Jump to content


Friends of Soompi
  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by 7lotus

  1. RATINGS EP.14
    AGBNation wideGhost 14.2 (+0.9%) 
    Bridal Mask 16.3 (+1.9%) 
    I Do I Do 8.9 (-0.8%) 

    Ghost 15.7 (+1.4%)
    Bridal Mask 17.5 (+3.1%) 
    I Do I Do 9.5 (-1.5%)
    Nation wide
    Ghost 17.0(+1.3%) 
    Bridal Mask 17.3(+0.6%) 
    I Do I Do 9.2(-0.1%) 

    Ghost 20.4(+0.8%)
    Bridal Mask 16.3(+0.7%)
    I Do I Do 11.0 (-0.3%) 

  2. EP.13 RATINGS
    GHOST 13.3 (-0.5%) BRIDAL MASK 14.4 (+0.4%) 
    I DO I DO 9.7 (+0.6%) 

    GHOST 14.3 (-0.7)
    BRIDAL MASK 14.4 (+0.4%) I DO I DO 11.0 (+0.5%) 
    TNSNation wide
    Ghost 15.7(+0.1%) 
    Bridal Mask 16.7(+0.2%) 
    I do I do 9.3(+0.8%) 

    Ghost 19.6(+1.7%)
    Bridal Mask 15.6(-)
    I Do I Do 11.3 (+0.9%) 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the real spy isguy with white coat. Dr.Kang. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can't wait for this week's episodes!!always looking forward to wed/thu the most because of Ghost! ^^

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  5. so this user over at dcinside made the speculation that the spy within the cyber investigation team is Byun Sang-woo (mad cow's assistant) slxeA.jpg

    CDZqk.png AZ1i4.png

    for sure it's not the lady with glasses.the doctor wears leather shoes (observed from ep.1-12)leaves Lee taegyun or Byung Sangwoo ...they wear this kind of shoes.
    btw, who's that guy on the right? he's cuuuute! :Dhe appeared in ep.1-2 only? I don't remember seeing him. (going back to rewatch, ha)u7ZFi.jpg

  6. just when I thought the cyber team's finally gotten themselves far enough to catch the real culprit, the evidence gets stolen!!!
    they did a nice job cornering the person working for Jo Hyunmin, but how could they be so careless !! WH should have known better that someone's is spying on there from within the cyber team unit, how could he just leave the USB there w/o having a back-up copy???? argggghhh...really? I thought they were smarter than this !! c'mon writer!!! you can't let the villain outsmart them all the time ...sheeeeesh. 

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I'm really loving this drama!everything's very very well thought out..the writer must have done a whole lot of research!!even though there's little romance involved, I'm still hooked on this show!
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm super excited for this drama!








    love LYH and it's great seeing SJS making long-waited comeback to the small screen!








    I watched LYH and SJS's special drama "U-TURN", so cool seeing them back working together again!





  10. Taetiseo’s Mini Album to be Released Online on April 29

    Girls’ Generation’s unit group Taetiseo is looking toward a global comeback with a worldwide release of its mini album Twinkle on iTunes.

    The entire album will be made available on iTunes on April 29 to bring more of Girls’ Generation’s quality music to fans around the world.

    The online version of the album will prove to be valuable in itself as it will also provide a booklet with photos that can’t be found in the offline version.

    Twinkle, the title song of the album, was written by Brandon Fraley, Jamelle Fraley and Javier Solis, American composers who are a part of Jam Factory. The piece will be a funky soul, medium-tempo dance piece with an arrangement reminiscent of Stevie Wonder style music from the 70s and 80s, along with some modern touches.

    In Korea, the title song will be released on April 29 through music sites such as Melon, Genie and Naver Music, and the rest of the album will follow on April 30.

    Taetiseo continued to make issues as soon as Girls’ Generation’s unit project was announced, sweeping through keyword search charts on the internet and causing a bombardment of posts containing anticipation for the group on various portal sites and forums.

    The offline version of Taetiseo’s mini album Twinkle will be released on May 2.









    ^ 0.0 WOAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. <3 thanks for sharing!! no, I haven't seen it yet XD




    HyunJae's twitter update!




    so the kid was staring at him in an ice cream shop, HJ wanted to share cookie with her but then she refused....lol (lucky girl!!) btw, it's not cigarette that he's holding...






















    @ stekatta








    the DVD is region 2? bummer. I guess my laptop will be able to play the DVD..as for DVD player, I think there's a special kind where it plays DVD from all regions~




    I got more pictures of HyunJae! lol...




    Modeling for Redhomme
















    one more H&T








    Men's Health magazine





















    HyunJae got a twitter account!




    (I totally screamed...)




    ...and screamed some more after seeing the pictures he shared which were taken with Heon-il. They went drinking together! beer~!












    freakin' miss him...! actually...everyone in mate...TT




    he also tweeted two H&T modeling pictures





















    ^finally, the DVD's release date is set!




    Release date: 4/05




    DVD comes with English subtitles! as well as music videos (PLAY & Late Morning) and behind-the-scene footage.
















    1편 / 1DISC / 소책자 4p




    등급 | 전체관람가




    음향 | DOLBY DIGITAL 2.0




    더빙 | 한국어




    자막 | 한국어, 영어




    화면비 | Anamorphic Widescreen 2.35:1




    길이 |본편 99분 / 부가영상




    지역코드 | 0




    DISC | 1DISC




    출시일 | 2012년 4월 5일




    제공 | ㈜시네마 달




    제작사 | ㈜이오스 엔터테인먼트




    정가 | 25,300원




    Disk 1. <플레이>




    플레이 Play








    2011 제7회 제천국제음악영화제




    ■ 디스크 구성 (1 Disc)




    - 1장 구성




    - 본편 : 플레이 99min




    - 서플 1 : 미공개 영상




    - 서플 2 : 뮤직비디오 : ‘PLAY’ + ‘늦은 아침’ by MATE




    - 서플 3 : 티저예고편 A




    - 서플 4 : 티저예고편 B




    - 서플 5 : 본예고편






















    @ stekatta
















    awww..thank you so much for replying.
















    Yes! I'm still keeping my hopes up. I totally forgot about the 10asia interview, so glad you pointed that out. Now I'm hopeful again ;)
















    as for the DVD, I watched with w/o subs and as far as I know, the subs aren't available anywhere. If I happen to come across, I'll let you know ^^



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