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Posts posted by twix0rz

  1. No, you're not asking too much of anyone. Every one (both guys and girls) want to be acknowledged by their significant other. Sometimes you can tell from his/her actions but usually a simple, 'I love you' or 'I like you' is sufficient enough. Usually in my relationships I let my girlfriend know that I'm not going to say anything to her unless I mean it, so she shouldn't expect an 'I love you' from me for a while until I really feel that way. But when I do end up saying it to her, I let her know whenever I get the chance.

    If your boyfriend isn't really chasing after you then maybe he's just not worth it anymore. Dump his worthless a*s and pick up someone who will appreciate you. You can also wake him up to realize what he has by breaking it off with him and see how he feels about it. (Obviously you should try and talk to him about it first) But sometimes it's easier to just hit him hard with reality then watch him scurry back to you.

    I just might need to have a talk with him soon. I dislike confrontation so i guess that is why i haven't been hard on him about this and other things.

    Thanks for your help. :) You sound like a good boyfriend too.

  2. My bf hasn't said or typed i love you or even i like you for over half a year now. I know i shouldn't have to ask him to say it. I should be able to tell from his actions. But even when i do ask him to say i like you in a joking manner, he will just brush it off.

    I just feel like every once in awhile...i just want to hear it. Am i asking too much of him? I really don't think so. Maybe some boys don't like expressing their feelings but is this too much?

    Ahhh, i just want some input. It has been bugging me lately...i think i am watching too many lovey dovey dramas/movies. lol.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Once my mom was driving my sisters and i to school. It was very snowy/icy and our car spun out of control. One of our back wheels rested on a tree branch and the car was stuck. Without that branch our car would have slid down a deep ditch. Thankfully a guy from behind us helped us. He signaled to my mom from behind the car to drive slowly and made sure the back wheel stayed on that branch. He also helped push the car. We were so grateful to that man for helping. We were very lucky that day.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Waaahhhh this is too cute!:D Reading your update #7 made me all smiley and happy, kind of forgot about the final i have tomorrow...haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Can't even imagine how happy you must be be.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Keep us updated!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    & if you were begging for cheesecake then it is totally worth it.

































  5. Breakfast: 2 strawberry Swiss rolls (Chinese brand)

    Lunch: Cha Siu Pork with a little bit of rice and Cabbage,Tea

    Dinner: Mushroom and chicken noodles

    Snack: Another Swiss roll.

    10 pm dinner #2: BF cooked spaghetti. <3 Hehe

    Now that is called eating a lot. but i ate even worse yesterday. Oh well, food here is just so tasty.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It was around dinner time and my bf texted me:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    BF: I eat first, bye bye.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    ME: Why? :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































    BF: Hehehe, just kidding pork pork (nickname).
































































































































































































































































































































































































    He also randomly texts me porkchop~~ piggy~ rourou~~ (all nicknames) haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    He is definitely not a sweet talker but he makes me :).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Well its my birthday technically and my bf ignored me since lunch. No lunch, no dinner, turned off phone all day, nothing...
































































































































































































































































































































































































    i hope i am overreacting cause i don't want to start my birthday being sad. sigh...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Why can you get so mad at me so easily? Why do you leave me behind and never care to look back? Why must i always be the one to say sorry when you have done so many hurtful things to me? Do you even know how much you hurt me with your careless words and actions?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ...i wish i could say these things to you but i am too afraid that you will leave...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I have the hidden inner eyelid thing. I never really thought about surgery, just seems like too much hassle but I am not against it either. But we really can't say monolids or small eyelids is more Asian/ethnic...
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Most people think Asian girls have monolids and smaller eyes (or maybe just the people i know) but it isn't true. I am studying in China now and I have noticed that a lot of girls here have natural double eyelids. I am pretty sure there is only one girl in my class of with monolids, all the rest have double eyelids.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Monolids, double eyelids, inner eyelids...it is all beautiful.Beauty just depends on how their features fit their face.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Aw. :) I wouldn't want to eat them...well i probably would hahaha. But they are so cute.
































































































































    Well she is definitely very good at it. Hopefully she is just playing around and not wearing all this makeup everyday.
































































































































    Awww get well soon!
































































































































    listening to music and checking out my cool blood donation gifts. haha.

































  14. The comfort level depends entirely on the guy. To be honest I think that both the guy and the girl should be comfortable with each other to some extent before being a couple. There really isn't a set number of dates either. If the feelings are there then they're there. Also, you'll know when you're his gf when he asks you to be.

    Good answer. XD Thank you. I should stop thinking about this stuff and start thinking more about my studies. haha.

  15. How many dates did you guys go on before you felt comfortable with your gf? How many dates till you actually told her you like her? I mean how i am i suppose to know we are bf/gf? >.< Haha..i feel so dumb when it comes to lovey dovey stuff.

    Story if you are curious: I am in China right now and i am pretty sure this guy likes me. We went out to eat 6 times now. (not sure if that is a lot..i am clueless). He is going to take me to the movies later. He is not very talkative though and most of the time i have to ask him questions. He will still ask me questions but he just seems quiet. Yesterday night he seemed more comfortable and we talked a lot. Seems like guys in China or more modest and take their time. Lol.
































































































    you are so pretty but in cantonese. haha.
































    What a nice classmate. ^^
































































































































    peanuts. XD my only snack...T_T
































































































































    Xiao le is so cute! Especially when he says bai tuo ni (pretty please) lol. I can't wait for episode 8!!!!
































































































































    steamed fish, rice, bai cai, soup...mmmmm. XD
































































































































    Sue visiting her sister was very unexpected and touching, i teared up. :( I am glad we got to see a different side of her.

































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