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    Based on your drawing and the 10 answers you gave this is a summary of your personality:































































































































































































































































































































































































    Your house tells the world that you ought to be a leader. You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You are shy and reserved. If you've drawn a cross on each of windows, you always want to live alone. Once you have a problem, you need a friend with you. Your life is always full of changes.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You have a strong personality and you like to command, influence and control people.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. It also safe to say that others don't see you as a flirt. You don't think much about yourself.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Peaceful and gentle, lambs have been used in religious imagery for millennia. Lambs are baby sheep, an animal tended by shephards since the dawn of history. As a lamb, you tend to stay together in a flock and graze on grassy land. Lambs don't mind being led and tend not to go off on their own.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    but please do come back, cos we're gonna miss you like crazy, mimi & her 4d-ness ^^"































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    as much as I love to hear them in the states and all, it'd be awesome to see them back in Korea kicking butt :lol:































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    though i'm not a 2ne1 fan, f.cuz reminds me of them, like a male version o_o"

































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