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    It's hard to imagine all the stuff they'll have to fit into the last 4 episodes and how they'll resolve the Ga Eul-Yi Jung relationship. If they don't end up together, I hope for at least something bittersweet. (I’m not even going to hope for a kiss because that might be stretching it...) And JP and JD, it's not hard to guess what's going to happen to them <3 But... they'll probably argue until the last possible second in EP25, lol.

  15. The kiss in Episode 10 was just sexy! There was something very masculine and powerful in that scene. I really love that this drama isn't like the generic k-drama.

    It's amazing that Jandi is basically accepting their relationship now. Her character seems to have a lot more confidence in Junpyo than in the manga. I think that's an awesome change. It makes watching this drama so much more worthwhile. I agree with flower pot up there. There's absolutely no question about the extent of Junpyo's feelings for Jandi.

    And the development of Jihoo is just adorable. He's really like a little guardian angel and his gentle smile is dazzling. I didn't like him that much in the beginning, but he's really starting to shine for me starting in episode 9.

    I can't wait for next Monday! =)

  16. Quick Question: Does Woobin/Akira originally have his own story in the manga? I somehow hope that the PD will develop his character also... :) It doesn't have to be another love story line, but you know, it's just kind of waste if we only know him as the gangsta of F4...

    Yes, he did! It was a side story I believe. He had a really young and girly mother who really depended on him. And he also had twin sisters who LOVE him sooo much. They would cling onto him when he walks through the door. Because of all these clingy women in his life, it explains why he prefers older women do date. There was even this one part where he was thinking about how he would've started to like Makino (Jandi) if Tsukasa (Junpyo) didn't like her first, but I don't think he meant it that seriously...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just have to say that this movie was one of the biggest disappointments of my life.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't understand how it was allowed to even be released. The people sitting in my theatre, including me, laughed during all of the serious scenes between Edward and Bella. The whole movie watching experience felt like a joke. Kirsten and Rob are both gorgeous people and fairly descent actors, but the two of them had no chemistry whatsoever. They were just plain, flat-out awkward together. Carlisle’s make-up made him look like he dipped his face in flour before entering a scene. Jasper had the same expression on his face throughout the entire movie. The only part that saved the movie a little was probably the baseball scene. The fact that the New Moon movie has been confirmed just scares me. I really hope they do a much better job next time. It’s going to be a long time before I can pick up SM’s books again without picturing their bad acting.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Oh wow, he's ONLY 17!!??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    That's insane. He's actually not a bad actor for
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    someone who's been casted in Gokusen since it's
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    not a character driven show, more for plot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just finished Gokusen 3 EP4 and he looks so good
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    in it!! LOL. He totally steals the spotlight!

































































































































































































































































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