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Posts posted by jujol

  1. Good morning Minsun addicts,

    I'm really getting suspicious now between minsun's fan signing schedules. First on 9-12-09. Hysun has her Doutor coffee fan signing and supposed to be Minho Etude house fan signing too on the same day and it was moved to 9-19-09 for some personal agenda who know what?? and guess what again this morning I read on Hyesun forum that she has another fan signing on 9-19-09 for her CD and guess what again, Minho's Etude house fan signing that was re scheduled on 9-19-09 were canceled again and this time they said because of the sponsors. Don't you think guys this is too many coincidence?? :D:lol:

    Have a nice day everyone!!!


    Blooming, were you saying that MH purposely cancelled his fansigning to let HS had/has hers? Do you think HS asked him to babysit her two dependents (dog pets)?

    Just kidding!!! :lol:

  2. ク・ヘソンかジュンくん




    動きをしたんです 笑







    source: http://blog.crooz.jp/usr/113r/0604y/show_a...d=on&no=301

    cr: baidu

    Note: Actually Shaz has translated this fan account but if I'm not mistaken Shaz translated it from the Chinese translation. So I'm just going to re-translate it from the first-hand account.

    Translation [[

    When Ku Hyesun or Joon, either one, was answering (interview) questions,

    Minho was doing movements like he's catching a bug. Laugh.

    So, after finished answering the interview,

    when he (Minho) was asked "what was wrong (why did you do movement like that)?" by Yumi-san (must be the host/reporter),

    (Minho answered) "No, because the dust was fluttering in front of Hyesun-shi, so I took/catched it"

    (Of course (Minho answered) in Korean) ]]

    It seems that MH was very concerned about HS, he just could not let HS get distracted by the dust (what kind of dust?), or he just did not want HS's pretty face get smudged with the dust (I really need to know what kind of dust here). You see, even the host could not tell what he was doing. Meaning that, it wasn't a big deal/problem actually. If it were, sure the host would ask HS to shift seat, etc. If the dust were fluttering in front of Joon, I don't think Minho would bother to catch it :D

    I hope I can watch the video of this.

    P/S: bellaangel, thx!

  3. From GHS's thread credit to susamerica...

    Translation of HYD BTS EPISODE 23 from MNET

    MH, in an upset voice, tells HS that she has a constant habit of making him feel guilty towards her.

    I found the japanese subtitle is more interesting:

    MH "You are really expert in making someone feels sorry/guilty, don't you?"

    (I wonder how many times Jandi made Junpyo felt sorry....enough to make him said like that (expert)).

    @1:30, HS is again complaining that her jaws and the bottom part of her face hurt a lot.

    I really love how HS called Junpyo here...sounds so girly and spoilt. Did not look like a noona at all.

    And the way MH said "AISHH!!", how could a dongseng scolded a noona like that.

    (I think Minho has accepted his fate that Hyesun always nags at him for not taking care of her enough... Gosh! this reminds me so much of the meaning behind BEAUTIFUL MESS which Minho posted on his CY... that even if sometimes she irritates him, he still likes her a lot...


  4. I guess we learned another thing bout LMH huh!! :wub: that he's very loyal to the girl he loves and would not LOOK at anyone else except at her ...

    Pixie, "would not look" didn't do justice to his faithfulness. According to the japanese interpretor, once he likes someone, other girls do not get into his eyes/eyesight (literal translation). Meaning that, even if his eyes were on a girl, that girl's face doesn't reflect in his system. I don't know what did he actually say, that lady interpretor might have exaggerated what MH said, she might have been biased to MH :D

    So, could it be that LMH really have found the ONE he's looking for? :rolleyes: i dunno, but the way LMH talked about his ideal girl and wat he wants in a relationship was so detailed, that it's making me believe that he has ALREADY found that "girl" and that "kind" of relationship

    I think yes. I think he has already found the girl he likes...whether they are already an item, or not yet, this one, we can never tell.

  5. Do not take this out of this thread please:

    I think that this video is looped somehow so there is a repeat of the question. So I am starting from 1:21 to 1:51

    I do not know Japanese so I am just translating LMH's response which I believe is in response to the question, of how he is similar to GJP in BOF.

    His response was:

    For GJP, he doesnt see anyone but the girl he loves and I am similar to him in that respect. [like the relationship portrayed in BOF between GJP and GJD] Because I like a relationship where it is comfortable like friends with the appearance of bickering, I think that is where I am similar to GJP.

    The Japanese interpretor said "LMH himself is a guy when he likes someone, he couldn't see other girls anymore. And this is the point where he is similar to GJP".

    Below is an extract from a posting from jennyalfeche @LMH's thread:

    Below is a note from Japanese girl who saw MH in Harajuku on 9/8 ...

    Next, they entered a pet shop.

    MH bought a suit of pink pet clothes.

    They walked around in Omotesanto

    We still followed them around.

    MH sometimes turned around, waved and smiled to us

    When I said "MH oppa, you are so cool!!!"

    MH showed his prince smile^^

    When I read this, a picture of HS with her properly dressed dogs popped up in my mind.

    But maybe he's just buying it for his sister/mom's pet. Or maybe for his own female pet... :rolleyes:

  6. I'm really sorry to cut your post short but there are a few mistakes in the translations.

    I'm just realizing that most of the translations are right, it's just the timing is off.

    Was the translations based on a different version of the BTS vid?

    Anyways, I realized this after I was finished with the translations so I will still be posting. ^_^

    MeiLin thanks so much. Actually I just translated the Japanese subtitles, without even listening to the video (I have problem with my PC's sound system). Sorry to all of you, I must have given a false hope. Next time, please wait for SusAmerica's translation because she's not bias to Minsun :P

  7. yeah, why is it at school??? unless he's talking abt his own kiss scenes... lol.. he forgot the swing scene. wasn't that supposedly his favorite? but yes, i can tell he's totally not embarassed and at ease, and he expects the same of her, which she clearly isn't judging from the expression of her face. haha...

    MH must have thought that he was kissing HS during that kiss scene (at school). According to the script, JP was kissing JK with JD in his mind. Maybe in real life, MH was kissing LMK with GHS in his mind..hhahah. Yes, he forgot about the swing kiss. Maybe because the time interval for these 2 kisses (expressway and swing) was short like yesterday and today. So he miscalculated it as 1 kiss. And he obviously not calculating the CPR and the violent kiss at the forest-like school compound.

  8. edit: it's out now!

    Thanks Minjee for the link. Oh My God!!! I'm dying...I'm dying of happiness.

    Below are rough translations of the BTS, based on the Japanese transcription.

    @ 3:24 MH asked HS why did she avoided his kiss. He seemed irritated.

    @ 3:37 The PD (if I'm not mistaken) said that MH's nose is big. The problem is only that. Then they both laughed.

    @ 3:54 MH said to HS "you want to ask a question again right? How was it, etc.." (he really looked irritated because HS avoided his kiss).

    @ 3:57 MH said to HS "no need to worry (about the kiss) anymore. It's the 4th already". Then HS replied "Is it really (the 4th)?".

    @ 4:03 MH said "It's the 4th time, (you) should not feel shy anymore". HS once again asked "Is it really the 4th time?". (I think HS just want to cool down MH's angriness.)

    @ 4:08 MH said "It IS the 4th". And he starts counting their kisses, "at expressway, at cottage, and then at school, and today's is the 4th one". (At school? I thought he was kissing Jae Kyung at school??!!!!. Pls correct me if I'm wrong.)

    @ 4:32 HS asked MH "Did you hear what PD said?". Then MH said something but was not transcribed. Then HS said "Because you really love Jandi"...they both laugh but MH still looked unsatisfied over something...end.

    From 3:54 until 4:29, MH really looked like an angry, mad, irritated, rejected boy friend while HS looked like "I didn't mean to reject your kiss, it's just that I'm shy in front of these people. Pls understand me.....".

    I never knew any junior and dongseng actor who's blunt enough to act like that (clearly shows his irritations) to his senior and noona co-star, unless ....hehehe.

  9. and here she really was pressing her body up on him. She was totally putting her weight on her right leg, and in turn, him. I think if he moved, she would have stumbled.


    They just don't give the 'we're awkward with each other' vibe here.

    I agree. HS's upper arm was pressed against MH's left rib. And look at MH's smile. The other 2 flower boys were smiling too, but why MH's smile (or is that what you call a 'giddy grin') was so different from the other two's. If I'm not mistaken there's a fan account in LMH thread saying that LMH looked moody on the first day. But here we can see he's smiling ear to ear.

  10. OMG! OMG! OMG! news about minsun!!! :lol:

    the host asked GHS which japanese actor she admire and she said TAKUYA KIMURA... and for me and HoSun shippers said TAKUYA KIMURA look alike someone named.............. LEE MIN HO!!!! :P:lol:

    Even though it never came to my mind that LMH and KT look alike, but I do agree that both have pretty tan complexion (which is rare for Korean and Japanese), double eyelids (which is again, rare for "original" Korean an Japanese) and prominent high cheek bones. When HS said that she likes Kimura, obviously she likes him physically, because Kimura is definitely not HS's ideal type.

  11. Hello everyone,

    I read this from minho thread. Who is he letteing go?? I hope not Hyesun. :((


    I felt so down last night when I read the same post. I just prayed that it wasn't true. I just prayed that MH just loves the melody and never care about the lyrics. How could he say goodbye when he was so happy during SS501 concert and during the filming at the Namsan Tower and Teddy Muzeum. But today, all of you here give me hopes to carry on...Thanks petite girl for the lyrics, and flower pot, for your interpretation. After going through the lyrics, (I'm not so sure about the rest of the lyrics) but what I'm sure of is that, from "But you're never gonna see me cry the last goodbye", it means that he will NEVER say goodbye. He won't be the one to say goodbye. Actually it's a very good song to assure your partner who's phobia about falling in love again.

  12. Hyesun tilted her head as if to think about it and when she answered, look at the little smile that was playing about Minho's lips as if they are sharing a secret...

    Exactly!!!! And I also noticed that at the end of the answer, HS looked at MH with a mysterious look - "please just agree with whatever I just said and don't dare to tell otherwise" - kind of look.

    5. "When i got the part of Goo Junpyo, i felt as if i won the lotto..."

    (Minho nods, pause, gives Hyesun a lingering stare meaningfully as if she was a part of the prize for winning the lotto...)


    One more thing I want to add, at 4:15 HS saw MH. The reporter still talking to her but since HS laid her eyes on MH, she seemed to lost in her own world and totally forgot about the reporter who's still talking to her. HS didn't even look or talk to the reporter anymore. She was looking straight to MH and ignored the reporter from 4:15 until 4:18.

    I'm feel so happy when I see these two persons happy :)

    Just want to say also that Minho just updated his Cyworld song list and there's only one song entitled...MATTER OF TIME by a French band called Tahiti 80...

    Thanks FP for sharing this info, complete with the lyrics. And the song is just PERFECT for MH.

  13. Thanks webby for sharing the video...There're so cute together.

    Wow, thanks for sharing the latest clip of MH & HS on King's Brunch!

    I :wub: this interview...because HS seemed to be much more relax around MH now...

    Did I hear wrong? Or did HS really call out MH's name in the beginning when she saw him @ Namsan Tower?!

    They are just adorable together!!! Can't wait to see more pics of them in the upcoming Sept Japan trip!

    Yvonne, I agree with you. In this vid HS seemed to be more relax around MH. I think we can see the same "ambience" during Taiwan interviews, especially the indoor/ closed interviews inside a room. I think HS is a type of girl who is more comfortable in a small group of people. And I think she's more comfortable and open with foreign reporters for foreign broadcastings.

    And yes, she did call "Min ho!". She sounded so excited to see MH. And look at how MH greeted HS. He didn't greet her like that during HS's art exhibition (maybe he did, but wasn't captured). But, if we compare the way Kim Joon hugged HS to greet her with the way MH greeted HS, they are SO different. My opinion is: MH had to greet HS to show the viewer in Japan that they're good friends. But at the same time, he didn't know how to hug HS as a friend anymore :P .

    And the way he said "Who wants to ride with you? He'd feel afraid to death and just can't ride the plane", sounded like he's speaking for himself...hahaha.

    One more thing, when they're asked to pick teddy bears (I think to be given to lucky viewers), MH picked a "girl" teddy bear wearing a hanbok (korean traditional costume). And HS chosed a keychain with a "girl" teddy bear wearing a hanbok as well. Do they HAVE to pick the similar one? :rolleyes:

  14. Minjee, I wish you didn't stop there. Because, after MH whispered something to KB, he looked so nervous+shy and I think he's blushing. He kept rubbing his left side of his neck and I think he was controlling himself hard not to feel so giddy. And he seemed to also control himself not to look to the left, from where HS was coming.

    He looked like a school boy having a crush on his classmate.. :D

  15. WAHHHHHHHHHH!!! They're really driving us insane with these little hints here and there... It's too much of a coincidence that both of their descriptions are the same to the letter... :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

    I think this kind of situation has happended few times before. Other instance of this kind situation is in 100% Entertainment during Taiwan Fanmeeting. When the 2 male hosts, Xiao Gui and Show Luo asked MH to act as HS father and choose either one of them to be HS BF, MH chosed XG. And when they asked why, he said Show Luo seems to have lots of girlfriends around him. And then when HS chosed the same guy to be her BF, and they asked why, HS answered SL seems to have lots of women by his side.

    And I think this is what MH meant by "harmony" is his interview. They are in same 'frequency' or 'tune'. When one of them talk about something, even the simplest thing, the other just couldn't agree more. Or when one of them makes a joke, which normally others cannot understand, the other one will definitely understand it. As the relationship grows, this "harmony" thing will turn to what we called "telepathy".

    However, this is different from a copycat. I know when we like/ adore someone, we tend to be a copycat. But copycatting isn't natural and the copycatter often perceived as a pathetic admirer or love slave.

    Let's do more research on their interviews to look for other instances of "harmoniness".

    When she was in this outfit, she said she felt like a siberian husky... hehehe!

    I wish she said "It makes me feel like being hugged by a (big and tall) Siberian Husky"..... :P

  16. Guys, have you seen everyone staring at them in this video? No wonder they had to be extra careful... as it is, they are already the talk of the town even if they tried their best to appear casual... (although to me, their smiles and the way Minho stares at Hyesun still gives them away... No wonder Minho's trying his best to appear serious... hehehe!)

    They barely looked at each other that it was so fishy! As if they're really trying to hide something... *naughty*

    MH definitely looked restless before HS arrived. Maybe he was worried, he could not reserve the seat that long. "What if she stucked somewhere up there? What if she decided not to sit here with us (me)".

    And in most photos, MH looked tensed and extra-cautious. HS laughed most of the time, MAYBE so happy to sit next to someone she likes and likes her in return, on top of that someone bought her food! When I looked at those photos, I wondered why MH looked tensed, wasn't he supposed to be happy? When I read FP's posting, yeah, so that must be the reason. With all the flashing cameras, how could he not be tense? He might need to prepare for a denial press article again. And HS super-short pair of denim shorts made his tension worse... :P

    Hyesun-ah, why you need to torture him? Let him enjoy the performance... :D

  17. ^^^ Speaking of seats, have you seen this? Seems like Bummie and Minho arrived at the concert first and Hyesun arrived late...

    Look how the seat beside Minho was purposefully left empty as if he's saving it for someone...

    And when she arrived of course she has to sit with him...

    WAHHHHHHH!!!! Maybe im just reading too much into it...

    flower pot, you and your super-power analytical thinking/mind...thanks for being here, we really need you to keep this ship sailing :D

    Normally, when we reserve a seat for someone who's coming later, we would reserve the middle seat. I think MH doesn't trust Kim Bum (just kidding). Or he wanted to avoid divided attention from HS. He made HS sit next to him, so if HS wanted to talk about something, for example when she wants to comment on KHJ's performance etc, she'd have no choice but talk to him....clever boy!

    Anyway, now I can see how "white" HS is... :o

  18. Oh my God!!!!

    I need CPR now, I can't breathe, this happiness is killing me.. :lol:

    ml 87, kellneriner, flower pot, pink fairy, thanks for the photos. When I looked at those photos, I noticed something; when there are 2 boys and 1 girl, isn't the girl should sit in the middle? The same thing applies when there are 2 girls and only 1 boy. The boy should sit in the middle. Why HS wasn't sitting in the middle? We can see the same situation during HS's art exhibition. Kim Joon let MH stood/ sat in the middle all the time. Well, we know why... :P:D

  19. Sue I believe already put a caveat in there but it's not she will MEET but that she will HAVE someone this year.

    Although in context I dont think it makes much of a difference.

    Hi Bell, it DOES makes a LOT of difference. "She will MEET" means at that time, when she went to the Tarot specialist, she had nobody in her mind yet. She had not meet someone who made her heart pounding crazily yet. So she just went there to see if she'd have some luck in love this year. But according to the article, she went to the Tarot specialist to see if her one sided love would someday be a mutual love. And according to the fortuneteller, yes, she would HAVE someone this year, which, we all here, in this thread believe that she already had that someone now. So, thanks so much Bell for that info.

    Maybe her heart and mind was drifting apart and driving her insane at that time (before she went to the fortuneteller)- "I want somebody older so I can call him oppa, but he's younger than me. I don't want to fall in love with a co-worker, it's just not professional, and I used to be so professional, but he's my co-worker. I want somebody who is loyal, but he seems to have many female friends. What should I do. My own heart is betraying me, stabbing me from the back. Somebody please tell me if this feeling is right. Please tell me what should I do now....!" With that kind of dilemma she's having at that time, it's just normal to go to a fortuneteller.

    Disclaimer: the italic part of this posting is totally fictional, intended for entertainment only.

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