Jump to content


Friends of Soompi
  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by chrissejin
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    A little birdie just told me they got to LA an hour ago and they are somewhere in Ktownnnnnn~! Go find them!

































































































































































































































































  2. It's definitely a fun show to watch. I loved the last episode where they had to go over the bar in the swimming pool.

    They definitely have to stay in shape for this show. So much sprinting! It was hilarious when YJS was talking to his video guy asking him if he went to the gym and when YJG got mad at him for letting the PD know where he was hiding...haha.

    Can't wait for next week's episode!

































































































































































































































































    Mark PD's tweets
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh whaat...is he the PD for mnet? My friend met him and asked him where he was watching the game and ended up exchanging numbers with him! Haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg! I don't know if any of you guys noticed this, but WooYoung from 2PM was lip singing all his parts! How long has he been sick? You can totally tell if you watch videos that people took from the pool circle - from the audio. And he also has no parts when they sing the g.o.d song medley!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sorry if it has already been mentioned before.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If you live in LA, it's on TV!! Channel KTN...44?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    When LeeSsang's Gil wanted to introduce the next guest which was Haha. He wanted to do something special, but I don't think Nicole even heard him talking because she started introducing Haha at the same time! So Gil was kind of like *what the! awkward!* and ran backstage!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Or how about when the stage hand guy just walks right in FRONT of Haha & Nicole as they are MCing! I think it was when they were introducing 2PM and the stage hand just walks in front of them like nothing is going on just to move some of the band equipment back to have more room for the dancers. That was really UHHHH.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Haha was a really cute & fun MC! He got really into to the point where he was about to lose his voice! He kept coming out a lot from the back to cheer on the other artists.






















































































































































































    -Without You










    -Don't Stop, Can't Stop










    -and a special medley of songs (might sound familiar from last year ^_^)


















































    Wonder Girls










    -So Hot










    -Tell Me










    -Nobody (English Version)










    Go practice guys~!





    i am not sure if this is true, last time i went it did not end til like 1130ish. i remember i was worried about the shuttle










    There is a strict curfew or else they are fined big time if they go over 11pm.

    Is there places to sit down before they open the doors for the festival? Like somewhere to sit down and eat? Because I think if we wait too long the food will get cold.










    There are actual picnic tables on the other side of the expensive parking lot (so towards the hills). Or you can plop yourself somewhere on the grass or on a bench, but it does get crowded!!

    Special guest: CLARA C. She announced it on her facebook/twitter:

    Folks, this gal has an amazing voice and I seriously can't wait to see her play.










    Check out her youtube channel for some awesome originals and covers.





























    Clara is just singing the National Anthem. I don't think she is playing an instrument but just singing acapella.
















    I still have some soompi buttons and stickers leftover from last time. If there is someone in charge of the soompi meet or if they are holding a sign, I'll give it to them to pass out.










    I'm excited to see Clara (the winner of Kollaboration) sing the National Anthem!!














    The girls wore their gold dresses. Just watch for Sunmi's shoes when the performance airs.








    Surprisingly some people in the audience knew their dance and danced along. (The audience was mainly white).








    I took pictures with the girls, but I didn't have my camera, so some lady took pics and said she would email it to me. I'll write a more in depth behind-the-scenes after the show airs.



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