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Posts posted by kellneriner

  1. Hi Minsuners! 

    Gosh it has been literally years since I last read/replied this thread. I started watching BoF back in 2008, when I was still studying and spending my entire free time on the computer (ah the good old days haha). I followed their BTS and fanvids etc for a good couple of years after that and was wholly convinced that they were dating. Then I started working and had no time to stalk them online but I came back to the thread when it was announced(?) that LMH was dating his co-star Min something (sorry I honestly don't remember). And then a couple of years after that LMH admitted he was dating Suzy and I immediately thought of Hye Sun but since it has been so long and I haven't visited this thread I assumed I was just fantasizing the Minsun couple being together. Imagine my delight and surprise when I heard that Hyesun has someone who flaunts her off. She has always had a soft spot in my heart even when I haven't followed her work for so long cos she's a talented rare gem in the Korean entertainment industry. Watching her in Happy Together where she said her old actor boyfriend did not want to date publicly made me convinced again that she and Minho WERE together and it was him who did not want them to be seen publicly. I am NOT dissing or bashing him. I loved him but I think he prioritized his rep and career more than his love life at that time and that decision led to where they are now. It's all about timing. 

    • Like 4
  2. @samzz I agree. When I was watching Roommate on S One channel, the translation on the screen was not "My Ah MoNe", instead it was "my lover". At first I thought it was a mistranslation, then I read your post. :D
    Also, I was watching the episode with my mom when the wrap party part came up. My mom (who had no idea who they were aside from the fact they starred in this one show together) immediately asked with a dazed grin on her face, "Are they really dating?" It took a lot of self-restrain on my part not to blurt out "OMG yes". Haha. But see even non-shippers are confused with their level of closeness ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    OK so it's like 5 am where I am at and I haven't been able to sleep from 3 am so I was bored out of my wits. TeukSungHae thankfully posted the subbed links for me to download and watch, thankkk you!!
































































































































    Anyway the reason I'm writing is that I was watching these two when a new revelation came to me. Every new thing that Hyun does, is always observed first by Yong. He never called her out on it, never even jokingly confronted her, except for the arm grabbing in Japan which I think resulted from his shock, as he himself admitted. Latest case, the 'dying together' bit. Hyun was the one who said 'we need to die together' then she got shy and then asked Yong to 'pretend she didn't say it'. IMO, it seems like Yong had a personal opinion of what she said, judging from his slight smirk/smile but he didn't push on, and instead settled for and easy 'alright'. This is what I think Hyun meant when she said Yong never forced/pressured her. It's always Hyun who set the pace in the 'relationship/. Thank goodness the pace has increased tremendously. Poor Yong has been waiting long enough. LOL.
































































































































    p/s - I sound like a hardcore Yong fan, sorry bout that. I was initially his fan first, but now I think I'm more interested in Hyun and her personality RL. She's very unique and personifying.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hello all.
































































































































    When it comes to our favourite couple, I always always take everything with a pinch of salt. Co I try to be as realistic as I can be, I mean nothing IS for certain so I'm sparing my heart from the future angst that WILL be coming. So when the kind souls here posted about the interview and how sweet Yong was, part of me thought it was just a fan service. Moreover when the other members laughed when he said that.
































































































































    But I didn't watch it, when I finally just watched it, well hey all the doubts just dissappeared. I agree with one of the gogumas here, he talked like he was thinking to himself 'what else is her characteristics?'. But what's more important is his embarassed smile when Minhyuk finished talking. Red handed baby you just got caught red handed.
































































































































    My 2 cents after the interview.

    Are they secretly dating? Well I wouldn't be too sure about that. Are they smitten with each other? I think they adore the ground the other person walks on. Enjoy the good times while they're still on display loves.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    One fact which screams that this couple is real and which was in no way connected to WGM was the the "Love" song Yonghwa sang at the GDA. no one can deny that he pointed to Seohyun, even her Unnies knew it and the line says "in this world of cruelty only you keep me sane" hellooooo?! any more questions?! off again to Go-Chun :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi aurora82. Could you link me the vid where he pointed at Hyun? I tried looking for it but didn't find it. Thanks! I love how the unnies kept pointing at Hyun. Girl was probably too shy to point at herself. LOL.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hello fellow goguma lovers!
































































































































    This is nothing new but consider this as a distraction from the 'article' that is CLEARLY fake.
































































































































    My link This is Hyun's reaction when CN Blue won the award. And it was taken a couple of days (2 3 maybe) after the filming of episode 42. I remember feeling shocked/amazed that the Hyun that we know and love has become giddy like that. Robot who? This girl ain't a robot, she was squealing and possibly suppressing the urge to jump and down when her 'bf' won. Infatuated lovebirds are usually like that. Now I understand how she could have behaved that way during the awards show, their level of comfort has gone up!
































































































































    SO no worries loves. Our couple looks like they're staying strong. Enjoy it while they can still show us. on the screen cos NOW I'm certain there IS something brewing there. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    After watching the latest ep for the 100000000th time, I just saw that while they were discussing where to go to for their mission, Yong was playing with Hyun's phone. Can somebody verify if this is true.

































































































































    I have TOEFL test tomorrow and all I can think/read/watch is this couple. And I've never watched an unsubbed ep before, usually I just wait but I can't help it, this ep is too adorable! Why oh why does the TOEFL test have to come after this adorable spazzworthy episode!

































































































































































































































































    There haven't been soft subtitles for WGM since back in season 1 when TungTungFansub and/or Mushi were actively working on the series. Since then various groups have only released hard subbed episodes. I'm posting these for those who want to see the show [specifically their couple of choice] now in order to tide them over until hard subbed episodes are released.
































































































































    Ahhh alrighty. Thank you very much for your prompt response. I'm downloading it either way. Too much cuteness, needs to be watched in clear quality, data usage be damned! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I have a question about the above mediafire link. Is there any soft subs that we can get so we can watch the HQ download one like above with subs when they come out?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OMG I'm watching it right now. Thank you very much for the links!
































































































































    I'm currently up until the picture showing part. Can I just say THIS particular scene screams REAL to me? How many idols have we seen tearing their old pictures because they were embarrassed to show them to the public? And here we have Yongie proudly letting his Hyun examine his old predebut pics. You wouldn't do that if you don't have feelings for the girl. SERIOUSLY.
































































































































    To those who spazzed about the ep, thank you! I know what to expect now! Though I may have a few sleepless nights waiting for the subs to come out. Teeheee.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This is the article that comes with the spazz-worthy picture. Can somebody please translate this??
































































































































    [이데일리 SPN 연예팀] MBC `우리 결혼했어요`의 정용화-서현 커플의 다정한 모습을 담은 사진이 공개됐다.
































































































































    사진 속에서 두 사람은 자연스러운 표정으로 서로 얼굴을 맞대고 있다.
































































































































    그러나 `우리 결혼했어요` 제작진에 따르면 여행 이후 상도동 신혼집에서 달콤한 시간을 보낸 용서부부는 아옹다옹 사랑 다툼을 하게 된다.
































































































































    싸움의 이유는 서현이 남편인 정용화를 병원에 데려가려고 했기 때문. 이에 29일 방송하는 `우리 결혼했어요`에서는 병원에 가는 것을 두고 티격태격 다툼을 벌이는 두 사람의 모습이 담길 예정이다.
































































































































    EDIT: I thought it was a photoshopped pic at first. I love how comfortable and at ease Hyun looks here. SO MUCH DIFFERENT than their first meeting. Whatever else that comes in between - Jinwoon, mildang, Sulli (I just got to know about it), ideal type issues etc, seems like just things in the past. They look too real. Uh oh somebody needs to shake me back to reality!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi!! I have a question regarding Yong Hwa. A goguma lover here mentioned that Suju boys warned Yong about Hyun. I know about Onew and Jongmu's warning to Yong but I didn't know the Suju oppas did it too. Can somebody please please tell me where and when did they do that, so I can, you know, spazz? LOL. Thanks in advance.
































































































































    Oh and can I add I REGRETTED not knowing her before WGM? Before I wasn't even really interested in SNSD, the only oe that caught my attention was Hye Yeon. Now I'm rewatching all the old videos so I can watch the sweet maknae. Yong's not an issue for me. He's been my crush since the YAB days. LOL. Thanks for reading my pointless post! Have a good day all!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hello goguma lovers!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I really enjoy reading everyone's posts here, and to those who sub and translate stuff for us, thank you very much!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    First off, would like to add myself to the list, I'm from Malaysia woohoo! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I am now waiting for a job which starts in February so I have A LOT of time on my hand so I keep rewatching the episodes, what better way to spend your time right? ;) I noticed a few things that I would like to take note here.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    1. I watched the 1st episode a loooong time ago and brushed this couple off as I thought they were too awkward and zero chemistry, and was more inclined towards Khuntoria. The episode where they had the best couple tournament changed my perception. So I started looking for their episodes and found episode 11. From then on, I watched them religiously. So I just watched ep 1 again and my oh my how awkward were these two compared to present time? I loved how Yong seemed bewildered 90% of the time during the 1st ep because he 'never met anyone as pure as Hyun'. And I loved how fidgety Hyun was being as this was her 1st experience being with a guy, on or off cam.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2. During their kimchi making episode, when they were talking to Hyun's mom, at the end of it, Yong said 'we'll visit you' and Hyun's mom replied 'see you again'. Does this mean they've met each other before? We haven't seen that on the show have we?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    3. About the most recent 'don't smile at me with the eyes, it's making my hear flutter', did anyone notice Hyun has ALWAYS been doing that? Like for example, during the band meeting in ep 6?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    4. During the Japan trip, where Hyun said 'thank you' and during the ride to goguma field in ep 35 (I think), she said thanks again, Yong replied 'for what?' on both accounts. He also replied in Japan trip that he wasn't doing it for her to say thank you and asked her if there was anything else she wanted to say other than 'thanks'. That got me thinking if this is what he meant in his song, 'rather than saying thank you...'.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I remember reading tons of pages back about someone worrying about Hyun may act like this is an experience for her, say thank you and that's it when she leaves WGM. I wasn't a fan of Hyun before WGM so I didn't get it, but now I do. Hyun may think of this as an experience, and this correlates with all the 'thanks' she's been saying to Yong. This is why I think that even if something IS going on between them, chances are maybe they have not even clarified it yet. It's still in the flirting, measuring each other up stage.Of course, I'm also saying this to keep my shipper's heart at bay, so there'll be less heartache if Hyun pulls a Shin-Ae at the end of WGM. LOL.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wow didn't realise this has become an essay. Sorry if I offended anybody. Have a good day all!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    EDIT: Ahh and I notice some people are looking for links to watch the show, let me know if this isn't allowed here. This is where I feed my obsession :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Goguma Heaven
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi all! Haven't got the chance to watch the latest ep yet but from our reactions I'm glad to know our shy Hyun has become more touchy feely now. AM here to ask a question I've been thinking for a while - we all know the chaos that took place when we discovered that Yong and Hyun wear (or do not wear) their rings outside WGM. My Q is do other couples wear them too? DO they even have their own set? Cos if they have their own set and NOT wear them then that speaks volume bout our couple.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi everybody!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I agree, that this is just a show, and it WILL end whether we want it or not. So let's just enjoy while it lasts. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm here to say something about Yong's action. This may seem lame, and outdated, but I'm a fan of Boys Over Flower, and have been rewatching the show when I noticed something. You know the part where Lee Min Ho's character, put Ku Hye SUn's hand in his pocket? And the time they skated together? These are the scenes that I related to YongSeo. I wondered if he watched this show, Yonghwa. LOL There are other scenes too but I can't remember them now. Just want to say this here. Till then, happy Goguma day!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    -Notice how Yong Hwa's songs go from "y. Why..." "I'm a Loner" those depressing songs to light hearted fluffy songs like " Love Light " I don't know why" to "Banmal"... Its all because of the transitions of his emotional state! When is he going to admit that ALL his songs are actually inspired by Seohyun!!! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi, sorry to cut your post like this, but I absolutely agree with this. I've been thinking about the not-so-subtle transition of the mood of the songs Yonghwa has been composing but I thought I was being too imaginative. But now that you have brought it up, I kinda think there may be truth in it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    About whether it's just for the show, or they're real, there's a possibility that even they themselves did not clarify the status of their rship. I mean, they met on the show, there's the confusion right there. They may have some feelings, but they may not want to jeopardize them just yet. You know what I mean? If my hunches are right, this is like a certain couple in one of the biggest franchise in Hollywood. Have been a longtime fan of those two and I stood by my hunches when I said they were into each other even when they were many others who just would not believe it. Now they're happily together. Any idea who that could be? ;) Let's just hope YongSeo, if it's true they do share the same feelings for each other, will end up happy too, just with less complications like the other couple had.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Fellow gogumas,
































































    YongSeo BTS diary (by a temporary WGM staff on 6/12/10):
































































    Note: The write of this note is a temporary staff in the WGM team filling in for his/her friend. The major job duty is to take care of the apartment in Sangdo-dong.
































































    After sorting out the pictures I went to check out some books. Amongst them there were three of which SH gave to YH, and SH wrote on the first page of all of them. “Even though oppa doesn’t have the habit of reading now, as time goes by, the lives of those who read and those who doesn’t will be different, so please keep up the reading to realize your dream” How can a 20 year old girl have such profound thoughts? On another one she wrote “ Hope you will share and discuss this with your brothers, it will help with your lyric writing.” But to this YH replied “No, I will read it by myself “ ^^ So far SH has already given more than 10 books to YH.
































































    Since SH likes to decorate the house, YH will always get what SH likes whenever he goes overseas. The heart-shaped décor piece in the kitchen is a handmade piece by SH herself.
































































    The couple has become a lot closer after the Japan episode. Whatever jokes YH cracks, SH will accept them, so people around are saying that SH is more and more like YH now…^^ There are two WGM writers who are especially fond of Goguma couple… Once during a meeting Yong cracked a really childish joke, to which the writers replied “How can you be so childish~~!” But SH smiled and said “What’s so childish about it?! It’s really funny!” During the meeting, it was mainly YH who gave the ideas and SH has not once objected and always respected YH’s opinions.
































































    YH’s wearing of the couple ring during the YAB photoshoot had touched a lot of goguma fans. As for SH, she was asked to take off the ring during a shoot, but she persistently refused… Both are very serious about their commitment, what a lovely couple~~!
































































    I was smiling and feeling fuzzy inside as I translated this. I hope it'll make your day too! :wub:































































































































    Hi fellow Gogumas! Was a lurker here for the longest time until I saw the post above and just HAD to reply ! And because today's a holiday for me. :P
































































    Anyways, the letter that was written by the staff was so adorable! I especially love the part where Seohyun refused to take off her ring for the shoot. :))
































































    EDITED :
































































    1. Very sorry [quote name='jajay' I cut your post cos didn't want mine to be too long.
































































    2. I wasn't really into the couple as I thought Seohyun was a bit too boring (don't throw gogumas at me just yet) but everything changed when I watched the Horror Special. I watched it for Khuntoria but after the episode I never looked back, it's Goguma Couple all the way now. She has transformed from this awkward little girl to someone who matches Yonghwa alomst in every sense. It's very cute to watch.

































































  18. Honeybin, you're right! She's wearing that T-shirt again (this is the third time). She must really love that T.

    Not only that. She seems to be wearing it durng special occasions. :) Like this one, it's during a meeting with two of the biggest painists, Yiruma and Sasaki. :)

    On a side note, sorry if this offends anyone, but I just have to remind, please don't quote together with the pics. Remove the 'img' when quoting. :)

    Has anyone seen the latest CF of Minho and Sandara?

    They have chemistry, ngl. Sounds selfish/immature but wish Minho wouldn't be that comfy/intimate with her, but I guess he's just that good of an actor I guess. :)

  19. Thank you fp for dissecting the lyrics. Atomic Kitten's The Last Goodbye has always been one of my fav songs and I've always associated it with heartbreak, so to know he put it in his cyworld, AFTER she posted her song. that didn't settle well for me. But your take on the lyrics is totally plausible.

    Another thing I noticed, at 1st I was quite dissapointed to see them sitting/standing so far away from each other, but if you look at the pics closely, when they were posing for pictures, they gravitated towards each other, and here she really was pressing her body up on him. She was totally putting her weight on her right leg, and in turn, him. I think if he moved, she would have stumbled.


    They just don't give the 'we're awkward with each other' vibe here. As we know, her works have always been related to her past bad relationships so I believe instead of taking it as a sad song maybe it's a song for him to prove that he won't leave her.

  20. When I read MinHo's answer over at his thread, I immediately had to come over here. :D

    SO glad you guys have already 'dissected' his answer. :P

    NGL, I thought of Hye Sun too when i read his answer. I honestly haven't been on the ship for quite a while now, since they haven't appeared together, or much, at all, in weeks. But this answer from Min Ho jumped me right back onto it.

  21. Oh my gosh, this girl never fails to impress me. Her compositions are amazing!

    She looks very pretty too! I like her dressing here. Very simialr to what I'd wear. This is why I lvoe her so effing much. She's very natural. I love all the new pics! Thanks for sharing!

  22. Thanks for the short clip!

    The 6 seconds is speaks a lot about their relationship. This is what I meant. Minho seems to be always pushing Hye Sun's buttons, in a 'not just normal friends' way. I mean, he seemed to be pushing and intruding her personal zone/space and though she seemed to be waving him off, it looked half assed and half meant. We know she didn't really mind anyway. :P

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