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Posts posted by jujol

  1. When asked about the kiss, minho said "since geum jandi is here, erm.." and the japanese MC translated that for the fans in attendance and the clip ended.

    Hi all..

    I'm going to translate what the interpretor said.

    Interpretor: Geum Jandi is also here, so...

    Lady MC: I see, Geum Jandi had kissed you first/ previously, so...

    I'm not sure about Korean, but japanese always unfinish their sentences, to make it sounds more polite, or not to sound too vocal/outspoken. That's why you have to really understand the situation, the whole picture to really understand what one wants to say.

    In this case (I really hope I'm not bias here), it can be interpreted that MH said he's not comfortable to talk about PT kiss scene since Geum Jandi was also there.

    (Just look at his face while he answered that Q, do you think he really need to finish his sentence? hehehe)

    P/S: Thanks Renajaney for sharing the clips.

    • Thanks 1
  2. From 0:05

    MH or HS: Return that to me.

    HS: Please hide it.

    MH: Why?

    HS whispered something to MH.

    From what I understand, HS was having/holding something very small, as small as something that she could hide it in her hand, that's belongs to MH. When she was nearing MH (who was resting/ lying on a lazy chair), I think it was MH who said "return that to me". Then we see HS's left hand reaching for MH's hand. From the video, looked like HS was holding MH's hand. The staff around them also thought the same. When I first watched New Caledonia BTS, I thought HS was poking MH's belly. But I think, actually she was giving/ returning something to MH.

    And then HS said "Please hide it". Then MH asked her "Why?". Then HS whispered something to MH. Some of you might say I'm dampening your excitement of seeing them holding hands. But, if HS was really returning something to MH, that something must be something very private to them because she asked MH to hide it. And that something is very small, as small as....a room key? Ok, maybe I've gone overboard. But I'm sure they're sharing some secrets there.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Hi. Here is the translation of the other MV by renajaney - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0eP9g6xF9E

    From 0:05

    MH or HS: Return that to me.

    HS: Please hide it.

    MH: Why?

    HS whispered something to MH.

    Staff: Those two are so intimate, shoot/record them.

    Staff: Sorry, I have to disturb you two.

    HS: What did you say?

    Staff: Did I disturb you?

    HS: It was a misunderstanding.

    Staff: You were holding a man’s hand, it wasn’t just a misunderstanding.

    HS: I didn’t do anything.

    HS went to MH and whispered something to him again.

    HS to cameraman: Don’t look at us.

    MH: WHAT?!

    From 1:03

    HS (in Korean): Help me.

    MH (in English): Help me.

    I think they were playing some kind of words game.

    MH: My arm also got sunburnt.

    MH: My skin is clearly divided into two colors.

    HS: Let me see.

    HS: It’s ok. It’s gradation. Because originally you’re dark.

    HS: Junpyo.

    MH: I want to be white (to have a white/fair skin)

    From 1:49

    MH: Hyesun-shi, I missed you.

    Staff: Where is he?

    HS: Junpyou?

    Staff: There he is.

    HS: Oh, my runny nose…

    MH: What are you doing?!

    MH: You’re crying!

    From 2:23

    Staff: Yes, like that.

    Staff: Is it because Jandi is too short?

    Staff: Here is a stand*

    [* They asked Jandi to stand on a stand so that JP and JD’s height difference can be reduced]

    Staff: Cut!

    Staff: Jandi’s face was hidden.

    Jandi: Let’s squeeze MH’s head to make it smaller.

  4. renajaney, thanks SOOOO much for the MVs. Thanks for buying the DVD and kind enough to share it with us here.

    Here is the translation of the Japanese subtitles in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPMcIlEIhUE. Enjoy!

    From 0:05

    HS: They dont care about me.

    MH/KB: Come here.

    HS: That is a social etiquette.

    HS: Im not going there.

    KB to MH: You only invite (ask HS to sit together) her ONCE?

    KB to HS: Come sit here.

    HS: I dont want.

    HS: They invited me reluctantly (not sincerely).

    KB to MH: You have to invite her 3 times.

    (KB sounds so So Yi Jung-ish here. Sounds like he knows everything about woman).

    MH to HS: Come sit here.

    KB to MH: After you invited her 3 times, there she comes. See, I told you so.

    HS: Theres no space for me to sit.

    From 0:35

    HS: Weve kissed (worked the kissing scene) without any mistakes, now give me a piggy-back. Now

    MH: I dont want.

    HS: My legs bone is broken.

    MH: Its not broken.

    HS: Give me a piggy-back. Now.

    MH released his arm from HSs clinging hand to show that hes not giving in to HSs pleading.

    HS: Did you see that (MHs rudeness)?

    From 0:52

    Cameraman: Rolling!

    Text: Hide and seek.

    Text: Find where Jandi is.

    Text: Where do you think Jandi is?

    Seems like HS wanted to tell everybody how big MH is and how petite she is compared to MH.

    From 1:13

    MH (not sure): Please dont fall backward.

    MH (not sure): Can you skate by yourself?

    HS: Of course I can.

    HS: I dont like it.

    PD: Take her hand and put the glove on her hand.

    PD: Right hand, right?

    HS to MH: Please lend me the left hand side glove as well.

    MH: Is it too big?

    HS: You dont want to lend me the other one?

    PD: Put her hand into your pocket and go skating like that.

    PD: Jandi seems to roll over.

    Someone: Slowly.

    From 1:56

    HS: You!

    Text: Does it looks like a threat?

    Pink text: HS never tried ski before.

    Someone: Careful.

    MH: Wait.

    HS: My leg moves on its own.

    PD/ Staff: You are a man right? Give her a hand!

    MH to PD/Staff: What a harsh words!

    PD: Take off the goggle.

    HS/MH: Are we going to shoot after I take off the goggle?

    PD/Staff: OK

    MH: Did something get into your eyes?

    Staff: Have your cough gone?

    MH: (I cannot read)

    MH: I dont cough when Im focused on the work.

    HS: Please give me one, too.

    MH took one cough lozenge for himself and took another one and handed it to HS.

    Staff: Please try this.

    HS: We have to finish it quickly.

    From 2:59

    PD: Wrong!

    MH: Sorry.

    MH: Why is that star

    PD: Cut! OK

    From 3:25

    Staff: Wow, you look sexy.

    Staff to MH: Set you hair to the side.

    HS: Should we make it wetter?

    Staff: No need.

    PD: Please do something with Jandis hair as well.

    PD: Cut!

    PD: The milky white skinned Geum Jandi.

    HS: Stop it!.

    From 4:30

    Staff: You sure feel sad, right?

    HS: I have tears in my eyes.

    Staff: Really?

    MH: An ad-lib expert (in a playful sarcasm tone).

    MH: Should I give a shoulder to cry on?


    HS: He (MH) was so concerned about me, he was a great partner. Because of Minho, I had a great time. Itd be great if we all (all the actor/actress involved) can shoot together. Itd be great if theres season 2 but there wont be any. I love you. Bye.

    • Thanks 1
  5. sisters the BOF making final installment DVD are out!!

    The supposedly CALEDONIA ENDING

    please click♥

    cr: Renajaney1 @ youtube

    Hi all. Sorry, it's been a while since my last post. Renajaney, pink fairy, thanks for posting this vid. I'll translate the japanese subtitle here.

    So Yi Jung: You two are destined to be together. Please be good to each other.

    : Fighting!

    JP & JD : Fighting!

    (I see a very lovely couple here. Hope to see the same but off-cam scene, one day...Ameen!!)

  6. Hi all.

    It's quite some time since my last post. There's not much things to say nowadays but that doesn't mean my Minsun spirit's fading away as well. Even MH's recent interviews could not dampen it. For me, MH just giving "industry's standard" answers. Some artists even hide their marriage!

    Oh, btw, I found something interesting in LMH thread (cr: kiddie)

    Being asked if Goo Hye Sun (who is preparing to direct a movie) will to ask if he will like to act in her movie, will he accept the invitation? Lee Min Ho laughed and said: “There was once she showed me the script and I told her that I’m busy. She replied by saying: “I do not have the idea of asking you to act in my movie.”

    Was it during BOF? I don't know but I don't think so. It must be after BOF right? Meaning that, they did spend some times together (as a friend or not, doesn't matter) after BOF. Isn't that a very good sign?

    And about his facial expressions while watching Junyo and Jandi's kiss scenes - it's obvious that he's missing that moments. His lips felt dry all of a sudden... :P

  7. Hi all. Here is the translation of BTS Epi 7. Pls be reminded that this translation is based on Japanese narration and subtitle only. In case of discrepancy with Korean translation, pls use your own discretion.

    Part 1

    @ 3:59

    Text on screen: Ku Hyesun & Minho is talking about something

    @ 4:07

    MC: Do you think Ku Hyesun and Jandi's characters are similar?

    HS: I'm becoming more and more like Jandi.Originally, I'm a very shy person, especially towards strangers but I think little by little I'm becoming more and more like Jandi whom is very cheerful.

    MC: In the drama, you are always being bullied by F4 but off-cam have you ever been bullied?

    HS spontaneously looked at MH.

    MH: Owkk!!

    MH gave HS that "why me?" look.

    Then both of them laughed.

    Narrator: Ku Hyesun-san, please tell us the real story. It's OK.

    HS: There wasn't any special incident.

    MC: F4 also never bullied you?

    MH: Never, right?

    HS: Hmm...

    HS: I've shot scenes where they pushed me into the sea, thrown hats towards me, showered me with flour, etc. They love extreme things...it was fun.

    MC: Among F4, who's the best in bullying people?

    HS: I think it's Lee Min Ho-sshi

    Narrator: I beg your pardon, Who bullied who? Let me show you the proofs.

    Flashbacks from New Caledonia

    HS: I think it's Lee Min Ho-shi.

    Text: Ku Hyesun with her "innocent" look!

    Narrator: Ku Hyesun-san, you really acted like an innocent, didn't you?

    @ 7:00

    MC: Do Junpyo's and your own character have any similarities?

    MH: If I really have Junpyo's character, I think nobody would befriend me. The real me has a very kind personality.

    Text: F4 members whom laughed at MH's answer.

    MH: That's why at first it was dificult to familiarise myself with Junpyou's obstinacy and badness but as time goes by it becomes easier.


    Ku Hyesun-san is very cute but today she looks sexy.

    (From my understanding, KHJ was trying to say that HS is cute like a small girl, while Han Chae Young whom is known as a living Barbie doll is very pretty and feminine, but that day, with that dress, GHS can look sexy too.)

    Part 2

    @ 1:00

    Text: Are they continuing their private conversation?

    Camera's focusing on whispering and laughing MinSun


    I think by this time the BTS producer has already noticed MinSun closeness, how they always drift into their own world whenever they have the chance to. The camera always focus on them. I think we're going to see more MinSun's moments from the future BTSs. And I find it so funny how they keep flashbacking that particular New Caledonia moments.

  8. @ 1:59

    Narrator: Oh my! What they are doing at filming site?...But I think I've seen similar scene somewhere..

    << Flash back from New Caledonia >>

    Narrator: No matter how cold it is, it's still wrong to do that, HyeSun-san!

    Text: Is it Goo JunPyo?

    Narrator: Ahh..it was a girl! It's a misunderstanding again.


    Reporter: Do you like the actress who's playing your date?

    MH: We can't communicate with each other, we just say "ABCD" to each other.


    LMH: Hyesun-san, long time no see. I missed you.


    LMH to reporter/BTS producer: She said "nice to meet you".

    Actress: I'm happy to see you.

    LMH to the actress: Oppa

    Actress: Oppa.

    (LMH was trying to match-make the actress and the reporter/BTS producer)


    Narrator: Oh my! Lee Min Ho-san, you just introduced that actress to the (BTS) producer?

    Narrator: Producer-san, fighting!


    MH: You really lost weight, don't you?

    HS: Really?

  9. Thanks all for sharing your thoughts, analysis, comments, etc. I'm just so excited, I don't really know what to say. One thing for sure, I'm so GIDDY!!! :P

    Holding hands or not, watching them walking together like that, and knowing the fact that MH must have waited HS (in other video we can see that HS was the last to exit the theatre) I'm already overdosed.

    Like FP, I also could not refrain myself from rof-lol-ing when I watched the vid where MH's BG was guarding HS, instead of MH. If HS was not with her manager, maybe I can understand his (Mr. BG) concern. But HS was with her manager and HS never needed bodyguards before. She even goes here and there, even now, alone! In that vid seemed like the chief BG (the handsome one who's always with MH) was working for HS not MH. 'Someone' must have asked him to do so.

    With the Mr. BG acting like that, they (MinSun) really look like an item. It's so obvious that the bodyguards see them as an item. They were not just guarding MH, but they were guarding MH and his "dependants". And MH looked so content, like a husband who had provided the best security for his wife - that kind of look.

    But pls don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I'm 100% sure they are a couple. But I'm sure there's something between them. What is that something? Only MinSun and God knows what. I also don't need them to declare themselve a couple. Seeing this kind of picture is more than enough for me. I don't think I can bear reading news about them being a couple today and then break-up a month or two later.

  10. Translation of the Minsun cut video:

    blue_angle, thanks for the translation!!

    When I watched the part where MH gave M&Ms to HS, it reminded me of what MH said in his interview which recently published in Singapore newspaper (refer to LMH thread page 539):

    When asked for an advice on how to woo a woman, MH said, "Of course if u have money and can give your gf presents, it will be helpful. But I think sincerity and being honest and really nice to the person will work. Even if you're giving just a snack, if you're sincere and honest, it'll translate".

    When you look at HS's face when she catched that M&M's from MH, you'd know that the tips MH gave in the interview's really works. At least for him! :D

    Btw, in the same article, MH said that in keeping with his flair of romance, the superpower he most wants to have is "the ability to know and understand the other person thoughts and feelings". Isn't HS is widely known as someone who is quite complicated and 4-dimensional because she has deeper thoughts which is above the average? :rolleyes:

    In the same article also, MH said that he doesn't have anything against woman with make-up but too much make-up is not attractive. How could he say that when he's the endorser of Etude! But I think it was a slip of tongue. He's forgotten that he was the endorser of EH and just talked as LMH, a man who's attracted to a natural beauty. :P

    She said she's a 벽거리 (byuk guh ri), which means a wall hanger. For instance, a plasma tv is called "byuk guh ri tv" because it's hung on the wall. Here, I don't think what she says really makes sense. Perhaps she's hanging onto the window, so she's saying she's like a wall decoration?

    According to the japanese subtitle, yes, HS said she's a wall decorations.

  11. MH is obviously holding on to something. Look at his right fingers, they're kinda inside her sleeve? it's not the couply hand-holding but maybe he was trying to stop her from tickling/poking his tummy further? :P

    I also think so. I think MH was not actually holding HS hands but looked like he was stopping HS from poking/ touching him further. And HS was indeed touching MH's belly. I really don't have any idea as to why she did that but MH didn't looked annoyed at all. In fact he was smiling (giddily?) when HS whispered something to his ear! He jumped up and left HS alone, though, after that ahjusshi (the staff with a hat on) and KB started to tease them. MH abrupt action also was questionable...He looked so enjoyed before but jumped up suddenly leaving his partner in crime to defend herself when that ahjusshi teased them. Obviously, what HS did was a bit scandalous, frankly speaking, I was a bit shocked with what I watched. But they looked darn good together. After only 1 month, they've become that intimate, imagine after 1 year...? :P

    Here is another translation from the same vid (Eps 3, GHS cut)

    From 0:31

    MH: It’s hot, I couldn’t sleep well.

    HS: I was sweating.

    MH: It was so hard to sleep, I have a stiff neck, the sun is so bright...

    MH: It was cool in the yatch, right?

    [[MH was expressing his jealousy because HS had a chance to do filming in a yatch.]]

    HS: The shooting was ON the yatch (not inside the yatch).

    HS: I was ON the yatch. Under the hot sky!

    From 1:03

    Reporter: Is it delicious?

    HS: I’m sleepy, that’s why I eat.

    Reporter: You said you didn’t want to eat, but you are eating now.

    HS: I also offered Minho but he said he did not want to eat.

    MH is swaying his pendant.

    HS: So sleepy…

  12. I'm running out of time right now, I'm just going to translate the "most wanted" part first.

    Eps 3, GHS cut

    From 1:47

    Narrator: What was Ku Hyesun doing?

    XX : You can't do that.

    XX : What are you doing?

    MH : What did you say?

    Staff with hat: Whispering stealthily closely to the ear what are doing?

    XX (sounds like KB to me) : What the hell is this? ("this" refers to MH and HS' s "scene").

    [[At this moment, MH jumps up and leaves HS alone]

    XX: What were you doing?

    HS: It wasn't like that…

    HS: It's different from what you think.

    KB: In front of everybody, what were you doing?

    HS: It wasn't like that…

    Narrator: If you don't give the answer quickly...(they will keep pestering you)

    I'll translate the other interesting parts later.

    • Thanks 1

    Very close! Look at both t-shirts, it's not the regular cotton t-shirts. The fabric is Lycra or Spandex-like. It's very smooth and pleasant to touch. The cardigans also look very similar, except MH's cardigan looks like worn wool cardigan. The naughty side of me thinks that it's the same cardigan. But HS washed the cardigan using washing machine and tumble dried (using electrical dryer) it, that's why it turns like that :P . But no, MH's cardigan is short while HS's is long, much longer.

    Before this, we saw HS in MH's style, but now it's the other way round. They really know how to drive us nut!

  14. But as u said, they knew they will create a stir, and yet they still went :) I think there's no stopping them from enjoying each other's company and supporting their friends ... I wonder if all their outings together is a way for them to slowly and subtly tell the world that they are "together" ;) keke

    I kind of agree with you. I think going out together publicly like that is a very good strategy for them. While they still can use BOF or F4+1 card to go out together, it's good to let the public see them together often, even though not only the two of them. It's good to let the public aware of their established friendship. Therefore, after this, if they were seen together again, with or without KB/KJ/KHJ, people won't make a big fuss about it.

    I really think MH and HS's relationship, if any, is made in heaven. Just think about it, they have Kim Joon which is very supportive and thoughtful, ready to be their chaperon anytime, they also have Kim Bum who is also a good friend to Jung Il Woo, whom we all know is MH's BFF. Even if HS went to Il Woo's birthday party as MH's date one day, people would not make a fuss about it because they're used to seeing KB, HS and MH together.

  15. To those who read my translations and share the same sentiment as mine, thank you so much. Atleast I know I wasn't exaggerating things, or making a justification solely for the sake of my MinSun addiction... :P

    And thank you also to those who share the recent MinSun sighting photos and vids.

    ais730, pixie_eve, I also pity them. They just couldn't enjoy their time together normally. They couldn't talk, laugh and smile freely. They're so cautious and tense. But I guess that's the price they have to pay for playing the role of GJD and GJP. But, if they didn't accept those role, they would never met each other, would they? If they never met each other, they would never known each other, would they? And if they never known each other, they would never know that there'd be such a beautiful friendship/ relationship between them, would they? Aren't gems always pricey? I hope they will endure the hardships they're facing now until the end...the ending that all of us here is wishing for.

    I also read that translation that sue and bella did for GHS's thread where she said that she likes someone when Tablo asked her about it last May? If i were in Hyesun's shoes and that person is not Minho, i'd much rather spend my free time and days when i'm not working with that person rather than hanging out with the F4... I guess for Hyesun it's no skin off her nose since she probably is with the person she likes already and who likes her the same way back...

    And I remember reading one of HS's interview where she clearly said that she's different from GJD because she would never spend her times with other man if she likes someone else.

  16. The audio is really terrible but Sue from the GHS thread summarized it. If anyone speaks Japanese (Jujol!) please translate...

    Here I come...hehheh. The audio was indeed terrible. I was also having difficulties in hearing who says this, who says that.

    Btw, pls be informed that the translation below is totally based on the japanese subtitle. And I only translated the parts which' re related to MinSun and which I found interesting.

    PART 2

    From 2:09

    Reporter/ staff: How do you feel being surrounded by pretty (hot) guys?

    Reporter/ staff: : Who is your choice?

    1 of the F4 : Please be honest

    HS : Wait...…

    MH : I won't give any pressures to you.

    MH : I'm looking at another direction now, (so, no pressure).

    One of the F3 : I am also looking at another direction (so, no pressure).

    XX : If you took so much time to answer, they will cut (as in filming) it.

    XX : Don't take so much time.

    HS : I thought I just want to pass the question, but they keep asking...…

    Staff/ reporter: What did you feel when you were selected?

    HS: Eh?

    Staff/ reporter: When you were selected as a heroine in a drama which fulls of pretty (hot) guys...

    KB: She's having trouble in giving the answer but...I can't do anything to help.

    MH: Hahaha..

    KJ: Let's pretend that we are not here.

    MH: I don't know what are noona's thoughts (so I can't help).

    HS: I just thought it'd be fun and interesting. They are (F4) very fun to be with and they are very close with each other. It's only me who they don't be friendly with. Hahaha. I'm just kidding. Because we are close to each other like this, I think we can make a fun drama.

    Staff/ reporter: Among this group, do you have your ideal type?

    (After the reporter asked this question, HS turned around and looked directly at MH, (MH also looked at HS!!) then she briefly looked at KB, KJ and lastly KHJ. If I'm not mistaken I heard the reporter/ staff saying "Ohkk!!", as if she was surprised with something.)

    Staff/ reporter: If looking at your eyes.... (I think, please correct me if I'm wrong, the reporter was trying to say that according to HS's eyes, because she was looking at MH first, seemed like MH was HS's ideal type***. But, before the staff/reporter could finish his/her sentence, MH suddenly open his mouth and said "it's really a troublesome question". He sounded so defensive to me. To me, he seemed like trying to gloss over HS's unguarded-reflexive-response.).

    MH: It's really a troublesome question (Didn't he sound so defensive here? And he repeated the same sentence one more time. You can hear he said "chongmal..", "chinca.." (really..)).

    KB: It's a bully.

    HS: Each of them has their own charms. If I can take one from here, one from there and gather it, it will be my ideal type.

    XX: You skilfully escaped from answering the question.

    KB: Just like what is written in the text books.

    KHJ: Then we have to pull out our eyes, nose and mouth and assemble it.

    MH: Who it will become?

    HS: Because each of them has their own attractiveness...…

    Staff/ reporter: Please choose one.

    One of the F4: Why my name is not nominated?

    From 5:32

    MH: Do you wear tights/ leggings under that? You also wear t-shirts inside right? You really wear a lot of layers of clothes, aren't you?

    HS said something but was not translated.

    PART 3

    At 2:40 MH offered his seat to HS upon seeing HS coming in.

    MH: Sit here.

    MH: Please sit down.

    (But HS ignored him. Maybe she didn't want others to notice MH's extra attention for her ;))

    *** At 0:18, the reporter asked F4, who's the most handsome among them. She asked each one of them to give an answer. MH chose to speak first.

    MH: Handsome guy?

    Reporter: Yes, handsome guy.

    MH: Aaaa...

    Then MH looked at KB first, then he looked at KHJ.

    Then MH said

    MH: The youngest KB is very handsome while Joon-shi is thoughtful.

    [[ What I'm trying to say is...This scenario and the above scenario are similar. When MH was asked who's the most handsome among them, he looked at KB first, then looked at the rest. Then, eventually he said that KB is very handsome.

    So, in HS's scenario, because she looked at MH first before looking at the others when she was asked who's her ideal type, her reflexive non-verbal/body language response implied that MH is/was her ideal type...don't you think so?]]

    • Like 1
  17. Just read from GHS thread (credit to smdrma for the info and susamerica for the translation) that HS moved from her parents house to live alone sometime in June. Must be after Taiwan fanmeeting. I do not know about others but for me moving out of parents' house to live alone is one of the sign of having a relationship. But in HS's case, she decided to live alone maybe because she wanted to live nearer to her Cafe Manolin, or she didn't want her parents to be affected by her unregular working hours. She did mention in one of her interviews that she loves to work in the midnight.

    And...this can also be linked to the rumour about MH bought a house in the same compound as HS's. But, it's just a rumour ok.

    saintzizahmino, I really love your PS, especially the 1st one. Their steps were in sync!

  18. tracyminsunlove, sorry to hear that you're affected by the recent typhoons. I really hope you're OK. Hard times like this will make you stronger...the sun shines after the rain. Hang in there, ok.

    And I was wondering why the agency had say the reason why MH was at the PIFF hahaha...He was invited, and that's reason enough.. why do they need to say that he was there FOR the FANS?? hehehe :P they don't have to be so defensive about him being there :lol:

    Exactly!! The agency sounds so defensive. MH was invited to attend it, that should be the one and only reason. It would be rude of him if he refused to attend. I think it's the agency's pre-deployed defensive system in case some itchy mouths said MH decided to attend the PIFF because HS would be there.

    webby, I thought that photo was real!!! But HS looked like MH's female personal butler (I'm watching My Fair Lady now :P ) there.

    To flowerpot, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! We all are blessed to have a fellow MinSun shippers like you. Keep up a good work, looking forward to YATO and SCL next installment.

  19. Hi all!

    I don't have much things to say, I just want to join your "party" here...I don't want to be left behind.

    Thanks miaw13 for sharing the clip. I think what I thought of them/ the clip is exactly the same of what you all thought.

    Their physical closeness (even though we know they were asked to), MH's stares, HS's shyness, Oh God! please tie them together with the reddest thread/string you have and never undo the knot! :D

    Looking at their physical closeness, they were too comfortable with each other to be a mere colleague. HS's shyness when asked to look at MH really meant something.

    And blooming, please share the source of that gossip/info. Well, honestly, if it turned out to be true, I'm not surprise. And you know what, I always thought of what's going on between them as real-life BOF, with HS and MH as GJD and GJP themselves, MH's fanatic fans and HS's antis as Mama Kang, MinSun shippers like us as the Geums whom couldn't be any happier to see them together, F3 as F3 and PBY or SP as JaeKyung... :lol: And if you look back to Taiwan trip, their sneaky glances, MH attentive BF actions (pouring water, took HS's cheongsam and gave it to the host, etc)...the moments in Taiwan are very similar to certain scenes in BOF Episode 5 and 6 (happy moments in New Caledonia).

    And , if MH did actually bought a house in the same compound as HS's, and moves there, then this would be the real-life remake of BOF Episode 18. Then we only have 7 more episodes before we see someone kneeling in front of the other with a box of ring in his hand! :rolleyes:

    Last but not least, to those affected with the recent natural disasters, take care.

  20. Just looking Minho pictures during Trugen fansigning and I've noticed that he's wearing a platinum band like a couple ring. Actually seen him wearing that ring couple of times already.I know in Korea if you're in a relationship both couple will be wearing a couple ring???

    In some countries like Japan, someone wears a ring on his or her ring finger (right: engaged, left:married) only if they're engaged or married. But in some other countries, someone wears a ring on his/her ring finger when they are in a relationship. I also notice that nowadays MH loves to wear ring on his ring finger. Do you think he wants to tell others that he's reserved for someone? :)

    One more thing, lxandra (@ GHS'sthread) mentioned that HS was too careful not to mention any actor names, esp the hot one (during the Academy Night). I think they both were careful not too mention the opposite sex counterparts. Maybe they want to avoid LQ (not Low Quality :P ).

  21. I just watched the Academy Night @ YT (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42OaVdfMd_0). It's so dull and gloomy. I think both HS and MH were too tired from their tight schedule at Japan. It's so different from the previous interview at Namsan Tower/ Teddy Museum, where we can see they were so bubbly.

    I just want to share MH's answers in the interviews.


    Q: What is the similarity between the (GJP) role and yourself?

    A: The personality is totally different. Myself, when I have a girlfriend, I like to have a "friendship-like" relationship where we can be very comfortable with each other.


    Q:Which Japanese actor/actress you want to work with?

    A: Kimura Takuya... I always watch his dramas/movies.

    *Remember, HS said that her favourite Japanese actor is Kimura Takuya? Btw, HS's answer was "To work with, I prefer actress. Like Inoue Mao (Makino Tsukushi), or Aoi Yu. In a drama/film about girls' story."

  22. I agree 100%. I found another resemblance with their New Balance shoes not the pink one. It's like yellow and grey. I think she was wearing it during the radio show with Yimura and Minho was wearing it too.If you remember before BOF Hyesun style was not like that she's very conservative not funky and then now it's the opposite. Who made her change the way she dress up!!! he.he....:))))

    Blooming, I wish you can share the photos of HS with that shoes and MH with the matching shoes.

    Anyway, I totally agree with you. During early BOF, I spent some times to know more about our Jandi, I checked her profile and spent hours browsing her photos those available in Internet. Like you said she wasn't a funky type before. She's just a normal girl. It's quite hard to find her in black, white and grey outfits. And those leather bands with metal studs...no way! In fact, at the airport on her way to 1st Japan fanmeeting, she's still her ownself.

    Then she started to change into someone else during her 1st film festival, when she wore that 'you know which' T. I remember reading I post in GHS's thread in relation to her photos from that film festival, "she looks like the female version of LMH". And I just couldn't agree more :D . Then her appearance at the airport on their way to Taiwan... black, white, grey ...aren't they MH's colours? I remember reading one of MH's interviews, he said his wardrobe mostly black, white and grey. If you notice, she loves black lately. Even in summer! (the Namsan and Teddy museum shooting). And then all the matching shoes, checked shirt, hooded sweater, accessories. And just look at her during Doutor fansigning. She's so different from her ownself but looked so much like 'you know who' in his recent CF. She should have appeared girlish, just like her image in the Doutor CF, because it was Doutor fansigning (don't get me wrong, I'm not criticising her).

    Looking at her reminds me of my ownself, when I had crush on this guy. One day I saw him in rose colour shirt and he looked darn handsome in it. The next day, I went to this department store and bought ALL rose colour face towels (I wanted to buy a rose colour shirt, but it would be too obvious, all my arubaito (part-time job) friends would know, so I settled with towels because I always bring face towels to work). However, for some reason, my friends could sense the change in me and they could guess that I like that guy...

    The conclusion is, I think she's in love with someone (I'm not saying they're dating). If there's anything I could do to support her, I would do it. Just looking at her glowing complexion makes me so happy.

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