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Posts posted by nanamienzo

  1. Good morning YooGals!! :D

    Before I go on replying, these lovely lovely pics of baby YOO just pop up in front of me in DCGY.. It's from 2008 Japanese calendar publication... :) awww.. i'm drooling!! :wub: :wub:



    *** Credit dcGY ***

    Ohh.. it seems like it comes with a news article...

    완소남 공유, 일본 팬에 감각 2008 캘린더 발간

    2007년 10월 30일(화) 8:30 [뉴스엔]

    완소남 공유가 감각적인 캘린더로 일본팬들을 찾아간다.

    11월 23일 일본에서 발매될 ‘2008 공유 캘린더’는 배우로서 공유의 스타일리시한 모습과 그의 소탈하고 인간적인 내면을 함께 담는다. 또 직접 거리로 나가는 생동감 넘치는 콘셉트로 서울의 거리를 계절감 있게 구성했다.

    캘린더를 발매하는 일본의 디지털 체크 관계자는 30일 “일본에서 폭발적인 인기를 구가하고 있는 공유의 다양한 매력을 담았다”며 “‘걸어다니는 패션 화보’라는 애칭에 걸맞게 최고의 퀄리티를 가진 캘린더가 탄생했다”고 말했다.

    또 공유는 캘린더와 함께 12월 말에는 사진집을 통해 일본팬들을 사로잡을 예정이다.

    한 편 공유는 SBS ‘건빵 선생과 별사탕’을 통해 한류스타로 등극했으며 일본영화 ‘용이간다’에 출연해 화제를 모았다. 최근 MBC ‘커피프린스 1호점’ 촬영장에 수백명의 일본 팬들을 몰고 다녀 한류스타로서의 면모를 과시하기도 했다.

    공유를 2007년 최고의 완소남으로 만든 ‘커피프린스 1호점’은 2008년 1월 일본TV도쿄 채널을 통해 방송될 예정이다.

    김미영 grandmy@newsen.com

    기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

    손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

    copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔

    The translator give me that the calendar will be on sale from 23-Nov. At the last sentence, i think it says that Coffee Prince will be aired over the Japanese channel starting January 2008. :)

    There is one sentence I'm not too sure though.. from the translator it says something like he will be "catching Japanese fans live" in December... :unsure: hmm.. I wish someone can translate the news.... :rolleyes:

    OMG! OMG! OMG! this is the one im waiting for! a japanese calendar! oh nov23? now my only problem is which online shop i can order this?

    angelie pls post the japanese mssg or something im gonna translate it to yoo guys!

  2. YOOGALS!!!......anybody home????Seems like I am alone here....Where does everybody goes??

    knock knock...... seems nobody's home...... where are yoooooooooooooooooooooogals?


    hi faye & miss_montel, just like what egalyen said... were having a long weekend holiday here in manila and this coming week too! so many of us might go on MIA again...

    i just got bc but i do sometime check yoohouse..

    thanks shihchinchin, calypso and iluvyoo2 for the update of our baby's CY it really seems that he is bored that he keeps changing his CY often and yeh has this lovely girl too on her CY... yes! yes! yes! are they really communicating secretly through their CY? i dont care as long as they can communicate as if they cannot use their mobile hehehe :D

    do you know if there's a rehabilitation centre for GYEH addicts?

    i think we should go there

    hi euchan i agree with YOO this place could be best rehabilitation center for GYEH addict... but for some reason i think i dont want to be cured! im crazy in love with YOO,yeh & CP bec. im now downloading the 1.4G mickeybaby version for my viewing addiction!

    oh before i forgot, i tried to do the scrncaps for ep10 kiss! i want to show to all the YOOgals the sweet kiss they shared in that scene and the very visible saliva string! woahhhhhhh but maybe bec. its 1.4G file, my caps file size is in 3.56mb! hahaha surprised 3.56 mb! photo hosting wont upload me that size.... so im thinking of the best way i can post that cap here. its almost a size of an mv! and the dimension is like size of a wallpaper! any of you wants to resize the scrncap? ill upload it to any hosting site and sent it through pm.

    hi to eganlyen, min_montel,vicente,queen, betchay YO! YOOangel and to all the YOObies... sorry hard to keep up with the names... our family is growing everyday

  3. [2007.10.26][MBC Section TV] Gong Yoo and Joe Odagiri Interview(HQ-Avi) ~ 47MB


    Credit DAUM CP

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!! i just watched it!!!!! super thnx iluvyoo2 super,super,super thank you! 2 handsome men in my life!

    i was practically not breathing while watching it! then suddenly ijoe odagiri's answer made me go crazy with laughter when the mc ask this question... its around 1:50

    mc: how do u find Mr. Gong Yoo (im only guessing coz i dont understand korean)

    J O: Gong Yoo san wa kawaii

    YOO : kawai? (YOO laugh hard with his answer!)

    joe odagiri said it 3times that our YOO is kawai and they both laugh! and the mc ask him which hairstyle he think will fit YOO and he choose the one from previous scrncaps...

    I think it should be avi.. I've seen them in dcGY but those links expire already... I'm downloading the full show now... if iluvyoo2's version is not avi, I will chop it out for you, ok nana?


    thanks for the offer also super thanks to all the caps & pics & scans you posted

    good evening to all online YOOpeeps

  4. Hi all Yoogals..here have MBC Section TV Gong Yoo and Joe Odagiri Interview (watch online)..


    Credit DCGY

    I downloaded a HQ version already (abt 47MB)...but it take very long time to upload.. :phew:;);)

    Try to upload later..

    i missed it! i was in school with my daughter last night for her spooky overnight , thanks iluvyoo2 ill wait for the HQ hopefully it will be in avi

    and good morning to all yoogals who's online.. .. be back later for backreading

  5. haha.. if you are lost with Japanese news, I'm even lost.. I'm already lost with the names what more to say knowing about their news.. haha!!

    and from the news, yes.. looks like Tokyo Tower is being released in Korea. ^^




    *** Credit: dcGY ***

    ok im back! I STAND CORRECTED! there really is a TOKYO TOWER the movie with joe odagiri released last may or june. here is the japanese title of that movie " Tokyo Tower Okan to Boku to Tokidoki Oton" , its from the same novel with tOKYO TOWER special & series

    so its currently showing now in korea? and what's with joe & YOO? just asking... but it makes me happy seeing them together, i hope its for a magz photoshoot.

    i hope ill see YOO with jun matsumoto & junichi okada too. oohh with kimura takuya also. nyways Lee byun hung had a special appearance in takuya's HERO movie and it was a HUGE success in korea...

    and whats with that little gurl palnting in our YOO's navel? sprout? hehehe so cute!

  6. according to the Korean news, I think it mention that GY was attending a movie premiere or something for Tokyo Tower ont he 24th... :unsure:

    yes.. i read something like that before too, but I don't remember those names.. and I remember he mention Tokyo Tower.

    it seems like the news was posted today, and the article mention about 24th-25th.. so must be around that time.. must hunt for the interview.. :P

    24th????? so it was the day b4 yesterday, must go and hunt too for TOKYO TOWER with joe info... i dont know about this.. i am really lost now with japanese ent news!

    is tokyo tower will be showing in korea?

  7. GOOD MORNING all YOOGals...

    Here have another YEH birthday party news:

    [2007.10.22] Mnet YEH birthday party news


    This time can see all guests EXCEPT Yoo!!!!!!!!!! Only can see his ARM!!

    This was camera man or video editor problem? <_< I think 99.999999999999% of viewers more interested to see Yoo among the guests.. ;)


    2007.10.25 Gong Yoo News: http://news.media.daum.net/entertain/movie.../v18617855.html

    He met a Japanese actor , Joe Odagiri. (main actor in <Tokyo Tower>)



    credit as lableled

    is YOO going to make a movie or series with joe? wow! i love joe odagiri! he's a vey good actor!

    and with YOO... he outshined joe! i love joe odagiri but i love YOO more than anyone else now! and its FINAL!

    for my more than 10yrs of loving japanese... all of it vanished???? i dont know! all i can say is YOO is my latest obsession

    and i think there is some misunderstanding with the news.... joe odagiri is not TOKYO TOWER the movie (its with JUN MATSUMOTO & JUNICHI OKADA)

    and the TOKYO TOWER the series was with HAYAMI MOCOMICHI.

    I remember, i read somewhere that YOO likes to meet joe odagiri & junichi okada & jun matsumoto coz he watched tokyo tower & one movie of joe odagiri movie

    iluvyoo2 do u know when & where was this pics taken????

  8. Cantata will be out of stock worldwide! :lol: and there will be more Yoo in the world, and we will be gaga!

    i havent seen cantata too. You want your hubby to drink Cantata too? Dont worry if i found one, il send you. :lol:

    Kai,Actually ive been looking for tha cantata in Px section in the grocery but hvnt found one yet.Where did you find it?

    ill go and try to look for it the next time we go to manila for some grocery shopping, im sure i can find it in makati ave. and in burgos st... there are several korean grocery in there even b4 koreans invade the phil. hahaha joke!

    around 10yrs ago when i was still leaving in makati ave area.... there are many koreans living & studying in makati already but not as many as now... very crowded with koreans... even here in subic many koreans already studying in BRENT international school, & i did check and ask the korean shops owner for cantata coffee and they dont have it yet, i even show the cantata pic i printed. is it new in the market?

    beth & mend.... pls go back in tsinoy & edit your post in ANTM theres a regulation that u cant mispelled the candidates name once u made it wrong u cant vote for the next round.... the 2 organizers text & pm me already.... they are requesting you to edit your post ASAP

  9. hmm... that's weird.. why would it give file not found when that link still appears in my account.. nana, did you encounter that problem the other day you download?

    well, sodami-2, I can't just edit the link like that.. if one file for a particular episode doesn't work, I will have to reupload that whole episode or else you will have problem joining those files later on. Give me a day or two to work that out, ok?

    i dont think i had a problem with screen, only those deadlinks.... & im done downloading screen weeks ago... and thank you again!

    my only problem nw is those uploads with wmv file extension it really wont play with my media classic even i dl the mpeg4 link u gave....

    nyways i ask a friend to convert the wmv O-HUI cf to mpg... to those who's interested in mpg format here it is.... O-HUI mpeg

    betchay & mendyoo : online pa kayo? paki edit matsumoto jun mo sa ANTM pls... hahaha sorry OT, d ko kasi alam if san ko kayo hahanapin eh kung wala kayo sa tsinoy malamang andito kayo

    nana- Yoor rant about "the girl" reached even here in atlanta hehehe..." ang puso"... bless yoor heart

    howaaaahh!!! did it reached YOO? yes my HEAT oopps my HEART! hahaha im in heat to HIT that girl for not stopping her oppa, oppa to our YOO

  10. dear YOOgals,

    pls bear with my post. i have to express this or else my anger will explode!

    i hate this gurl


    i really hate her calling ourYOO oppa!


    ourYOO already said byers to her


    but didnt stop calling, so ourYOo got pissed and said to her...

    he's now using cyon in this cp... no more prada! i hope he'll have a mobile phone cf with cyon with kth just like HB

    YOO stop calling or ill kicked ur butt!


    bwahahaha YOO is a major QT in that last scrncap!

  11. that is the CB owned by YOO&I if that's what you mean.

    i mean those files? its very tempting to dl but im worried that i have those already... (thingking about my HD space)

    iluvYOO2: i love YOO & thank YOO very much for the o-hui cf & caps what a good morning present! downloading it now ( but i guess ill have a problem playing the file, its in wmv format, whenever i try palying wmv my wclassic always saying like *cannot render file* cant play even with real player which is my default player for wmv.. what codec do i need to install or any recommended player thats play with wmv?

    ill be back later for more reactions & reply after sending my daughter to school

  12. hahah.. you are so busted by your friend nana.. she must be having a good laugh now.. :D

    BTW, for those who have problem downloading from Mediafire, maybe you would want to watch this She's on Duty Making on YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pU4SCQ7h5o

    hahaha she really got me in there! i really thought that she has one for me...

    nyways probably the owner of that earing?


    credit to whoever you are! yes you the owner of that ear oooppsss earing!

  13. I don't know who that guy's real name, but i know his screen name, but Soompi won't allow me to spell it out.. it's one of the censored word..haha... it was in CP eppi 1 when HK's grandma found a "proof" he got kissed by a guy.

    oh does he have a same name as in the novel? start with D?

    and speaking of his braces... look at him here, he's maybe wearing those braces in his scene, his teeth a bit shinny \( i specially like this scene... why? coz his uber handsome in this scene! and he looks younger


    and here's another one.... check his teeth again.. thanks to netski for bringing this topic, without her how would i know that he's wearing one!


    pix credit as printed

    and a friend sent me an email asking me if i want a same earing that YOO wore in CP... i said OFCOURSE, so she asked me to wait in a while and she'll send me one.....

    after 30mins she buzz me thru ym and said she sent already....

    i said, sent where? by fdx? dhl? ems?

    she said NO! stop hallucianating! i didnt said ill send you a real thing!

    hahaha its actually a pic of that earing YOO wore in cp.. she said she found in one of jblogs she frequently visits, and shes a GY fan!

    here it is:


  14. I'm not download the music from his CY, I downloaded from DAUM CP, they zipped whole BGM in one file..haha..I can't save pics from his CY too..What I did was print screen. :P

    Oh, you can't download from mediafire? Maybe next time I try using sharebee or fileberry.. :)

    yes i cant dl from MF, it only redicted to bitcomet with 0 download no progress at all.

    wait, print screen? wahhh my keyboard doesnt have a print screen tab! i have to use my hubby's pc later to check that printscreen

    Lyn, youre sked was almost full!

    huh. me? what do you mean? holiday sked? or fangirling schedule? hahaha i think in fangirling, yes im quite full but still has lots of time to watch cp & YOO's clips at night b4 i retire, i sleep around 2am nightly and wakes up at 5:45, to ready my 6yrs old daughter and take her to school at 7, then i can go back to sleep or check updates tsinoy & soompi & D-A & CB

  15. oh no not marvin agustin please of all people :o

    waahh please don't associate Gong Yoo with Marvin Agustin

    i'm begging you

    dont worry euchan. (oohh u know marvin? pinay? i didnt know sorry! sorry) i dont want him to compare or associate with marvin, i never liked marvin thats y i got pissed with my sister for teasing me nonstop!

    YOO is the 1st korean actor i got crazy into.. i like ksw,jis & rain i even bought his its raining 3cds album & his concert but only that i never been as active or addicted as with YOO after wathing BSTS and dled OFD last yr and got more addicted in CP to the extent that i even ignore all my japanese faves & took a leave from JE fandom & fangirling! u can ask other yoopinays what my friends in tsinoy told them! hahaha im must be crazy in luv w YOO! really!

    im just lucky that his not a singer or else i might get more crazy buying his singles & albums + magazines & photobooks & even calendar! just like me and my friends doing with our j-idols.

    but the truth is im stalking some japanese online shop looking for YOO calendar, so far i cant find any though several korean stars has.

  16. Haha..actually I totally can't recognize him!! I saw these pics sometime ago in DCGY, but I thought they just simply put the 'unknown' people pics there :lol: Until that day I saw it again in a Korean blog, so I check the description for the pic..haha

    [2007.10.22] Yoo's CY BGM (10 songs)


    *Credit DAUM CP*

    Downloaded few video clips from DAUM CP last few days...Just manage to upload 4 clips today.. :)

    20060715 [TV Master]Gong Yoo Interview - OFD (HQ)



    People Interview



    Making of She's On Duty (HQ)



    She's on duty (deleted scenes) - (HQ)



    *credit DAUM CP*

    thank you again iluvyoo2 for this goodies .. its a big waste to just look at it, i better start downloading now b4 my speed goes slow again!

    lucky YOO u can dl from his cy, i cant dl nor save pics from his cy, the only thing i can do is stare at his smoking pics on he left and listen to his BGM only that

    EDIT: i cant DL from mediafire!!!!!!!!! why?????

  17. BOOYAHmama lyn...


    i smell more perviness in the air.

    *thinks about matsu-birthday photos*


    bwahahaha i thought u forgot about that matsu bday photos i showed YOO wait till u meet them!

    i hope i can bring YOOmilicious YOOpics to show them!!! but hey! they enjoyed his cantata cf and sachinic is in CP & YOO mode hahaha crazy gurl asking for yoo clips with subs! where does she thinks ill get yoo clips with subs! she even has his cantata cf in her ipod

  18. Hello Lyn/Enzo, but do we still need to vote for the third round?am i wrong?

    YES we made it! with the supports of YOOgals and GY talent managers LYN & PACH.yeeppey!

    yes we need & we have to! or else we will not be eligible to vote on the nextround

    Hello Jinkzz,Its okay we do it just for fun..its just a game.Please once in a while visit us there too.We miss you there!

    yes, jinkz visit us once in a while.... were only 5 or 6 YOOpinays from YOOhouse in there

    Beware Tang! Angel and Pach has LB also.

    LB? Lightning Bolt? YOOangelie & pachie has too? wooaahhhh must be really carefull now... i cannot just say.. YOOisMINE!

    I'm still waiting for ENZO reply...(remember my last PM) so we could set the date.

    not sure if ill be in manila on nov1... in case im going we can meet on nov2? but im very sure that ill be in manila on nov10 (sat) we have a overnight bday party celeb cum EB for kimura takuya, we can meet the nextday which is sun.

    babypachie, free your nov10 night ok?! im taking YOO to that party!

    YOOangelie, thnx to all the cantata BTS.. i hope i can visit those daum,naver blogs but my vista wont allow me to visits some korean sites i dont know why... i should just buy & install XP instead! huhu

  19. And 29 is a Mon! *wink*Yup, the one in green. Waaahh. Dont want Yoo to be associated with marvin, i always picture him doing this chuvachuchu thing with jolina. LOL! :lol:

    oh its mon? sorry hahaha i got the dates mixed up again!

    and talking about marvin. last week when i visited my parents, i bought my CP data file and we were all watching it, when its ending of ep13 after he met his father at the airport, he called eunchan right.. when he was talking with eunchan over the phone my younger sister suddenly shouts and say... OMG ate he looks like marvin agustin! she was like teasing me nonstop bec. she knows that i never like marvin so i was like .. shhhh of course not! but she keeps on saying that he really looks like marvin there, specially when he smiled, then to make my story short.... i turned off the tv & eject my dvd from the player! hahaha I DONT WANTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ill post a scrncap later when i used my own pc

    EDIT: im back with marvin hehehe



    i mean, not that i don't like marvin. he's okay to me... i actually think he's cute. LOL!


    *shakes head*

    ok, ok baby pachie.... he does NOT! i know he does NOT & i dont & i cant & I ALSO REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT , so ill edit my post!

  20. Yes, my hubby and i are going home wednesday but sadly we'll only be there for about 12 days since i have to come back right away for therapy :(

    going home? phil? wow! i hope we can all meet up! and dont feel sorry for not being able to vote in ANTM... though its sayang huhuhu.. but its ok!

    thnx alot junji for the radio talk translation..

    iluvyoo2 thnx to all the uploads and that beauty & the beast pics, was that really him? nevermind the hair but the body.... yummyliciously good! and the PB dvd news. i was actually hoping for that b4 he leaves for his MS. i actually though that he has one already when i watch 1FD last yr.. i was like crazy searching for his PB in yesasia, and i did search again last time when i started watching CP, i like buying PB more than magazine its easier to buy PB than magazine (that is in buying japanese PB case not sure about koreans i never tried buying PB of any korean stars.. YOO will be the 1st one. if he's really going to have that PB

    YOOangeli i was able to dl the s-diary file last night, thnx to ur graciousness, and all the pics you posted...

    tangtang: who is your cousin? paula or chris? ill watch it on sun, is it like the amazing race?

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