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  1. Marco has to be deleted by SeJu, not JW as they have never made allies so JW couldn't see Marco. But SeJu seemed to be traumatized, psychotherapy was needed, so seeing him return to the game just to delete the last bug, Marco won't be his cup of tea.


    I anticipate second season. After few HJ logins and she held no weapon, I knew and didn't think she would be playing the game like JW. She only logged in to find JW location, meet Emma and find clues to help JW. But second season, I could see HJ wanting to find JW, she would be going and playing as actual player, holding weapons, leveling up and all. Her brother SJ can fix or find out why, how the game got messed up. I welcome that idea.

    • Like 6
    • Love 1































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I really like the drama. Too bad it's not doing great in ratings but I, too, hope this won't affect too much in story from writers. Regarding ratings, it won't matter to me, I will definitely finish through the end and hopefully, maybe, the ratings would get better in times.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  3. It seems like Ji Hyo is underrated actress but I don't think she is one to be underestimated. She's a great, lovely actress. She's like Lamar Odom who is like Charles Barkley that could play all 5 positions in the NBA but Odom is underrated yet so versatile player.

    I look forward to seeing Ji Hyo receiving a lot more loves from both current and new fans.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    woori and junha were never lawfully related. youngkyu is not junha's birth father, but junha thinks he is. and yes they are no longer "siblings" since woori's mother is dead.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh right! I forgot that Young Gyu is Ma Ru's uncle, not the father, but his sister's the birth mother.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It would be real cool if Dong Joo learnt sign language. He could communicate happily with Woo Ri!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm still unsure which to pair Woo Ri off, to be honest. I'd always love and enjoy watching Kim Jae Won. I'm leaning towards Dong Joo. He is obviously a lovable character yet so pitiable at same time. But Ma Ru/Joon Ha is kind of more pitiable.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Is it weird to pair MR with WR? They were lawfully related but now the mother is gone, this is no longer valid, right?

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  6. Hard to believe Chae Rim is about to turn 31 in no more than a week. I remember the first time I saw her is her 2002 drama: Dating Now with So Ji Sub, she must be like 22 or 23 years old. Even so, she still looks beautiful as of today and she's still in her early 30's... she will age gracefully. =D

    Cheers, I'm happy to see her continue acting. Though Oh My Lady was a bit boring but I will bear it for her AND Si Won, of course, what to say but uh yes, he's handsome. =P
































































































































































































































































    I don't like Meng Do Pil. =[ I could imagine how would my leg feel when I'm being hit constantly like this! x_X; I actually feel the pain (coming from my eyes) when I watched the scene during the fight, I was like oh ow, I feel like I'm Jang Suk for a while, feeling the pain.
























































































    {GOE-SS} 09.09.09 He@d!ng t0 the Gr0und Episode 1 [English Softsub] DO NOT HARDSUB THIS!.srt (52.51 KB)








































    More links can be downloaded in GOE;SS LJ Community






























































































    Wow, amazing! Thank you guys for the hard work.

















    i tried a lot of times already but it always turned out like this --> [lady Castle] :huh:

    apple47, sweetie, please remove img tags when quoting pics :sweatingbullets:








    thanks everyone for all the updates! ^^















    Oh wow, really? Weird. [ Lady Castle ] - well, I could live with this... the main focus we have is anticipating the show as it comes to airing soon! I'd be expecting posts to flow the day it airs. =P I'll be here to read comments and stuff!








































































































































































































    YSH doesn't look that old to me, well at least, in that drama. I absolutely love the clothing choice for his character. Plaid shirt, who wouldn't like this? =P And erm, sorry but I had to say that... no bashing of course, anyway http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/2820/58140912sk9.jpg He looked like a girl right there.
































































    I'm so exciting.
































































    By the way, original poster - can you please edit [ Lady Castle] to [Lady Castle]?
































































    Don't know if you or anyone noticed that? It bothered me a little bit but if you don't want to edit, that's alright. =D








































































































    Will watch because Go Ara and Kim Jae Seung will be in that drama. Looking forward. I was fascinated by Go Ara's green eyes. Couldn't believe that she's 100% Korean? My older brother's girlfriend who is American-Korean looks a little bit like Go Ara except for eyes, of course.









  12. Cool pictures Hyun Bin did with Outback. My friend and I ate there. It was kinda expensive x_X; especially I was longing for the BBQ Rib but too bad, I didn't end up getting it because I agreed to share the bill with my friend where we needed to find same meals we wanted to eat and cheaper, whatever we felt was acceptable enough for us to fork up our wallet. =/ But overall, a good experience eating (for us, first time) and fun evening with new friends we met from states. =P

    Is Hyun Bin in any upcoming drama??





    Just started to watch this drama. I'm on SoCal time, so it's only ep. 5 here. I don't mind spoilers. Can someone tell me which episode (#) does NY's mom finally finds out that she's dead?!




    http://youtube.com/user/soshisubs This subbing team has already subbed up to 30 episodes. Just few episodes behind the schedule but generally, it's still pretty fast and very faithful to finishing it in more than rumored 100 episodes, I'm sure.







    MU links posted on livejournal -- MU links to Doremifasolatido




    EDITED: removed the links, requested by ponkie. Can still download the movie by going to that site above.







    Can you not repost it here without my permission?


    This is hotlinking, which happened to me before and I don't like it.




    Okay, it should be fine by now. I don't realize it would be hotlinking. I apologize.



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