Jump to content


Friends of Soompi
  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by mayz

  1. Just watched the Ha Ji Won's episode! Loved the whole sports championship concept and weird sports ground (badminton in a supermarket?) hahaha. Lots of funny moments in this episode! I absolutely loved it when KJK had to stand aside to watch the Easy Brothers play badminton because he couldn't play well and was fuming mad when the two kept scoring! It was hilarious~!! :lol: :lol:

    Looking forward to Han Ga In's episode with the 'moon embraces the sun' concept! ^_^ brings back memories of the drama!

    Also, does anyone knows when BoA's episode will air? I reckon it'll be after Han Ga In's episode?

  2. What kind of comments? can you give me more details?

    Can't freaking wait

    I was referring to the comments right above that said she had really good stamina during the filming! ^^

    And sorry, I made a mistake about her appearance next week, it should be the episode after Ha JiWon I think!

    But anyway, I just watched ytd's episode and it sure was another thrilling episode!!

    It was so funny how BB had to use the rings and EVERYONE (including RM team) were like, OMG please stop! hahaha the look on YJS's face was priceless when he heard that! XD

    Oh I love how TOP ruthlessly tore YJS's name tag upon seeing him!! He was so calm throughout the whole show and suddenly he just changed when it got urgent. LOL.

    And for the final round with Gary VS Taeyang: Gary was too naive to think TY had disappear!! Such a pity for the RM team but that was a good disappearance act on TY. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Watching Shinee's Hello Baby and successfully dling the shows I want! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Absolutely love how they're calling each other yo~ong and Hyu~un.. haha such a cuuuuute pair! cant wait to watch the next ep. woo~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I'm getting hooked onto Pet Society AGAIN.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    After 8 months of hiatus from this game... my AUNTS actually brought me back into the game. x_x"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [iNFO] 100203 JJ Magazine Decides To Reprint Again































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wow.. I didn't know this magazine was so sought after! I went to Taiwan 2 weeks ago and chanced upon a one and only copy in a bookstore and bought it because dbsk was on it! I thought it was another Japanese magazine featuring them again... Guess I was lucky to be able to get one! :D
































































































































































































































































































































    "Break Out" is doing so well! Congrats to the boys for their achievements in this early part of the year~
























































































































    Hi Hi Hiii! I've got a question regarding the noraebangs in S'pore.








































    Besides Bong bong and Bi noraebang, does anyone know any other noraebangs in SG?








































    Thanks~ :D

















    well, he is overrated. Don't know what the big fuss is about him. He's unoriginal and his songs sound the same. His fans put him at such a high level in which he doesn't belong in. I give him credit for writing his own music tho.








































































































    I'm still waiting for my AADBSK DVD to arrive! Any else like me, resisting to watch the uploaded vids and looking at the screenshots?? I haven't even watch Picture of You MV because I want to enjoy everything from the DVDs! I'm high on anticipation and it's killing me! More so when I visit this thread! XD
































































    SM Town Album- :huh: Only 4 songs and just 3 groups? Why aren't the female singers included?








































    I like the song Seaside though :P .. I know it isn't the best song, but maybe because I'm bias (with my fav grps in it!). It's such a cheerful song.. it makes one feel cheery and giggly after listening to it. :lol: And I seriously can't believe Changmin's the one who starts out the song!! It's so funny and refreshing at the same time! XD
































































    I've finally backtracked over 40+ pages full of words in chunks of paragraphs! >.>"








































    Congrats to the success of the International Fans message!! :) Being mentioned by the Korean press is just almost definite tvxq will see them and hopefully they do! ^^








































    Yoochun's really sweet to tattoo Always keep the Faith on his chest, close to his heart. It's not only a message to us fans that we have to keep the faith but also, the tattoo will definitely remind him how supportive fans are to them in this difficult time.








































    Joongie has a tattoo on his chest too, but what does it really say? Is it confirmed it's the same as Chunnie's?








































    Even though SMTOWN LIVE concert is being postponed, I'm glad their Japanese activities are still going according to plan. THSK is definitely 100% continuing and that just puts my heart to ease about stupid disbandment rumours.
























































    Jaejoong and Yunho's pics from A-Nation 09








































    Credit : TVXQ Baidu















































































    Thanks for sharing this. I hope their pale-ness is due to the effects of the photos but seriously, JJ looks really pale!








































    It's nice to see some new photos admist all the pages of words and chaos! :crazy:








































    I'm just glad the 5 of them are sticking together and dismissed the rumors of disbanding. That's the most important issue for me.








































    As for the rest, I hope everything goes in favour of the boys. And that is speaking from an ethical POV. They deserve so much and brought about tons of profits to the company, yet what they get are just nuts. <_<
































































    A-nation- I know I'm slow in commenting this but wow. The songs list is longer than previous years! Love the list of songs as well. Can't wait to see the official broadcast of the perfs!








































    Geez. I'm trying to ignore those rumors of disbanding but they just keep coming, it's annoying as hell! And let those JUST be rumors.








































    I know for sure, we are all worried for the boys and it was really cool of DNBN to write messages of different languages to international fans. I'm now just anxiously waiting for an official statement from the boys themselves.

























































    I AM SO GLAD CHANGMIN HAS GOT A SOLO PROJECT! I was getting worried he'll be left out without any solo projects while the rest do.








































    OMG I'm sooo excited to see Changmin in a drama! He was pretty good in the Banjun drama- Unforgettable Love. :D








































    Well, after so long of DBSK together-ness, they are finally expanding and doing solo projects. There are always pros and cons to everything- it just boils down to fans supporting them in whatever they do! Let's all be happy for the boys to be able to clinch solo projects! Congrats Changmin! <3








































    Hopefully there'll be news of Junsu's solo project? The rumoured mini-album would be just fantastic! XD
































































    AADBSK 3








































    OMG.. That's one hella long list of contents for their most-anticipated DVD set! :D








































    It's so cool the boys have got individual versions for Mirotic and Wrong Number MVs! I wonder how it'll turn out to be like.. ><








































    And wow there's the individual stories (making of) for Vacation which is such a long-ago thing. Would be nicer if there was Dating On Earth! :<








































    In any case, every single thing in the contents r excitement-worthy! XD Can't wait for the release of this DVD set!
































































    Yunho acting- Congratulations to him! It's good he's branching out. I'm happy he's got the chance to lead in a miniseries. 16 or so episodes of Yunho as lead character! Plus the character sounds a lot like DBSK... passion, dreams and working hard. I'm confident Yunho will be able to portray his character well. And like everyone else here, I hope he's able to cope with his solo and group activities. Hopefully he doesn't have to miss out any major group activities for his drama.































































































































    I believe track 6 is Hug and 42 is balloons.








































    I'm excited for Timeless duet!! Would be so nice to see Junsu and Liyin together again! :D








































    Excited for Show Me Your Love too! DongbangSuju!








































    Okay, I'm actually excited for SM'09! :lol:
































































    ^LOL. Even the doll has tattoo on it! :lol:








































    090711 miroticon beijing






























































































































    Jae Joong looks like he was in his own world in the group pics. Or should I say Yoomin and Hosu looked like they were in their own world instead. Lol. Cute! ^^

    [News] TOHOSHINKI’s Concert Has Been Praised by Japanese Artists








































    I seriously love reading this! It's really true that the boys shine and show alot during their live perfs.








































    Humble personality.. SO RIGHT! <3









  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..