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    Zhi yao ni de jian bang yong yuan rang wo kao
































































































































    3) 歌曲:靠近一点点
































































































































    Song title: Kao Jing Yi Dian Dian
































































































































    Artist: Lara
































































































































































































































































    Mo mo zai ni de shen hou shou hou de wo
































































































































































































































































    Duo xiang kan ni bu jing yi de xiao rong
































































































































































































































































    Huo xu wo de xing ni bu dong
































































































































































































































































    Wo hui nu li rang ni gan dong
































































































































































































































































    Zai ni yan zhong you duo mo ben zhuo de wo
































































































































































































































































    Jue bu fang qi zui zu ni de zhi zuo
































































































































































































































































    Zhi yao ni neng zai duo xie hui ying wo
































































































































































































































































    Yi ge xiao huo dian tou quan jie shou
































































































































































































































































    Neng bu neng kao jing yi dian dian
































































































































































































































































    Da sheng shuo chu ni suo you gan jue
































































































































































































































































    Bie zai jin jin guan zai zhi you zi ji de shi jie
































































































































































































































































    Wen nuan tai yang wei ni ying jie
































































































































































































































































    Neng bu neng kao jing yi dian dian
































































































































































































































































    Neng bu neng zai yong gan yi dian dian
































































































































































































































































    Jiu suan rang wo zhi dao wo yong yuan zhi shi dan lian
































































































































































































































































    Wo ye hui chang zhe gan xie
































































































































































































































































    Xiao zhe he ni shuo zai jian"
















































































































































































    Episode 6 (Chinese subbed)
































































































































    Part 1: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=O5Y513BV
































































































































    Part 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y3JAPJA0
































































































































    Part 3: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2626E9K4
































































































































































































































































    Sano finally hugs Mizuki :w00t::w00t:
































































































































    Heh, I want more though :D
































































































































    Anyway, an6el where did you get that photo of them sleeping together from? O.O
































































































































    It didn't appear in the preview right?
















































































































































































































































































































































    Anyone still need the links to download? I can provide those from powerapple.
































































































































































































































































    But they are not subbed though
































































































































































































































































































































































    They look rather cute together, nice cast!
































































































































































































































































































































































    KAJ is the new female lead? O.O
































































































































































































































































    Hrmm.. Wonder if I'll give this a try then. That photo isn't very flattering of her anyway, haha
































































































































































































































































































































































    Here's the drama wiki page for KJS
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'ma going to try out watching a daily drama for the sake of the two main leads, heh.
































































































    Its so annoying to have them churn out only one episode per week, but oh well.
































    At least it brightens up my week and gives me sth to look forward to :D
































    Can't wait to watch chi-subbed epi tmrw!
















































































    Here are some links for the chinese hardsubbed versh btw ^^
































    Episode 2 (MU)
































































































































    Episode 2 (SS)



















































































































    Can anyone shed some light on why St.Blossom High girls are at the contest? I thought the contest was for Mr.Osaka High. They're bother/sister schools..but still...they aren't the same school.

    And what's that stuff sano was eating that makes him drunk? It has alcohol in it?




    Congrats to Yuuljiro for winning ^^; Would've been nice to see him do some tricks on stage ^^;







    Not sure what was it he ate but yeah it has alcohol in it, lol.




    And the girls were there cos it was a joint competition, which means there is a king and a queen.




    Yuujiro won for the king section and Mizuki won for the queen section ^^




    [Edit] Oh I read somewhere that he ate some sake preserved vegetable O.O



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