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Posts posted by GOOMBA








































    Looking at my old posts in this thread; sunny, rainy, sunny, but not sunny enough...
























    Today was so hot that I would have loved to sit in an igloo for a few hours.








































    I've been craving boba for the longest time and I finally had time to get some! I had a big smile coming home. Nommmmm :lol:








































    My mom.
































    My phone.
















    COLD AIR. It's tooooooooo hot outside.
















    Money <3

















    i am cutie pie, why aren't girls asking me out!!








    Perhaps it's because your literacy isn't upto their standards.








































































































































































































































































    I woke up and went to say good morning to my mom, and she hugged me and called me the best daughter :D
































































































































































































































































































































    I've been so frustrated with the weather lately. Yesterday, it was hecka sunny in the morning, then started to pour, and I was in shorts! Then today, it was pouring, so I went out literally in a bomber jacket and jeans with boots, and it became bright and hot! ASDJDSIOFJDSIOFJDSI I hate you, so much, Vancouver weather.

































































































    There's no word comparable in English. Americans pronounce it as Gwen, but that's obviously wrong.
































































    I've also heard variations like "new-win" "nuh-goo-wen" "new-yen" which are all wrong. :mellow:

































































































    Never heard of them before. But it sure reminds me of My Beauty Diary Masks.
































































































































    That's my initial thought too.
































































































































    jisuk_, please keep us updated on whether or not it works for you! Also, could you provide us with info as to where it's available for purchase?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ I'm so jealous; you are such a cute girl, and that dress looks amazing! May I ask where you got it from?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day... :tears:
































































































































































































































































































































    i will think of what i can do about it. any animals will do? or are there any specific animals? does he eat cheese? do you want a rice bento or like sandwich or buger bento?
































































































































































































    does he eat rice ball? and for chicken, does he like fried chicken, or chicken balls or something?































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you!
































































































































































































    He loves all animals and all chicken. I don't think he's picky about that :lol: he loves white cheese, hates cheddar, hates sandwiches and hates burgers. I don't know with rice balls... he's never tried them, but he does eat rice for dinner if that helps!
































































































































































































    You're the best :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi sweetfantasy09,
































































































































































































    Could I please request a bento tutorial when you have time? I'm contemplating making a bento for a younger child, and he's a very, very fussy eater! A lot of the ingredients in your current posted bentos are ingredients he wouldn't eat.
































































































































































































    Things he loves:
































































































































































































    Egg, chicken, spinach/broccoli/onion (the only veggies he's fine with munching on), imitation crab, fish, occasionally fruit depending on his mood <_<
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Pokemon, animals :mellow:
































































































































































































    Absolutely hates:
































































































































































































    Beef and pretty much every other veggie I didn't name up there ^
































































































































































































    With such limited ingredients, I can't think of much. Your input would be greatly appreciated!
































































































































































































    Thank you!

































































































































    i also buy mrs. field's cookies
































































































































































































    I lovelovelovelove their mini cookies. It's 6 for $2.40 or something here in BC, Canada. :wub:

































































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