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    Maybe those people were too young? That was the trend back then. Most Korean pop groups had those hairstyles. HOT was probably more outrageous then the other groups. LOL. Listening to groups like Baby Vox, SES,and Shinhwa brings back memories.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    lol, I can't wait to watch this week's episodes. The guy is a born fool which is why he fell so hard. He was very careless and didn't even think of the consequences or plan B.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    As for JY dumping DH, she could see he was on a downward spiral (everyone could see - her, his college friend, even the cautious guy) and staying with him would have meant going down with him. 5 years of a relationship doesn't mean you should stay with a self destructive guy - cut your losses and find a better man, I say. Or stay single. Either way you're better off.  And while I think they may get back together, he never showed that he loved her or even prioritized her feelings one bit. Think twice before you marry someone like that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think the best ending would be for DH to end up alone, move to a new city and start a new life.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lol, so IH hit on him? Hahaha... I've been waiting for this for ages.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    LOL. I love it. "Cut your losses and find a better man." I've gotta use that next time. It's quite fitting for the drama - money and all.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But yes, I agree with you completely. I dislike it when people wait around because they think they change that person, or believes that the person will change. It rarely ever happens, and if it does, it doesn't mean that you should wait around for it. LMJ is honest and realistic; she made the best choice for herself. That's how people should act in these types of situations.
































































































































































































































































































































































    I just started watching this drama and I'm pretty impress. I don't really care for the Jang Hyuk and Kim Hee Ae scene. I was impressed with the dialogues between Jang Hyuk and Lee Min Jung. LMJ tells it like how it is. I love the honesty because it makes it a little more realistic. I also love how she can tell JH off. When I saw him say "if you don't hold onto me (I might not be there?)," I was like, did he just say that? Thank goodness she told him off. I love it that she is independent.
































































































































































































    Lastly, I love the Noh Min Woo scenes. He's so cute!!!! His character is hilarious.
















































































































































































    I'm betting that I'm going to want to strangle Yoon Ju in a few weeks. I already dislike her at the moment and it's the third episode. Wait, I've disliked her since she betrayed the professor.

















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