Jump to content


Friends of Soompi
  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by ticteuk.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm so happy they've come out with a new album. They came back with a bang with their new song & music video. I can't wait to see this performed live. These guys are so talented! I hope they gain more recognition & new fans with this comeback.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Full music video is out!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^Woww! It's so great to hear his voice in a new song! Thank you for finding that. Love the song ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can't wait for their comeback! Hopefully this thread will be more active & they gain more fans!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Great blog btw~Will follow it from now on!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Charice is such an amazing, talented girl! She was great on Oprah & QVC. I kept watching QVC after she left & the woman kept fangirling (esp about David Foster xD) and mentioning Charice to the callers!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I would love to hear her Japanese songs! I need that version too xD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hey everyone! It's been a while, let's wake this thread up from the dead xD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I found Kyuhoon's twitter account through ISAK (from SM Entertainment). She has confirmed it's really him: http://twitter.com/Glenn0201
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    haha his english name seems to be Glenn Rhee~and GREAT NEWS! On his sidebar, he states that they are working on their album & will have a comeback soon! OMG! It's been so loooong! Here is the exact text that he wrote in english:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "Bio: Lead vocalist of the Korean group Soulstar. Currently in-between albums! Soulstar is making a comeback soon!"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sorry for bumping this thread, but I was wondering if anyone bought their KU990 Viewty from Ebay? I'm looking into buying this phone, so i would like any recommendations for trustworthy sellers ^^ It's my first time buying from Ebay and i'm a little hesitant because of all the horror stories i hear/read about getting fakes/damaged phones.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My parents used to slap my hand with slippers if i disobeyed when i was younger, but they never beat me. Nowadays it's just yelling.
























































































    No big updates, but i found Only One For Me Acoustic version on Kyuhoon's cyworld, posted last year. I love this song! Sounds great no matter what version. These guys are just so talented!
































































































































































































    Old pics from 2007:
































































































































































































    ChangGeun & Seungwoo LOL
































































































































































































































































    Kyuhoon. Awee. Ponytail. lol
























































































































































    haha this is so amusing! i got this guy to google DBSK & he's watching the TRIANGLE MV & SNSD's GEE.
































































    Stranger: hi
































































    You: hi :D
































































    You: how are you?
































































    Stranger: fine
































































    Stranger: where you come from
































































    You: US
































































    You: you?
































































    Stranger: germany
































































    You: cool
































































    You: do you like dbsk?
































































    Stranger: what?































































































































    You: dbsk google it
































































    You: are you a guy or girl?
































































    Stranger: guy
































































    Stranger: never saw them































































































































    You: you should check them out
































































    You: good music
































































    You: how old are you?
































































    Stranger: looks like tekken
































































    You: haha they do
































































    Stranger: i like the classic part
































































    You: the what?































































































































    Stranger: trinangl
































































    Stranger: the beginning
































































    You: oh you're listening to triangle?
































































    You: thats a good song
































































    You: how old are you?
































































    Stranger: do you understand it?
































































    Stranger: 30
































































    You: yup
































































    Stranger: strange
































































    You: what's strange?
































































    Stranger: the band
































































    You: maybe you'll like this one better
































































    You: hold on
































































    You: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E77r2hvgU8o
































































    You: it's a girl group
































































    Stranger: i like the girls without sound! ;-=
































































    You: hahaha
































































    Stranger: ;-)
























































































    At tokyograph, the article says she has Grave's disease :( Hiro is such a sweet guy. I know he'll take great care of her. I love the way he looks at her in the press con pics~that picture with them showing their rings. Adorable!
































































    His short, permed hair is cute. lol.
























































































    My jaws literally dropped when i read this! Let's cry our hearts out now girls. xD Hiro support group. NOW! hahaha
































































    This came as a shock to me, but i'm so happy for those two. Hiro seems like the perfect guy & Ayaka seems like such a nice girl.
































































    Congratulations to both!
































































    to get our minds off this...
































































    UPDATE! New Drama!
































































    It's called MR. BRAIN. His costar include Kimura Takuya & Ayase Haruka!!!! Hiro will be playing Hayashida Toranosuke , a young cop.
































































    From tokyograph:

    SMAP member Takuya Kimura has picked up his next starring role in a television drama. He will play the lead in TBS's comedy/mystery series "MR.BRAIN," scheduled to start in mid-spring.

    Kimura plays the part of Ryusuke Tsukumo, a neuroscience researcher affiliated with a National Police Agency laboratory. Although his skills help solve difficult cases, he has one flaw: he is generally "clueless to the situation" (better known by the slang term "KY," or "kuuki o yomenai"), leading to various comical interactions. In general, each episode will be a different case.
































































    Kimura's assistant will be played by Haruka Ayase, while Hiro Mizushima will take on the role of a young cop. Other characters include the head of the lab (Mao Daichi), another detective (Teruyuki Kagawa), and a couple of researchers (Yuji Tanaka of Bakusho Mondai and Tortoise Matsumoto of Ulfuls).
































































    TBS plans to broadcast the drama in its Saturday 7:56pm time slot, which will be occupied by "God Hand Teru" starting April 11. "MR.BRAIN" will begin on May 23.























































































































































    ^Permeddddd hair T__T I like it wavy! hahah
































































    The magazine scans up there are freaking beautiful. Shirtless Hiro laying on a table*__*
































































    & Lucky Maki! i love this pic. http://i39.-/1hr11x.jpg<3
























































































    Mardi09 thank you so much for the Under the Radar page! These guys definitely need more attention!
































































    Kyuhoon recently made a short video for soulist.com (a vocal community). He introduced himself as "Soulstar's Lee Kyuhoon." I don't know why, but i felt really happy listening to that. It's been so long since these guys released something new & performed together. It kind of gave me hope that they will be back soon. haha.
























































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ Thanks for the scans! I love that outfit on him *___* So sexy! haha Seriously, how many pairs of boots does this guy own though! xD They're like his trademark article of clothing. haha
































































    fungie; thanks for the gifs! haha i love the text. really cute ^^
























































































    avinn thanks for the press conference pics & scans! haha Hiro & Sato are so cute!
































































    According to Hiro's schedule, he's going to be on SmapxSmap on March9th! I hope he's in the Cooking/Bistro segment! I can't wait!
































































































































    Oh! I forgot these scans~Hiro & Narimiya Hiroki look like such good friends. Hiro even listed him as one of his close friends in his recent photobook
































































    (Hiromode) ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    cr; hhj0701!
























































































    Please don't make it awkward. Everything's so weird right now.
















































































    O_O he looks incredibly sexy with that smirk. asjiddfgdfgasd.
































































    Thanks for those pics!
































































    News pics from a recent interview with Narimiya Hiroki.
































































































































































































    Here are more pics from PIA
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Visual Boy magazine scans! LOL at his shirt. It's like eating him up cause it's too big xD haha
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg yess! i really enjoyed Zettai Kareshi!































































































































    "Zettai Kareshi" returns
































































    Fuji TV's live-action "Zettai Kareshi" series is coming back for a special episode. Based on the manga by Yuu Watase, the series originally aired from April to June 2008.
































































    The special, titled "Zettai Kareshi ~Kanzen Muketsu no Koibito Robot~," is set after the end of the series. Mocomichi Hayami will reprise his role as the robot Night (Naito) Tenjo, along with co-stars Saki Aibu and Hiro Mizushima. The cast will have a couple of additions, with Ryoko Kuninaka playing a brilliant scientist and Asahi Uchida playing her assistant.
































































    Fuji TV will broadcast the episode this spring.

















































































    It's so quiet in here--I was beginning to wonder if Chang Geun and Seung Woo have been doing their military service. I haven't seen any of them for a long time---I should have posted this earlier, but due to Take projects and other things, I didn't think of it until now (sorry ><)...I was looking for a small pic of Kyuhoon to add to my Take anniversary posting, and couldn't find one--thought I would check here. I don't know if anyone knows this, but our Sungjae has started his own side business of singing for weddings-- and Kyuhoon is one of the other artists.
































































    It's good to see that Kyuhoon is out and about. It's been 7 months since the group's last event. I'm going to be so happy when they release their 2nd album, whenever that is. I really want to hear new Soulstar songs. I miss their performances T__T
































































    Thanks for the news! Hopefully we can hear more from SS soon.
























































































    His new songs are pretty catchy. I love his 2nd single ^^ It's good to see him back. I can't wait to see his new performances!
































































    I found a new picture! *______________&*^!!








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Queeny, thank you so much for those scans. Gorgeous butler indeed!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Welcome to the new posters here! Please join us in spazzing xD haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Here some scans from Heroes Magazine with Hiro & Narimiya Hiroki
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    bumpbump! haha. gotta keep this thread active ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hiro's pictures from various of his costars' blogs! Read translations of Takeru Satoh & Narimiya Hiroki's blog about Hiro at http://unleashthegeek.blogspot.com/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yamada Yu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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