ae, Lee Sang Woo, and the rest of the cast. Stellar writing, directing, casting, and acting. Beautifully photographed.



    But I hope people who don't understand Korean won't start chucking brickbats at the writer when, by definition, a large proportion of the writer's skill, and hence the drama's complexity, is beyond their grasp at present, and it will remain so until a more adequate set of subtitles for the full drama is available.







    Baduy, however long it may take you, I, and many others, would dearly love to have you sub A Thousand Days' Promise just as you did City of Glass. I know those of us who have a very incomplete knowledge of the Korean language, are missing many nuances of the writers' wordcraft.







    Please consider my humble request.









































    I want to also add to this post
































    I am so impressed Baduy with your knowledge .....it just blows me away...thank you for all the work and posting you contribute. I for one love this drama...it makes you think and seems like it is the way in the real world would happen...so thank you once again































































    Darn-- for some Freudian reason I wrote "dictionary" when I meant to write "photographic".














    Thank you Baduy-- I'm at GMT +10 and checked on Soompi to glean some wisdom from your comments as soon as I could get to a computer about 10 a.m. my tine, before I even downloaded the raw. I was disappointed to not find a "not to be missed" guide by you on Episode 17. When I watched Episode 17 in raw, I realized you were probably hard at work crafting an annotation and a lyrical translation. Thank you so much. Your memory is both encyclopedic and dictionary. How on earth do you recognize a German poem which has been translated to Korean?







    Sheila-- I truthfully can say between Baduy's answer to various hanging issues and your analysis of the women in the plot, I don't know which one made me laugh longer or louder! I want to scream at several people (MS, SA, "elder", JG...etc.) when they believe SB or JJ, "Can't you tell it's a lie right away, their lips are moving!" Why are we watching this?? I can't believe I have already spent 47 hours!!

























































    Thanks so much Baduy for finishing the subbing of City of Glass. Your subbing made it so much more enjoyable that i think I'll watch the whole series again for a third time.
































































    Thank you, Baduy, so much for subbing City of Glass. I can finally get a sense of closure because I started watching this drama the year it was originally broadcast -- I started watching in the middle and always wanted to start from the very beginning. I even purchased the commercial DVD which had abysmal English subbing -- so badly done, I stopped watching it with the subtitles. Your subbing made me enjoy the nuances of the culture. I was so disappointed when you stopped working on it on viikii and was thrilled to learn you took up the Herculean task again. My God -- over fifty hours of translation.








































    Thank you.















    Thanks to Baduy and AuntieMame my sleep will be ruined for the next few days.





    Who knew that an offhand remark to AuntieMame would lead to my learning that Baduy had returned to subtitle one of my all time favorites. All I said wss, "my ideal subber is Baduy" to AuntieMame and she graciously let me know he had resumed his solitary toil.





    I had given up hunting on Soompi a long time ago. Thank you.





    I bought the DVD a year ago because I couldn't find the raw videos online. I pm'ed Baduy then and said the subbing was atrocious. But I had the DVDs to listen to the Korean because Baduy made the offhand remark about how well the actress who plays Yoo Ran spoke.





    I loved this drama so much, the lack of a competently English subtitled version propelled me back to the classroom for the first time in over thirty years. I took 12 weeks of intensive Korean starting in May, 2010 -- 10 hours of classroom instruction plus innumerable study hours and am now in my fourth semester of Korean because I promised myself I would be able to enjoy The Glass Castle with or without English subs. I am understanding 50% of what is said now but Baduy's superb subtitles make the story so much more enjoyable.


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